Manual de técnicas quirúrgicas gastrointestinales en perros y gatos, mediante simulación cadavérica en el Laboratorio de Anatomía Animal y prácticas en vivo en el Hospital de Especies Menores y Silvestres de la Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria de la Universidad Nacional.
Montero White, Valery
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En el presente trabajo se desarrolló un Manual de Cirugía de Especies Menores de tres de los procedimientos quirúrgicos gastrointestinales más comunes, específicamente gastrotomía, enterotomía y enterectomía; además, éste se complementa con una sección de estudio anatómico de la cavidad abdominal. Este proyecto tiene como objetivo contribuir en el entrenamiento quirúrgico del médico veterinario, por lo que fue construido y organizado de manera altamente didáctica.
El material con el que se desarrolló este manual fue obtenido mediante la observación y documentación de fotografías y vídeos de seis cirugías gastrointestinales en pacientes vivos, la simulación de las técnicas quirúrgicas en cadáveres frescos y la disección de cadáveres frescos. Con este contenido, se creó una página web, la cual se puede compartir de manera virtual y brinda la opción de añadir contenido quirúrgico y anatómico propio de otras regiones anatómicas.
Además, se demostró la valiosa utilidad de los cadáveres frescos para el entrenamiento quirúrgico y el estudio anatómico, debido a su alto grado de realismo y bajo costo en comparación con otros métodos de aprendizaje.
In the present work, a Small Species Surgery Manual was developed for three of the most common gastrointestinal surgical procedures; specifically, gastrotomy, enterotomy and enterectomy. Additionally, this is complemented with a section of anatomical study of the abdominal cavity. The purpose of this project is to contribute to the surgical training of the veterinarian, which is why it was built and organized in a highly didactic manner. The material with which this manual was developed was obtained through the observation and documentation of photographs and videos of six gastrointestinal surgeries in live patients, the simulation of surgical techniques in fresh cadavers, and the dissection of fresh cadavers. With this content, a web page was created, which can be shared virtually and offers the option to add surgical and anatomical content from other anatomical regions. Furthermore, the valuable usefulness of fresh cadavers for surgical training and anatomical study was demonstrated, due to their high degree of realism and low cost compared to other learning methods.
In the present work, a Small Species Surgery Manual was developed for three of the most common gastrointestinal surgical procedures; specifically, gastrotomy, enterotomy and enterectomy. Additionally, this is complemented with a section of anatomical study of the abdominal cavity. The purpose of this project is to contribute to the surgical training of the veterinarian, which is why it was built and organized in a highly didactic manner. The material with which this manual was developed was obtained through the observation and documentation of photographs and videos of six gastrointestinal surgeries in live patients, the simulation of surgical techniques in fresh cadavers, and the dissection of fresh cadavers. With this content, a web page was created, which can be shared virtually and offers the option to add surgical and anatomical content from other anatomical regions. Furthermore, the valuable usefulness of fresh cadavers for surgical training and anatomical study was demonstrated, due to their high degree of realism and low cost compared to other learning methods.
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