Objetivos e instrumentos de las políticas de innovación en Costa Rica
Guillén Pérez, Sofía
Orozco-Barrantes, Jeffrey
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Centro Internacional de Política Económica para el Desarrollo Sostenible
Con este estudio se pretende determinar el enfoque teórico desde el que se han diseñado las políticas e instrumentos propuestos por los principales entes públicos inmersos en el proceso de innovación en Costa Rica (MAG, MEIC, MICITT, Comex-Procomer, universidades públicas). Partimos de la identificación de los objetivos que a priori se han planteado estos actores públicos. ¿Cuál es la racionalidad que está detrás del diseño y aplicación de políticas para impulsar la innovación en el país? ¿Coinciden los objetivos planteados con los objetivos de fortalecer los componentes fundamentales de un Sistema Nacional de Innovación? Como lo plantean Kulman et al. (2010), es ideal que exista una adecuada coordinación entre la teoría para formular políticas de innovación y la práctica de las políticas mismas. Entre los resultados encontrados, destaca que algunos objetivos teóricos son contemplados por todos los actores públicos abordados (como proveer resultados en I+D y generar competencias a través del aprendizaje), mientras que otros objetivos se incorporan en menor dimensión (formar nuevos mercados, articular requerimientos de calidad e incubar empresas). Hay una pobre coordinación entre los diferentes actores.
This study aims to determine the theoretical approach from which the policies and instruments proposed by the main public entities immersed in the innovation process in Costa Rica (MAG, MEIC, MICITT, Comex-Procomer, public universities) have been designed. We start from the identification of the objectives that these public actors have set in advance. What is the rationale behind the design and application of policies to promote innovation in the country? Do the objectives coincide with the objectives of strengthening the fundamental components of a National Innovation System? As stated by Kulman et al. (2010), it is ideal that there is an adequate coordination between the theory to formulate innovation policies and the practice of innovation. We found that some theoretical objectives are contemplated by all the public actors addressed (such as providing results in R&D and generating competences through learning), while other objectives are incorporated in a smaller dimension (forming new markets, articulate quality requirements and incubate companies). But there is a poor coordination among the actors.
This study aims to determine the theoretical approach from which the policies and instruments proposed by the main public entities immersed in the innovation process in Costa Rica (MAG, MEIC, MICITT, Comex-Procomer, public universities) have been designed. We start from the identification of the objectives that these public actors have set in advance. What is the rationale behind the design and application of policies to promote innovation in the country? Do the objectives coincide with the objectives of strengthening the fundamental components of a National Innovation System? As stated by Kulman et al. (2010), it is ideal that there is an adequate coordination between the theory to formulate innovation policies and the practice of innovation. We found that some theoretical objectives are contemplated by all the public actors addressed (such as providing results in R&D and generating competences through learning), while other objectives are incorporated in a smaller dimension (forming new markets, articulate quality requirements and incubate companies). But there is a poor coordination among the actors.
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