Propuesta de Planificación institucional para el mejoramiento del Programa de Atención en Psicopedagogía de la Universidad Nacional, sede Omar Dengo.
Calvo Rojas, Jeimy
Picado Rosales, Magaly
Valerio Solis, Rebeca
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La discapacidad es un tema interés, tanto en el nivel mundial como en el nacional.
Las instituciones orientan diferentes esfuerzos e iniciativas para alcanzar condiciones
más inclusivas y que las brechas de la desigualdad sean cada vez menores, mediante la
elaboración de Programas que como instrumentos de la planificación, buscan priorizar
las acciones a realizar para atender las necesidades en esta temática.
Como parte del esfuerzo institucional que realiza la Universidad Nacional en
materia de discapacidad, se atiende a la población estudiantil mediante el Departamento
de Orientación y Psicología, con el Programa de Atención en Psicopedagogía (PAP), el
cual pretende dar soporte a las necesidades de la población estudiantil con condiciones
que se asocian o no a la discapacidad, esto mediante la oferta de tres servicios
esenciales, como lo son la atención psicopedagógica, interpretación LESCO y atención
a estudiantes con repitencia.
La presente investigación se enfoca en conocer la opinión y percepción que tiene
la comunidad universitaria sobre los servicios que reciben desde el Programa, y a partir
de éstas elaborar una propuesta de planificación institucional para atender aquellos
aspectos que se requieran mejorar, donde se incluye la participación de estudiantes con
condiciones asociadas o no a discapacidad, también la de docentes y autoridades
universitarias (directores y decanos), que permiten ilustrar de manera objetiva la situación
que viven como actores de interés dentro de la UNA que tienen vinculación con el tema
de discapacidad; además de evidenciar el papel que desempeña el Programa, según las
opiniones obtenidas.
Mediante la aplicación de cuestionarios y una entrevista, se logró recabar la
información que sirvió de insumo para elaborar la propuesta de acciones que incluye
cuatro líneas estratégicas, mismas que pretenden disminuir las brechas entre la oferta y
la demanda de los servicios que se brindan a nivel institucional para atender a la
población universitaria que son actores en el tema de discapacidad y así potencializar la
importante labor que se realiza en la Universidad en esta materia.
Las líneas de acción están enfocadas en temas de concientización, comunicación,
capacitación, así como de seguimiento y acompañamiento que se muestran como una
propuesta desde la perspectiva de la planificación, para apoyar la educación inclusiva del
centro de estudio superior, que robustezca el servicio para atender las diferentes
necesidades asociadas o no a discapacidad identificadas mediante el análisis, esto
desde las necesidades manifestadas por los actores institucionales involucrados, para
que se contemple incorporarlas dentro de las acciones del Programa de Atención en
Psicopedagogía con el apoyo de distintas dependencias de la Universidad y externas a
esta, como es el caso del CONAPDIS
Disability is a topic of interest, both at the global and national levels. Institutions guide different efforts and initiatives to achieve conditions more inclusive and that the inequality gaps are becoming smaller, through the development of Programs that, as planning instruments, seek to prioritize the actions to be taken to meet the needs in this area. As part of the institutional effort carried out by the National University in disability matters, the student population is served through the Department of Orientation and Psychology, with the Program of Attention in Psychopedagogy (PAP), the which aims to support the needs of the student population with conditions that are associated or not with disability, this through the offer of three services essential, such as psychopedagogical attention, LESCO interpretation and attention to students with repetition. This research focuses on knowing the opinion and perception that has the university community about the services they receive from the Program, and from of these prepare a proposal for institutional planning to address those aspects that require improvement, which includes the participation of students with conditions associated or not with disability, also that of teachers and authorities university students (directors and deans), which allow to objectively illustrate the situation who live as stakeholders within the UNA that are linked to the issue disability; in addition to highlighting the role that the Program plays, according to the opinions obtained Through the application of questionnaires and an interview, it was possible to collect the information that served as input to prepare the action proposal that includes four strategic lines, which seek to reduce the gaps between supply and the demand for the services provided at the institutional level to meet the university population that are actors in the issue of disability and thus potentiate the important work carried out at the University in this matter. The lines of action are focused on issues of awareness, communication, training, as well as follow-up and accompaniment that are shown as a proposed from the perspective of planning, to support inclusive education of the higher study center, which strengthens the service to attend the different needs associated or not with disabilities identified through the analysis, this from the needs expressed by the institutional actors involved, to that it is contemplated to incorporate them into the actions of the Attention Program in Psychopedagogy with the support of different departments of the University and external to this, as is the case of CONAPDIS
Disability is a topic of interest, both at the global and national levels. Institutions guide different efforts and initiatives to achieve conditions more inclusive and that the inequality gaps are becoming smaller, through the development of Programs that, as planning instruments, seek to prioritize the actions to be taken to meet the needs in this area. As part of the institutional effort carried out by the National University in disability matters, the student population is served through the Department of Orientation and Psychology, with the Program of Attention in Psychopedagogy (PAP), the which aims to support the needs of the student population with conditions that are associated or not with disability, this through the offer of three services essential, such as psychopedagogical attention, LESCO interpretation and attention to students with repetition. This research focuses on knowing the opinion and perception that has the university community about the services they receive from the Program, and from of these prepare a proposal for institutional planning to address those aspects that require improvement, which includes the participation of students with conditions associated or not with disability, also that of teachers and authorities university students (directors and deans), which allow to objectively illustrate the situation who live as stakeholders within the UNA that are linked to the issue disability; in addition to highlighting the role that the Program plays, according to the opinions obtained Through the application of questionnaires and an interview, it was possible to collect the information that served as input to prepare the action proposal that includes four strategic lines, which seek to reduce the gaps between supply and the demand for the services provided at the institutional level to meet the university population that are actors in the issue of disability and thus potentiate the important work carried out at the University in this matter. The lines of action are focused on issues of awareness, communication, training, as well as follow-up and accompaniment that are shown as a proposed from the perspective of planning, to support inclusive education of the higher study center, which strengthens the service to attend the different needs associated or not with disabilities identified through the analysis, this from the needs expressed by the institutional actors involved, to that it is contemplated to incorporate them into the actions of the Attention Program in Psychopedagogy with the support of different departments of the University and external to this, as is the case of CONAPDIS
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