Estudio de pre factibilidad para la producción y comercialización de miel de abeja y sus derivados para la asociación ADEPAS de Sabalito de Coto Brus
Fonseca Hidalgo, Evelyn
García Mora, Wendy
Mora Elizondo, Mauricio
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El desarrollo de este proyecto tiene como finalidad analizar la prefactibilidad de industrializar y comercializar la miel de abeja y sus derivados en la Región Brunca, el proyecto nace a raíz de la necesidad de generar alternativas para mejorar los ingresos económicos de la población de Sabalito, Coto Brus. Se analiza si la actividad es rentable en concordancia con los gustos y preferencias de los consumidores donde los resultados muestran el equilibrio entre la demanda y la oferta que se presenta en el mercado. De igual manera, que se ofrezca a un precio accesible, competitivo y que genere rentabilidad a la asociación, siendo un proyecto sostenible en el tiempo. El estudio de prefactibilidad se desarrolla para la Asociación de Desarrollo Específica para la Producción de Apicultura de Sabalito de Coto Brus (ADEPAS), la cual presenta la necesidad de tener datos que le permitan conocer la realidad que se muestra en el mercado, asimismo, los requerimientos: capacidad con la que deben contar para desarrollar dicha actividad. Al realizar los diversos estudios que requiere el desarrollo del proyecto, permite conocer diferentes escenarios con su respectivo análisis, lo cual apoya las conclusiones y recomendaciones que se ofrecen a la asociación, donde se evalúa información oportuna para poder dirigir los recursos y, a la vez, estrategias efectivas que permitan el desarrollo de la actividad, a corto y largo plazo. Los objetivos específicos aprueban desarrollar un estudio de cada área, que conlleva un proyecto, además a través del análisis de mercado se obtiene la oferta y la demanda. En los otros estudios se detallan los requerimientos tecnológicos para la industrialización, las obligaciones legales, así como la identificación de las actividades administrativas y organizacionales. De este modo, con la información obtenida de los estudios antes mencionados se puede desarrollar el análisis financiero que muestra si es viable o no el desarrollo del proyecto, así como las mejores opciones para el origen de los fondos de las inversiones.
The development of this project aims to analyze the pre-feasibility of industrialize and commercialize bee honey and its derivatives in the Brunca Region, the project was born out of the need to generate alternatives to improve income economic activities of the population of Sabalito, Coto Brus. It is analyzed if the activity is profitable according to the tastes and preferences of consumers where the results show the balance between demand and offer that is presented in the market. Similarly, that it is offered at a price accessible, competitive and that generates profitability to the association, being a project sustainable over time. The pre-feasibility study is developed for the Development Association Specific for the Production of Sabalito de Coto Brus Beekeeping (ADEPAS), which presents the need to have data that allows you to know the reality that is shown in the market, also the requirements: capacity they must have to develop this activity. When carrying out the various studies required for the development of project, allows to know different scenarios with their respective analysis, which supports the conclusions and recommendations offered to the association, where it evaluates information in order to direct resources and, at the same time, effective strategies that allow the development of the activity, in the short and long term. The specific objectives approve to develop a study of each area, which project, in addition through the market analysis we obtain the offer and the demand. The other studies detail the technological requirements for industrialization, legal obligations, as well as the identification of the activities administrative and organizational. In this way, with the information obtained from studies mentioned above can develop the financial analysis that shows whether it is project development, as well as the best options for the origin of the investment funds.
The development of this project aims to analyze the pre-feasibility of industrialize and commercialize bee honey and its derivatives in the Brunca Region, the project was born out of the need to generate alternatives to improve income economic activities of the population of Sabalito, Coto Brus. It is analyzed if the activity is profitable according to the tastes and preferences of consumers where the results show the balance between demand and offer that is presented in the market. Similarly, that it is offered at a price accessible, competitive and that generates profitability to the association, being a project sustainable over time. The pre-feasibility study is developed for the Development Association Specific for the Production of Sabalito de Coto Brus Beekeeping (ADEPAS), which presents the need to have data that allows you to know the reality that is shown in the market, also the requirements: capacity they must have to develop this activity. When carrying out the various studies required for the development of project, allows to know different scenarios with their respective analysis, which supports the conclusions and recommendations offered to the association, where it evaluates information in order to direct resources and, at the same time, effective strategies that allow the development of the activity, in the short and long term. The specific objectives approve to develop a study of each area, which project, in addition through the market analysis we obtain the offer and the demand. The other studies detail the technological requirements for industrialization, legal obligations, as well as the identification of the activities administrative and organizational. In this way, with the information obtained from studies mentioned above can develop the financial analysis that shows whether it is project development, as well as the best options for the origin of the investment funds.
Licenciatura en Administración de Empresas con énfasis en Gestión Financiera
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