Sistema de información para el control del manejo de sustancias químicas en la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Gómez Céspedes, Yajaira
Corella Rojas, Jorge Mario
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
Este trabajo corresponde al proyecto de graduación para obtener el grado de Licenciatura en Informática y se basa en el desarrollo c implementación de un Sistema de información para el control del manejo de sustancias químicas en la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica. La implantación del Sistema de información para el control del manejo de sustancias químicas abarca las bodegas. mini bodegas y laboratorios ubicados en la Universidad Nacional. específicamente el Campus Omar Dengo y cl Campus Benjamín Núñez, situados en la provincia de Heredia, siendo la escuela de Química el punto de partida para la ¡implantación del sistema., El desarrollo del sistema se inició con un análisis de los requerimientos del sistema: continuándose, posteriormente, la metodología de desarrollo de software denominada “Cicto de Vida del Desarrollo de Software”. Las herramientas y modelos utilizados para este proyecto fueron, a saber: el Ciclo de vida de desarrollo de software, conceptos de Orientación a objetos, el Lenguaje estructurado de consultas SQL, SQL 2000 de Microsoft, Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 y Seagate Crystal Reports como generador de reportes.
This work corresponds to the graduation project to obtain the Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and is based on the development and implementation of an information system for the control of the management of chemical substances at the National University of Costa Rica. The implementation of the Information System for the control of the management of chemical substances covers the warehouses. mini warehouses and laboratories located in the National University. specifically the Omar Dengo Campus and the Benjamín Núñez Campus, located in the province of Heredia, with the Chemistry school being the starting point for the implementation of the system. The development of the system began with an analysis of the system requirements: Subsequently, the software development methodology called "Software Development Life Cycle" was continued. The tools and models used for this project were: Software Development Life Cycle, Object Orientation concepts, SQL Structured Query Language, Microsoft SQL 2000, Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 and Seagate Crystal Reports as a generator. of reports.
This work corresponds to the graduation project to obtain the Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and is based on the development and implementation of an information system for the control of the management of chemical substances at the National University of Costa Rica. The implementation of the Information System for the control of the management of chemical substances covers the warehouses. mini warehouses and laboratories located in the National University. specifically the Omar Dengo Campus and the Benjamín Núñez Campus, located in the province of Heredia, with the Chemistry school being the starting point for the implementation of the system. The development of the system began with an analysis of the system requirements: Subsequently, the software development methodology called "Software Development Life Cycle" was continued. The tools and models used for this project were: Software Development Life Cycle, Object Orientation concepts, SQL Structured Query Language, Microsoft SQL 2000, Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 and Seagate Crystal Reports as a generator. of reports.
Gómez Céspedes, Y. & Corella Rojas, M. (2007). Sistema de información para el control del manejo de sustancias químicas en la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica. [Tesis de Licenciatura]. Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.
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