Manejo reproductivo del ganado bovino en los diferentes sistemas de producción de la región Huetar Norte y Chorotega de Costa Rica .
Granados Gómez, Leonel
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.
El presente trabajo describe una práctica dirigida sobre el manejo reproductivo de
los tres sistemas de producción bovina existentes en la región Huetar Norte y Chorotega de
Costa Rica, realizada durante un año (de abril del 2014 a marzo del 2015). La práctica se
realizó en 14 fincas asesoradas por el Dr. Leonel Navarro Rojas, en las que se participó en
las visitas rutinarias durante todo el año.
El trabajo consistió en un análisis de la casuística observada durante la práctica,
dividiéndose en las áreas de salud de hato (73.3%), casos clínicos (2.7%) y muestreo de
enfermedades venéreas (2.3%). El 21.7% restante corresponde al proyecto de “Evaluación
de la relación entre condición corporal y estado reproductivo en ganado de cría”, dicho
proyecto se enfocó en analizar la relación entre condición corporal (mediante observación
visual) y estado reproductivo (revisión ginecológica por palpación rectal).
Esta evaluación se realizó en 1458 vacas de cría, en seis diferentes fincas de la
región, obteniendo una relación altamente significativa entre condición corporal (CC) y el
estado reproductivo de las vacas (p≥ 0.0001, OR=88.1), así como el análisis de los factores
que pueden afectar esta relación (estado productivo, raza, días post parto, tipo y manejo de
pasturas), siendo el factor más influyente el pasto mejorado y manejo de estos (p= 0.04, OR
10.2), además un resultado importante fue que el estado productivo no es influyente en la
reproducción de una vaca, siempre y cuando haya una buena CC (p= 0.14,
OR=1.8).También se realizó un análisis de tres fincas muy eficientes en cada uno de los
sistemas de producción visitadas durante la práctica (lechería especializada de bajura,
lechería de doble propósito y ganado de cría), describiendo el manejo y las fortalezas de
cada sistema.
This practice was made in the reproductive management of three systems of beef cattle production in the Huetar Norte and Chorotega region of Costa Rica, during a period of one year (April 2014 to March 2015). The practice was conducted on 14 farms advised by Dr. Leonel Navarro Rojas, taking part in herd health programs. The practice consisted of an analysis of casuistry observed during practice, divided into the areas of herd health (73.3%), clinical cases (2.7%) and sampling of venereal diseases (2.3%). The remaining 21.7% corresponds to the project "Evaluation of the relationship between body condition and reproductive status in breeding cattle”. This project was focused on evaluating the relationship between body condition (by visual observation) and reproductive status (gynecological examination by rectal palpatation). This assessment was conducted in 1458 breeding cows on six different farms in the region, obtaining a highly significant relation between the body condition and the reproductive status of the cows (p≥ 0.0001, OR = 88.1). In the same way, the analysis of the factors that may affect this relationship (productive status, breed, postpartum days, pasture type and management). Pasture and pasture management were the most influential factor (p = 0.04, OR 10.2). Besides an important result was that the days after calving is not important in the reproduction performance of the cow, but the cow shoud have good body condition score (p = 0.14, OR = 1.8). In addition, an analysis of three highly efficient farms of the three diferent types of production systems visited during the practice (dairy cattle, dual-purpose cattle and beef cattle), describes the management programs and analysis of the critical points of the system were performed.
This practice was made in the reproductive management of three systems of beef cattle production in the Huetar Norte and Chorotega region of Costa Rica, during a period of one year (April 2014 to March 2015). The practice was conducted on 14 farms advised by Dr. Leonel Navarro Rojas, taking part in herd health programs. The practice consisted of an analysis of casuistry observed during practice, divided into the areas of herd health (73.3%), clinical cases (2.7%) and sampling of venereal diseases (2.3%). The remaining 21.7% corresponds to the project "Evaluation of the relationship between body condition and reproductive status in breeding cattle”. This project was focused on evaluating the relationship between body condition (by visual observation) and reproductive status (gynecological examination by rectal palpatation). This assessment was conducted in 1458 breeding cows on six different farms in the region, obtaining a highly significant relation between the body condition and the reproductive status of the cows (p≥ 0.0001, OR = 88.1). In the same way, the analysis of the factors that may affect this relationship (productive status, breed, postpartum days, pasture type and management). Pasture and pasture management were the most influential factor (p = 0.04, OR 10.2). Besides an important result was that the days after calving is not important in the reproduction performance of the cow, but the cow shoud have good body condition score (p = 0.14, OR = 1.8). In addition, an analysis of three highly efficient farms of the three diferent types of production systems visited during the practice (dairy cattle, dual-purpose cattle and beef cattle), describes the management programs and analysis of the critical points of the system were performed.
Modalidad: Práctica Dirigida
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