Propuestas de medidas de mitigación de riesgos financieros, ante la afectación de los períodos de inestabilidad económica sobre los fondos de pensiones en Costa Rica
Arias Arias, Wendy Pamela
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La búsqueda del desarrollo económico y social es siempre una de las preocupaciones
principales de los países. Una de las formas en que una nación en crecimiento puede
determinar su nivel, en términos sociales y económicos, es mediante la comparación de sus
indicadores macroeconómicos con aquellos otros territorios que se clasifican como
Es por esto, que cuando un país tiene deficiencias y problemas, tanto económicos
como sociales, estos indicadores van a reflejarlo, y se podría caer en crisis o períodos de
inestabilidad con consecuencias fatales en todos los ámbitos. Es decir, normalmente un país
desarrollado muestra indicadores macroeconómicos considerados “buenos” y competitivos
con respecto a otras economías importantes. Es por esta razón que es importante que las
crisis y períodos de inestabilidad que se dan en los países sean analizadas según como se
encuentren sus indicadores macroeconómicos para poder discernir y hacer análisis
comparativos de orden horizontal y vertical que permitan entender los resultados.
Las crisis y períodos de inestabilidad económica afectan varios sectores, y entre ellos,
las pensiones, en especial los regímenes de beneficios definidos, pues sus administradores
enfrentan la constante diaria de buscar la sostenibilidad de éstos en el tiempo; de igual
forma, los regímenes de contribución definida requieren gestionar los fondos de pensión
de una forma rentable y sostenida para buscar generar un rendimiento suficiente y estable
a sus afiliados que les permita tener un ingreso adecuado según sus aportes.
Ante una crisis económica o períodos de inestabilidad que pudieran causar o amenazar
con un default, es decir, que el estado no pueda hacer frente total o parcialmente a sus
obligaciones financieras, como sucedió durante el 2018 y que resultó en la aprobación de
la Ley de Fortalecimiento de las Finanzas Públicas (9635), estos fondos podrían verse en
serios problemas ya que como se verá más adelante, en Costa Rica están poco diversificados
y se encuentran concentrados principalmente en emisiones del gobierno, e incluso, existen
leyes que obligan a algunas entidades a mantener cierto porcentaje de concentración en
estas emisiones, o se les prohíbe invertir en emisiones en el extranjero, esto hace que la
cartera de los fondos de pensión dependa en gran cuantía del estado de las finanzas del
gobierno y su capacidad de pago, generándose así un riesgo de concentración emisor-país
muy alto.
El propósito de esta investigación es la identificación del comportamiento de los
indicadores macroeconómicos en momentos cuando el país se ha encontrado en períodos
de crisis o de inestabilidad económica y el gobierno haya caído, o haya estado cerca de un
default, se van a analizar los indicadores económicos en un período de tiempo que abarca
la crisis financiera del 2008, así como lo que se ha vivido en años más recientes, del 2018 al
Este trabajo de investigación se realiza con el fin de determinar medidas de
mitigación del riesgo financiero, mediante la creación de un modelo que proyecte estos
indicadores macroeconómicos y poder predecir períodos donde el gobierno no pueda
hacerse cargo de sus obligaciones financieras y se pueda dar la suspensión de pagos a sus
acreedores, entre ellos los fondos de pensión. Con esta proyección y este análisis se busca
proveer información para procurar la disminución del riesgo en los fondos de pensión a la
hora de adquirir instrumentos financieros a largo plazo y mostrar la necesidad de una mayor
diversificación en las inversiones.
El presente documento cuenta con cinco capítulos y sus respectivos apartados. En
el primer capítulo se pretende evidenciar las generalidades del tema, por lo que está
formado por los antecedentes, la justificación y los objetivos, con el fin de que se tenga una
idea clara de lo que se busca en la investigación.
En el segundo capítulo se encuentra el marco teórico, en él se muestran las teorías
económicas con las que se rige esta investigación, a partir de las cuales se realizará la
comparación de los preceptos teóricos, con lo que sucede en la realidad. Además, se
muestran los indicadores macroeconómicos relevantes para la investigación, así como
algunas teorías económicas que explican el ahorro futuro de los individuos para su pensión.
Seguidamente, en el tercer capítulo, se presenta el marco metodológico, en él se
explica el tipo de investigación que se está realizando, así como los instrumentos que se
utilizan y las técnicas de recolección de datos. Con esta metodología se pretende mostrar
la técnica para el correcto análisis de datos que permita contestar de manera adecuada la
pregunta de investigación. En esta sección también se incluye la matriz metodológica, en
esta lo que se busca es poder documentar las variables operativas y así de manera resumida
mostrar los indicadores, variables y distintas preguntas que se desean responder a lo largo
de la investigación. Por último, se incluye el cronograma de la investigación, con este se
busca, de manera realista, incluir las fechas en que se desea realizar todos los procesos de
la investigación, con el fin de tener claridad sobre los plazos y tareas por realizar.
En el cuarto capítulo, se presenta un análisis de los resultados y su respectiva
interpretación. Estos resultados se obtienen a partir de la información recopilada de los
indicadores macroeconómicos descritos en los capítulos anteriores. A partir de estos
análisis se logran obtener las proyecciones de los indicadores y así determinar una
predicción del comportamiento en los próximos años.
El capítulo quinto, corresponde a las recomendaciones y conclusiones de la
investigación. Estos se ordenan según los objetivos que se determinaron en el capítulo tres.
Por último, la investigación se respalda con la bibliografía de todas las fuentes de
autores que fueron consultados y dieron un gran valor agregado. Además, se incluyen
anexos, con el fin de brindar información más detallada y enriquecer a lo ya agregado en
capítulos anteriores.
The search for economic and social development is always one of the concerns main countries. One of the ways that a growing nation can determine their level, in social and economic terms, is by comparing their macroeconomic indicators with those other territories that are classified as developed. This is why, when a country has deficiencies and problems, both economic as social, these indicators are going to reflect it, and it could fall into crisis or periods of instability with fatal consequences in all areas. That is, normally a country developed shows macroeconomic indicators considered "good" and competitive relative to other major economies. It is for this reason that it is important that crises and periods of instability that occur in the countries are analyzed according to how find your macroeconomic indicators to be able to discern and make analysis horizontal and vertical comparisons that allow understanding the results. Crises and periods of economic instability affect several sectors, and among them, pensions, especially defined benefit schemes, since their administrators they face the daily constant of seeking their sustainability over time; equally In this way, defined contribution schemes require managing pension funds in a profitable and sustained way to seek to generate a sufficient and stable return to its affiliates that allows them to have an adequate income according to their contributions. In the event of an economic crisis or periods of instability that could cause or threaten with a default, that is, that the state cannot fully or partially meet its financial obligations, as happened during 2018 and which resulted in the approval of the Public Finance Strengthening Law (9635), these funds could be seen in serious problems since, as will be seen later, in Costa Rica they are poorly diversified and they are mainly concentrated in government emissions, and there are even laws that oblige some entities to maintain a certain percentage of concentration in these issues, or are prohibited from investing in issues abroad, this makes the portfolio of pension funds depends to a great extent on the state of the finances of the government and its ability to pay, thus generating an issuer-country concentration risk very high The purpose of this research is the identification of the behavior of the macroeconomic indicators at times when the country has found itself in periods crisis or economic instability and the government has fallen, or has been close to a default, the economic indicators will be analyzed in a period of time that includes eleven the financial crisis of 2008, as well as what has been experienced in more recent years, from 2018 to 2021. This research work is carried out in order to determine measures of mitigation of financial risk, through the creation of a model that projects these macroeconomic indicators and to be able to predict periods where the government cannot take charge of their financial obligations and suspension of payments can be given to their creditors, including pension funds. With this projection and this analysis, we seek provide information to seek to reduce the risk in pension funds to the time to acquire long-term financial instruments and show the need for greater investment diversification. This document has five chapters and their respective sections. In The first chapter is intended to demonstrate the generalities of the subject, so it is formed by the antecedents, the justification and the objectives, in order to have a clear idea of what is sought in the investigation. In the second chapter is the theoretical framework, it shows the theories with which this investigation is governed, from which the comparison of theoretical precepts, with what happens in reality. Also I know show the relevant macroeconomic indicators for the investigation, as well as some economic theories that explain the future savings of individuals for their pension Then, in the third chapter, the methodological framework is presented, in it explains the type of research being carried out, as well as the instruments used used and data collection techniques. This methodology is intended to show the technique for the correct analysis of data that allows to adequately answer the question research question. This section also includes the methodological matrix, in This is what is sought is to be able to document the operational variables and thus in a summarized way show the indicators, variables and different questions that you want to answer throughout Of the investigation. Finally, the research schedule is included, with this seeks, realistically, to include the dates on which you want to carry out all the processes of the investigation, in order to be clear about the deadlines and tasks to be carried out. In the fourth chapter, an analysis of the results and their respective interpretation. These results are obtained from the information collected from the macroeconomic indicators described in the previous chapters. From these analysis it is possible to obtain the projections of the indicators and thus determine a prediction of behavior in the coming years. The fifth chapter corresponds to the recommendations and conclusions of the investigation. These are ordered according to the objectives that were determined in chapter three. Finally, the research is supported by the bibliography of all the sources of authors who were consulted and gave great added value. In addition, they include annexes, in order to provide more detailed information and enrich what has already been added in previous chapters
The search for economic and social development is always one of the concerns main countries. One of the ways that a growing nation can determine their level, in social and economic terms, is by comparing their macroeconomic indicators with those other territories that are classified as developed. This is why, when a country has deficiencies and problems, both economic as social, these indicators are going to reflect it, and it could fall into crisis or periods of instability with fatal consequences in all areas. That is, normally a country developed shows macroeconomic indicators considered "good" and competitive relative to other major economies. It is for this reason that it is important that crises and periods of instability that occur in the countries are analyzed according to how find your macroeconomic indicators to be able to discern and make analysis horizontal and vertical comparisons that allow understanding the results. Crises and periods of economic instability affect several sectors, and among them, pensions, especially defined benefit schemes, since their administrators they face the daily constant of seeking their sustainability over time; equally In this way, defined contribution schemes require managing pension funds in a profitable and sustained way to seek to generate a sufficient and stable return to its affiliates that allows them to have an adequate income according to their contributions. In the event of an economic crisis or periods of instability that could cause or threaten with a default, that is, that the state cannot fully or partially meet its financial obligations, as happened during 2018 and which resulted in the approval of the Public Finance Strengthening Law (9635), these funds could be seen in serious problems since, as will be seen later, in Costa Rica they are poorly diversified and they are mainly concentrated in government emissions, and there are even laws that oblige some entities to maintain a certain percentage of concentration in these issues, or are prohibited from investing in issues abroad, this makes the portfolio of pension funds depends to a great extent on the state of the finances of the government and its ability to pay, thus generating an issuer-country concentration risk very high The purpose of this research is the identification of the behavior of the macroeconomic indicators at times when the country has found itself in periods crisis or economic instability and the government has fallen, or has been close to a default, the economic indicators will be analyzed in a period of time that includes eleven the financial crisis of 2008, as well as what has been experienced in more recent years, from 2018 to 2021. This research work is carried out in order to determine measures of mitigation of financial risk, through the creation of a model that projects these macroeconomic indicators and to be able to predict periods where the government cannot take charge of their financial obligations and suspension of payments can be given to their creditors, including pension funds. With this projection and this analysis, we seek provide information to seek to reduce the risk in pension funds to the time to acquire long-term financial instruments and show the need for greater investment diversification. This document has five chapters and their respective sections. In The first chapter is intended to demonstrate the generalities of the subject, so it is formed by the antecedents, the justification and the objectives, in order to have a clear idea of what is sought in the investigation. In the second chapter is the theoretical framework, it shows the theories with which this investigation is governed, from which the comparison of theoretical precepts, with what happens in reality. Also I know show the relevant macroeconomic indicators for the investigation, as well as some economic theories that explain the future savings of individuals for their pension Then, in the third chapter, the methodological framework is presented, in it explains the type of research being carried out, as well as the instruments used used and data collection techniques. This methodology is intended to show the technique for the correct analysis of data that allows to adequately answer the question research question. This section also includes the methodological matrix, in This is what is sought is to be able to document the operational variables and thus in a summarized way show the indicators, variables and different questions that you want to answer throughout Of the investigation. Finally, the research schedule is included, with this seeks, realistically, to include the dates on which you want to carry out all the processes of the investigation, in order to be clear about the deadlines and tasks to be carried out. In the fourth chapter, an analysis of the results and their respective interpretation. These results are obtained from the information collected from the macroeconomic indicators described in the previous chapters. From these analysis it is possible to obtain the projections of the indicators and thus determine a prediction of behavior in the coming years. The fifth chapter corresponds to the recommendations and conclusions of the investigation. These are ordered according to the objectives that were determined in chapter three. Finally, the research is supported by the bibliography of all the sources of authors who were consulted and gave great added value. In addition, they include annexes, in order to provide more detailed information and enrich what has already been added in previous chapters
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