Pictofónico (PiFo) dirigido a las personas estudiantes de III año de la Escuela Concepción de Colorado Abangares, para el mejoramiento de su proceso de formación, en los periodos 2022- 2023.
García Sossa, Karla
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Las habilidades de lectura y escritura forman parte importante en el desenvolvimiento del ser
humano, actualmente las personas estudiantes se enfrentan a una sociedad en constante cambio
por lo que desarrollar y estimular estas destrezas se convierte en prioridad para la educación
Con el pasar de los años el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de los niños y las niñas se ha visto
estropeado por las distintas afectaciones a nivel nacional, como lo ha sido las diversas huelgas
educativas, y la más reciente pandemia por COVID-19 que generó un cambio rotundo en
sistema educativo. Este tipo de situaciones han provocado una problemática bastante compleja
en desenvolvimiento de las habilidades de lectoescritura en la población costarricense.
Es por tal motivo, que surge la propuesta “Fortalecimiento de las habilidades de lectura y
escritura con el uso del Método Pictofónico (PiFo) dirigido a las personas estudiantes de III año
de la Escuela Concepción de Colorado Abangares, para el mejoramiento de su proceso de
formación, en el I periodo 2023.” Esta investigación se realiza desde el enfoque cualitativo ya
que uno de las primeras fases del proyecto fue detectar las dificultades educativas que
presentaba la población estudiantil, y a partir de los distintos hallazgos lograr identificar el
método que mejor se adaptara a las características encontradas.
Por consiguiente, se toma en cuenta a esta población para la ejecución del Proyecto Uletras el
cual busca aminorar las diversas afectaciones que tiene el sector educativo, llegando a diversos
puntos vulnerables del país, que necesitan de apoyo constante en el desarrollo de las habilidades
Tomando en cuenta lo anterior, se plantea toda una propuesta lúdica que consta de 21 talleres
los cuales contienen diversas actividades innovadoras para crear un espacio cargado de disfrute
y nuevos aprendizajes. En los cuales los niños y las niñas lograran gozar de su proceso de
lectoescritura, dejando a un lado el tradicionalismo, cabe destacar, que esta propuesta se aplicó
los días sábados para evitar interrumpir las clases particulares.
Con ayuda de este proyecto educativo, se alcanza aportar de manera significativa a este grupo
de personas estudiantes, los cuales se encontraban en un nivel inicial intermedio, no lograban
leer ni escribir. Con la ejecución de esta propuesta se logra que la población lea y escriba
oraciones simples y textos cortos, brindando así un avance bastante alentador, y verificando de
la misma manera la eficacia del método PiFo para la enseñanza de la lectoescritura.
Reading and writing skills are an important part of the development of the human being. Currently, students face a constantly changing society, so developing and stimulating these skills becomes a priority for Costa Rican education. Over the years, the teaching-learning process of boys and girls has been marred by different effects at the national level, such as various educational strikes, and most recently, the COVID- 19 pandemic that generated a resounding change in the educational system. This type of situation has caused quite a complex problem in the development of literacy skills in the Costa Rican population. It is for this reason that I am making the proposal "Strengthening reading and writing skills with the use of the Pictophonic Method (PiFo), aimed at third-year students in the Colorado de Abangares School District, to improve their educational progression in the first marking period of 2023.” This research is carried out from the qualitative approach since one of the first phases of the project was to detect the educational difficulties presented by the student population, and from the different findings to be able to identify the method that best adapted to the characteristics found. For this reason, this particular student population was used to carry out the Uletras Project, which sought to reduce the various negative effects that the education system has been experiencing, reaching various vulnerable parts of the country in need of constant support in the development of reading and literacy skills. Taking the above into account, a more hands-on, playful creative learning process was proposed that consisted of 21 workshops which contained various innovative activities to create a space full of enjoyment and new learning. With the hands-on, playful creative learning process, the boys and girls fully enjoyed their literacy learning, leaving traditionalism aside. It should be noted that this new, hands-on, playful creative learning process was held on Saturdays to avoid interrupting private classes. This educational project significantly contributed to increasing this group of students’ literacy level, as they were initially unable to read or write and are now at the intermediate level and able to read and write simple sentences and short texts. These encouraging results have proven the effectiveness of the PiFo method for teaching literacy.
Reading and writing skills are an important part of the development of the human being. Currently, students face a constantly changing society, so developing and stimulating these skills becomes a priority for Costa Rican education. Over the years, the teaching-learning process of boys and girls has been marred by different effects at the national level, such as various educational strikes, and most recently, the COVID- 19 pandemic that generated a resounding change in the educational system. This type of situation has caused quite a complex problem in the development of literacy skills in the Costa Rican population. It is for this reason that I am making the proposal "Strengthening reading and writing skills with the use of the Pictophonic Method (PiFo), aimed at third-year students in the Colorado de Abangares School District, to improve their educational progression in the first marking period of 2023.” This research is carried out from the qualitative approach since one of the first phases of the project was to detect the educational difficulties presented by the student population, and from the different findings to be able to identify the method that best adapted to the characteristics found. For this reason, this particular student population was used to carry out the Uletras Project, which sought to reduce the various negative effects that the education system has been experiencing, reaching various vulnerable parts of the country in need of constant support in the development of reading and literacy skills. Taking the above into account, a more hands-on, playful creative learning process was proposed that consisted of 21 workshops which contained various innovative activities to create a space full of enjoyment and new learning. With the hands-on, playful creative learning process, the boys and girls fully enjoyed their literacy learning, leaving traditionalism aside. It should be noted that this new, hands-on, playful creative learning process was held on Saturdays to avoid interrupting private classes. This educational project significantly contributed to increasing this group of students’ literacy level, as they were initially unable to read or write and are now at the intermediate level and able to read and write simple sentences and short texts. These encouraging results have proven the effectiveness of the PiFo method for teaching literacy.
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