Metaliteratura en la poesía y en la narrativa del siglo XXI en Centroamérica a partir de nadie que este feliz escribe de Gustavo Solorzano Alfaro y cuaderno de Tokio de Horacio Castellanos Moya
Montero Corrales, Cristopher
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Universidad Nacional
Esta investigación se realizó para optar por el grado de Maestría en Estudios de Cultura Centroamericana con énfasis en Literatura, posgrado que pertenece a la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica. La misma versa de manera exhaustiva sobre los libros Nadie que esté feliz escribe (2017) de Gustavo Solórzano-Alfaro y Cuaderno de Tokio (2015) de Horacio Castellano Moya como una manera de comprender el fenómeno metaliterario en Centroamérica en el siglo XXI. Además, quien lea esta investigación encontrará una contextualización teórica del surgimiento del fenómeno del
meta-lenguaje en la cultura Occidental, así como un debate del fenómeno crítico que se ha ocupado de la metaliteratura y sus aproximaciones metodológicas. También, situará el fenómeno metaliterario en Centroamérica, incluyendo análisis de obras literarias específicas donde se explican de manera contextual. Esto permite que la investigación profundice en las correspondencias estéticas entre los textos seleccionados como corpus tanto entre ambas obras como con la tradición literaria centroamericana haciendo conclusiones al respecto de las representaciones estéticas que se constituyen a partir del fenómeno metaliterario en Centroamérica.
This research was carried out to opt for the Master's degree in Central American Cultural Studies with emphasis in Literature, a postgraduate degree that belongs to the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the National University of Costa Rica. It deals comprehensively with the books Nadie que esté feliz escribe (2017) by Gustavo Solórzano-Alfaro and Cuaderno de Tokio (2015) by Horacio Castellano Moya as a way to understand the metaliterary phenomenon in Central America in the 21st century. In addition, whoever reads this research will find a theoretical contextualization of the emergence of the phenomenon of meta-language in Central American culture. meta-language in Western culture, as well as a discussion of the critical phenomenon that has dealt with metaliterature and its methodological approaches. It will also situate the metaliterary phenomenon in Central America, including analysis of specific literary works where it is contextually explained. This allows the research to deepen in the aesthetic correspondences between the texts selected as corpus both between both works and with the Central American literary tradition, making conclusions regarding the aesthetic representations that are constituted from the metaliterary phenomenon in Central America.
This research was carried out to opt for the Master's degree in Central American Cultural Studies with emphasis in Literature, a postgraduate degree that belongs to the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the National University of Costa Rica. It deals comprehensively with the books Nadie que esté feliz escribe (2017) by Gustavo Solórzano-Alfaro and Cuaderno de Tokio (2015) by Horacio Castellano Moya as a way to understand the metaliterary phenomenon in Central America in the 21st century. In addition, whoever reads this research will find a theoretical contextualization of the emergence of the phenomenon of meta-language in Central American culture. meta-language in Western culture, as well as a discussion of the critical phenomenon that has dealt with metaliterature and its methodological approaches. It will also situate the metaliterary phenomenon in Central America, including analysis of specific literary works where it is contextually explained. This allows the research to deepen in the aesthetic correspondences between the texts selected as corpus both between both works and with the Central American literary tradition, making conclusions regarding the aesthetic representations that are constituted from the metaliterary phenomenon in Central America.
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