Evaluación de un programa de crianza con oferta de volúmenes de leche con orden creciente/decreciente en el desarrollo y rendimiento de terneras Jersey en la Finca Experimental Santa Lucía
Rodríguez Quesada, Fiorella Sofía
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Los sistemas de crianza convencionales están basados en métodos que restringen la ingesta líquida de
leche diaria a una proporción de 10 % del peso vivo de las terneras. Este generalmente está asociado
con un rendimiento reducido por falta de nutrientes, salud pobre y una productividad más baja. El
sistema con oferta de volúmenes de leche con orden creciente/decreciente (OC/D) se da como una
alternativa que posee como base el comportamiento natural del animal, el cual equivale a 2 o 3 veces
más leche que en la crianza convencional, resultando en mayores ganancias de peso y mejores
rendimientos productivos, aumentando la rentabilidad del sistema. El objetivo del presente estudio
fue evaluar un programa de crianza OC/D en el desarrollo y rendimiento de terneras Jersey que sirva
de recomendaciones viables en cuanto al manejo de terneras a productores lecheros. Se utilizaron un
total de 16 terneras Jersey, asignadas aleatoriamente al grupo OC/D o convencional (8 animales por
grupo). Se determinó el consumo de alimento sólido para ambos grupos al medirse diariamente por
medio de una balanza. También, se obtuvo el peso, la altura a la cruz y la cadera de manera semanal,
utilizando una balanza electrónica y regla de medición respectivamente. Se llevó un registro diario de
la consistencia fecal y muertes de los animales. Los datos fueron analizados por medio del programa
estadístico Graph Pad Prism V.9.2.0, donde se utilizó la prueba T Student para evaluar la diferencia
entre medias. Se determinó el costo de producción de un kilogramo de ternera destetada, para lo cual
se llevó un registro diario de los gastos referentes a la crianza de cada animal y posteriormente se
analizaron los datos mediante el programa Excel® de Microsoft. El consumo de alimento concentrado
fue igual para ambos tratamientos. Sin embargo, el grupo OC/D presentó mayor ingesta al destete. Se
dio un efecto del tratamiento en el peso de las terneras, así como un mayor peso al destete y ganancias
de peso diario para el grupo OC/D. La altura a la cruz y cadera fue similar para ambos tratamientos,
alcanzando los márgenes esperados de altura. No se presentaron diferencias en las consistencias
fecales de los grupos, ni se dio la muerte de terneras. El tratamiento OC/D fue más costoso que el
convencional, sin embargo, este último presentó un costo por kilo de ternera destetada mayor, lo que
indica que el grupo OC/D fue más eficiente económicamente.
Conventional rearing systems are based on methods that restrict the daily fluid intake of milk to a proportion of 10% of the live weight of calves. This is generally associated with reduced performance due to lack of nutrients, poor health, and lower productivity. The system with supply of milk volumes in increasing/decreasing order (OC/D) is given as an alternative based on the natural behavior of the animal, which is equivalent to 2 or 3 times more milk than in conventional breeding, resulting in greater weight gains and better production yields, increasing the profitability of the system. The objective of this study was to evaluate an OC/D rearing program in the development and performance of Jersey calves that serves as viable recommendations regarding the management of calves to dairy producers. A total of 16 Jersey calves were used, randomly assigned to the OC/D or conventional group (8 animals per group). Solid food consumption was determined for both groups when measured daily by using a floor weighing scale. Also, weight, height at withers and hips were obtained on a weekly basis, using an electronic scale and measuring ruler, respectively. A daily record was kept of the fecal consistency and deaths of the animals. The data were analyzed through the statistical program Graph Pad Prism V.9.2.0, using the Student's T test to evaluate the difference between means. The production cost of one kilogram of weaned calf, for which a daily record of the expenses related to the rearing of each animal was kept and the data were subsequently analyzed using the Microsoft Excel® program. The consumption of concentrated feed was the same for both treatments. However, the OC/D group had a higher intake at weaning. There was an effect of treatment on calf weight, as well as higher weaning weight and daily weight gains for the OC/D group. Height at withers and hip was similar for both treatments, reaching the expected height margins. There were no differences in the fecal consistencies of the groups, also, no calf died. The OC/D treatment was more expensive than the conventional, however, this last one presented a higher cost per kilo of weaned calf, which indicates that the OC/D group was more efficient economically.
Conventional rearing systems are based on methods that restrict the daily fluid intake of milk to a proportion of 10% of the live weight of calves. This is generally associated with reduced performance due to lack of nutrients, poor health, and lower productivity. The system with supply of milk volumes in increasing/decreasing order (OC/D) is given as an alternative based on the natural behavior of the animal, which is equivalent to 2 or 3 times more milk than in conventional breeding, resulting in greater weight gains and better production yields, increasing the profitability of the system. The objective of this study was to evaluate an OC/D rearing program in the development and performance of Jersey calves that serves as viable recommendations regarding the management of calves to dairy producers. A total of 16 Jersey calves were used, randomly assigned to the OC/D or conventional group (8 animals per group). Solid food consumption was determined for both groups when measured daily by using a floor weighing scale. Also, weight, height at withers and hips were obtained on a weekly basis, using an electronic scale and measuring ruler, respectively. A daily record was kept of the fecal consistency and deaths of the animals. The data were analyzed through the statistical program Graph Pad Prism V.9.2.0, using the Student's T test to evaluate the difference between means. The production cost of one kilogram of weaned calf, for which a daily record of the expenses related to the rearing of each animal was kept and the data were subsequently analyzed using the Microsoft Excel® program. The consumption of concentrated feed was the same for both treatments. However, the OC/D group had a higher intake at weaning. There was an effect of treatment on calf weight, as well as higher weaning weight and daily weight gains for the OC/D group. Height at withers and hip was similar for both treatments, reaching the expected height margins. There were no differences in the fecal consistencies of the groups, also, no calf died. The OC/D treatment was more expensive than the conventional, however, this last one presented a higher cost per kilo of weaned calf, which indicates that the OC/D group was more efficient economically.
Elaboro en Finca Experimental Santa Lucía de la Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
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