Propuesta para la implementación de un modelo de plan de negocio funcional en las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas del sector servicios en el cantón de Pérez Zeledón.
Abarca Solano, Juan Gabriel
Hernández Guillén, Karolay
Duarte Sandí, María Fernanda
Granados Rojas, Mónica
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Las empresas de mayor tamaño han optado por utilizar distintos instrumentales para planificar sus estrategias y objetivos de forma clara; uno de ellos es la aplicación de un modelo de negocio, el cual, según Osterwalder y Pigneur (2009), “describe la lógica de cómo una organización crea, entrega, y captura valor” (p. 14).
Por consiguiente, surge la necesidad de indagar en las generalidades de un modelo de negocio y en el nivel de implementación de esta herramienta por parte de las mipymes tanto fuera como dentro del territorio de Costa Rica; dando un enfoque principal a las que conforman el sector servicios, que ha contribuido en gran medida a la economía de muchos países.
Dado lo amplio que es el sector servicios, se mostró atractivo delimitar los resultados a los bares y restaurantes del cantón de Pérez Zeledón, debido al manejo que han tenido en la zona; según datos de la municipalidad para el 2019 había 179 patentes inscritas de estos pequeños negocios.
Los resultados obtenidos confirmaron que los sujetos del presente estudio poseen poco conocimiento en relación al uso de herramientas estratégicas, ya que aproximadamente el 50% nunca ha aplicado alguna a sus procesos, mientras que la otra mitad en algunos casos solamente ha utilizado el FODA.
Los sujetos de estudio cuentan con poco conocimiento sobre el tema modelo de negocio, reflejado en el 67.6% que nunca ha diseñado o implementado alguno en su empresa. Adicionalmente, no llevan un control de la documentación y de los procesos principales que ejecutan; por lo que la falta de conocimiento, la ausencia de asesoría de instituciones o de profesionales, y el tiempo, son parte de los factores influyentes. No obstante, gran parte de los encuestados manifiestan una alta disposición para utilizarlo en futuro para definir sus tácticas empresariales y alcanzar sus metas satisfactoriamente.
Como parte de los objetivos principales de esta investigación, se aporta una propuesta de un modelo de plan de negocio adaptable a las necesidades de los bares y restaurantes de la localidad de estudio; el mismo toma en cuenta aspectos indispensables para cualquier tipo de empresa, como lo es la descripción general del negocio, el análisis interno mediante el uso del DAFO, el PESTAL, la definición de la estrategia, la mercadotecnia, la tecnología, el recurso humano y la contabilidad, al igual que la presentación de un plan de acción.
Larger companies have opted to use different tools to clearly plan their strategies and objectives; one of them is the application of a business model, which, according to Osterwalder and Pigneur (2009), "describes the logic of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value" (p. 14). Therefore, the need arises to investigate the generalities of a business model and the level of implementation of this tool by MSMEs both inside and outside the territory of Costa Rica; focusing mainly on those that make up the service sector, which has contributed greatly to the economy of many countries. Given how broad the service sector is, it was attractive to delimit the results to bars and restaurants in the canton of Pérez Zeledón, due to the management they have had in the area; according to data from the municipality for 2019 there were 179 registered patents of these small businesses. The results obtained confirmed that the subjects of the present study have little knowledge in relation to the use of strategic tools, since approximately 50% have never applied any to their processes, while the other half in some cases have only used SWOT. The subjects of the study have little knowledge on the subject of business models, reflected in the 67.6% who have never designed or implemented one in their company. In addition, they do not keep control of the documentation and of the main processes they carry out; therefore, lack of knowledge, lack of advice from institutions or professionals, and time, are some of the influential factors. However, a large number of respondents express a high willingness to use it in the future to define their business tactics and achieve their goals successfully. As part of the main objectives of this research, a proposal is made for a business plan model adaptable to the needs of bars and restaurants in the locality under study; it takes into account indispensable aspects for any type of enterprise, such as the general description of the business, the internal analysis through the use of SWOT, the PESTAL, the definition of strategy, marketing, technology, human resources and accounting, as well as the presentation of an action plan.
Larger companies have opted to use different tools to clearly plan their strategies and objectives; one of them is the application of a business model, which, according to Osterwalder and Pigneur (2009), "describes the logic of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value" (p. 14). Therefore, the need arises to investigate the generalities of a business model and the level of implementation of this tool by MSMEs both inside and outside the territory of Costa Rica; focusing mainly on those that make up the service sector, which has contributed greatly to the economy of many countries. Given how broad the service sector is, it was attractive to delimit the results to bars and restaurants in the canton of Pérez Zeledón, due to the management they have had in the area; according to data from the municipality for 2019 there were 179 registered patents of these small businesses. The results obtained confirmed that the subjects of the present study have little knowledge in relation to the use of strategic tools, since approximately 50% have never applied any to their processes, while the other half in some cases have only used SWOT. The subjects of the study have little knowledge on the subject of business models, reflected in the 67.6% who have never designed or implemented one in their company. In addition, they do not keep control of the documentation and of the main processes they carry out; therefore, lack of knowledge, lack of advice from institutions or professionals, and time, are some of the influential factors. However, a large number of respondents express a high willingness to use it in the future to define their business tactics and achieve their goals successfully. As part of the main objectives of this research, a proposal is made for a business plan model adaptable to the needs of bars and restaurants in the locality under study; it takes into account indispensable aspects for any type of enterprise, such as the general description of the business, the internal analysis through the use of SWOT, the PESTAL, the definition of strategy, marketing, technology, human resources and accounting, as well as the presentation of an action plan.
Administración con énfasis en gestión financiera
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