Modelación matemática: recurso de mediación pedagógica para el aprendizaje geométrico en el tema de semejanza, en octavo año de secundaria
Porras Lizano, Karen
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
Cuando observamos a un niño jugar con sus compañeros, vemos capacidades de gran potencial como la imaginación, la creatividad e invención. Sin embargo, conforme avanzan en los niveles de secundaria, estas capacidades son menos notables por la falta de interés de los jóvenes en su formación académica y porque las respuestas que se van tornando más conductistas, lo que promueve estudiantes inconformes o con poco agrado por aprender matemática.
Los estudiantes se ven afectados por la desmotivación. Esto puede deberse a que, generalmente, no se enseñan los conceptos matemáticos relacionados con la realidad de su entorno. Es decir, usando contextos familiares o sociales que despierten su interés. También, en algunas metodologías tradicionales se observa una relación jerárquica (es decir, el profesor asume el rol de emisor activo, en contraposición; el alumno desarrolla un papel pasivo), que mantiene el docente con sus estudiantes, lo cual influye en que el saber matemático, deja de ser atractivo para ellos, por lo que a veces se debe recurrir a la motivación externa.
Las dificultades del estudiante en su comprensión matemática, argumentación y criticidad, se reflejan en los bajos rendimientos académicos. Lo anterior, puede deberse a que en el aula no hay espacios para la discusión. En contraste, en este estudio, se sugiere la utilización de la metodología de modelación matemática, que conduce a la creación de momentos para la reflexión e interacción social constructiva.
Teniendo en cuenta los elementos descritos anteriormente, surgió esta investigación con el propósito de coadyuvar a una formación de más calidad, que garantice el desarrollo de habilidades necesarias para todo profesional, tales como la creatividad, el trabajo en equipo y el razonamiento lógico, ente otros. En este proceso investigativo se utilizó la metodología de modelación matemática, la cual plantea "situaciones problema" que permitieron relacionar los conceptos matemáticos con el contexto familiar del estudiante, para propiciar un aprendizaje significativo con comprensión.
Al respecto, esta investigación representa un importante aporte para la comunidad educativa, ya que en ella se describe el aprendizaje geométrico que alcanza el estudiante al implementar las actividades de modelación matemática, específicamente, en el tema de semejanza a nivel de octavo año. Para esto, se recopiló información de estudios que permitieron conocer con más detalle la metodología propuesta y la naturaleza del aprendizaje matemático construido por los estudiantes, al implementar esta metodología.
El propósito general de esta indagación fue analizar el impacto en el aprendizaje geométrico de los estudiantes participantes, al poner en práctica la modelación matemática en la unidad de semejanza, como alternativa metodológica. De igual forma, este proceso se desarrolló en un contexto de educación secundaria, específicamente, en un centro educativo que es una Unidad Pedagógica, situada en el sector de Desamparados en San José. Los actores principales del estudio fueron 29 estudiantes de una sección del nivel de octavo año, 13 mujeres y 16 varones, cuya edad promedio es 14 años y el estatus socioeconómico es, en general, de clase media-baja.
Asimismo, el estado de la cuestión y los fundamentos teóricos sirvieron de sustento para complementar el análisis y la discusión de los resultados, lo que permitió comprender los hallazgos. De estos, se presentaron los más relevantes, producto del análisis de la información proveniente de las diferentes técnicas de recolección de información (observación participante, entrevista clínica y cuestionario) aplicadas en el trabajo de campo. Algunos de estos resultados son: el pensamiento matemático de los estudiantes participantes fue de forma cíclica, debido a que la propuesta de algunas de las posibles soluciones de las situaciones problema se desarrollaron en las etapas del proceso de modelación matemática: descripción, manipulación, predicción y validación; sin embargo, en algunas ocasiones, la última etapa no se aplicó.
Conjuntamente, otro resultado que se obtuvo al resolver las actividades propuestas en este estudio, las cuales generaron interacciones sociales como el compartir información, pensamientos e ideas matemáticas; que estimularon la zona de desarrollo próximo de los estudiantes participantes, lo que propició un aprendizaje significativo, por medio de situaciones cotidianas que les facilitó construir su propio aprendizaje.
Igualmente, se destaca que las actividades de modelación matemática permitieron a los estudiantes tener una conducta positiva en las clases de matemática, estimuló, a su vez, una actitud diferente en comparación con las clases regulares, se observó interés y motivación hacia los conceptos matemáticos desarrollados en cada actividad aplicada.
Asimismo, al ser una investigación de carácter cualitativo, fue de suma importancia el presentar descripciones y análisis de conocimiento matemático de los estudiantes participantes, efectuadas durante la implementación de las actividades de modelación matemática.
Además, se presentan recomendaciones que surgieron al realizar la etapa de análisis y discusión de resultados de más importancia de esta. El fin principal es realizar un aporte a diferentes actores relacionados con este proceso investigativo, con el objetivo de mejorar el proceso de aprendizaje de la matemática a nivel de secundaria.
Finalmente, cabe destacar la enorme relevancia de esta investigación para la comunidad educativa en general, por tener gran relación con los nuevos Programas de Matemática propuestos por el MEP (2012). Así, ser un proceso investigativo que da sustento a la importancia que tiene el enseñar matemática para la vida del estudiante, pues esta lo dota de destrezas y habilidades, que contribuirán a su formación como futuro profesional y ciudadano de la sociedad actual.
When we watch a child play with their peers, we see capacities of great potential such as imagination, creativity, and invention. However, as they progress through the secondary levels, these capacities are less notable due to the lack of interest of young people in their academic training and because the responses become more behavioral, which promotes dissatisfied students or with little pleasure in learning math. Students are affected by demotivation. This may be because mathematical concepts related to the reality of their environment are generally not taught. That is, using family or social contexts that arouse their interest. Also, in some traditional methodologies a hierarchical relationship is observed (that is, the teacher assumes the role of active emitter, in contrast; the student develops a passive role), which the teacher maintains with his students, which influences the knowledge mathematical, ceases to be attractive to them, so sometimes external motivation must be resorted to. The student's difficulties in their mathematical comprehension, argumentation and criticality are reflected in low academic performance. This may be due to the fact that there are no spaces for discussion in the classroom. In contrast, in this study, the use of the mathematical modeling methodology is suggested, which leads to the creation of moments for reflection and constructive social interaction. Taking into account the elements described above, this research arose with the purpose of contributing to a higher quality training, which guarantees the development of necessary skills for all professionals, such as creativity, teamwork and logical reasoning, among others. . In this investigative process, the mathematical modeling methodology was used, which poses "problem situations" that made it possible to relate mathematical concepts with the student's family context, to promote meaningful learning with understanding. In this regard, this research represents an important contribution to the educational community, since it describes the geometric learning that the student achieves by implementing mathematical modeling activities, specifically, in the subject of similarity at the eighth grade level. For this, information was collected from studies that allowed to know in more detail the proposed methodology and the nature of the mathematical learning built by the students, when implementing this methodology. The general purpose of this inquiry was to analyze the impact on the geometric learning of the participating students, by putting mathematical modeling into practice in the similarity unit, as a methodological alternative. In the same way, this process was developed in a context of secondary education, specifically, in an educational center that is a Pedagogical Unit, located in the Desamparados sector in San José. The main actors of the study were 29 students from a section of the eighth grade level, 13 women and 16 men, whose average age is 14 years and the socioeconomic status is, in general, lower-middle class. Likewise, the state of the art and the theoretical foundations served as support to complement the analysis and discussion of the results, which allowed us to understand the findings. Of these, the most relevant were presented, product of the analysis of the information coming from the different information collection techniques (participant observation, clinical interview and questionnaire) applied in the field work. Some of these results are: the mathematical thinking of the participating students was cyclical, because the proposal of some of the possible solutions to the problem situations were developed in the stages of the mathematical modeling process: description, manipulation, prediction and validation; however, on some occasions, the last stage was not applied. Together, another result that was obtained by solving the activities proposed in this study, which generated social interactions such as sharing information, thoughts and mathematical ideas; that stimulated the zone of proximal development of the participating students, which led to significant learning, through everyday situations that made it easier for them to build their own learning. Likewise, it is highlighted that the mathematical modeling activities allowed students to have a positive behavior in mathematics classes, stimulated, in turn, a different attitude compared to regular classes, interest and motivation towards the mathematical concepts developed were observed. in each applied activity. Also, being a qualitative research, it was very important to present descriptions and analysis of mathematical knowledge of the participating students, carried out during the implementation of the mathematical modeling activities. In addition, recommendations that arose when carrying out the stage of analysis and discussion of the most important results of this stage are presented. The main purpose is to make a contribution to different actors related to this investigative process, with the aim of improving the learning process of mathematics at the secondary level. Finally, it is worth noting the enormous relevance of this research for the educational community in general, as it is closely related to the new Mathematics Programs proposed by the MEP (2012). Thus, being an investigative process that supports the importance of teaching mathematics for the student's life, since it provides them with skills and abilities, which will contribute to their training as a future professional and citizen of today's society.
When we watch a child play with their peers, we see capacities of great potential such as imagination, creativity, and invention. However, as they progress through the secondary levels, these capacities are less notable due to the lack of interest of young people in their academic training and because the responses become more behavioral, which promotes dissatisfied students or with little pleasure in learning math. Students are affected by demotivation. This may be because mathematical concepts related to the reality of their environment are generally not taught. That is, using family or social contexts that arouse their interest. Also, in some traditional methodologies a hierarchical relationship is observed (that is, the teacher assumes the role of active emitter, in contrast; the student develops a passive role), which the teacher maintains with his students, which influences the knowledge mathematical, ceases to be attractive to them, so sometimes external motivation must be resorted to. The student's difficulties in their mathematical comprehension, argumentation and criticality are reflected in low academic performance. This may be due to the fact that there are no spaces for discussion in the classroom. In contrast, in this study, the use of the mathematical modeling methodology is suggested, which leads to the creation of moments for reflection and constructive social interaction. Taking into account the elements described above, this research arose with the purpose of contributing to a higher quality training, which guarantees the development of necessary skills for all professionals, such as creativity, teamwork and logical reasoning, among others. . In this investigative process, the mathematical modeling methodology was used, which poses "problem situations" that made it possible to relate mathematical concepts with the student's family context, to promote meaningful learning with understanding. In this regard, this research represents an important contribution to the educational community, since it describes the geometric learning that the student achieves by implementing mathematical modeling activities, specifically, in the subject of similarity at the eighth grade level. For this, information was collected from studies that allowed to know in more detail the proposed methodology and the nature of the mathematical learning built by the students, when implementing this methodology. The general purpose of this inquiry was to analyze the impact on the geometric learning of the participating students, by putting mathematical modeling into practice in the similarity unit, as a methodological alternative. In the same way, this process was developed in a context of secondary education, specifically, in an educational center that is a Pedagogical Unit, located in the Desamparados sector in San José. The main actors of the study were 29 students from a section of the eighth grade level, 13 women and 16 men, whose average age is 14 years and the socioeconomic status is, in general, lower-middle class. Likewise, the state of the art and the theoretical foundations served as support to complement the analysis and discussion of the results, which allowed us to understand the findings. Of these, the most relevant were presented, product of the analysis of the information coming from the different information collection techniques (participant observation, clinical interview and questionnaire) applied in the field work. Some of these results are: the mathematical thinking of the participating students was cyclical, because the proposal of some of the possible solutions to the problem situations were developed in the stages of the mathematical modeling process: description, manipulation, prediction and validation; however, on some occasions, the last stage was not applied. Together, another result that was obtained by solving the activities proposed in this study, which generated social interactions such as sharing information, thoughts and mathematical ideas; that stimulated the zone of proximal development of the participating students, which led to significant learning, through everyday situations that made it easier for them to build their own learning. Likewise, it is highlighted that the mathematical modeling activities allowed students to have a positive behavior in mathematics classes, stimulated, in turn, a different attitude compared to regular classes, interest and motivation towards the mathematical concepts developed were observed. in each applied activity. Also, being a qualitative research, it was very important to present descriptions and analysis of mathematical knowledge of the participating students, carried out during the implementation of the mathematical modeling activities. In addition, recommendations that arose when carrying out the stage of analysis and discussion of the most important results of this stage are presented. The main purpose is to make a contribution to different actors related to this investigative process, with the aim of improving the learning process of mathematics at the secondary level. Finally, it is worth noting the enormous relevance of this research for the educational community in general, as it is closely related to the new Mathematics Programs proposed by the MEP (2012). Thus, being an investigative process that supports the importance of teaching mathematics for the student's life, since it provides them with skills and abilities, which will contribute to their training as a future professional and citizen of today's society.
Porras Lizano, K. (2013). Modelación matemática: recurso de mediación pedagógica para el aprendizaje geométrico en el tema de semejanza, en octavo año de secundaria. [Tesis de Licenciatura]. Universidad Nacional, Heredia, C.R.
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