El proyecto de construcción de un canal seco en Centroamérica: el trasfondo político e ideológico en el caso de Costa Rica
Brenes Romero, María Adela
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Este documento contiene los resultados de una investigación, la cual forma parte de un requisito académico para optar por el Grado de Magister en Relaciones Internacionales y Diplomacia con Énfasis en Cooperación Internacional.
El tema generador del presente estudio fue: “El Trasfondo Político e Ideológico en Torno a la Construcción de un Canal Seco en Costa Rica"
El problema de investigación se planteó en los siguientes términos: ¿Cuál ha sido el trasfondo político e ideológico que ha imperado en el curso legislativo de Las iniciativas de ley en torno a la construcción de un canal interoceánico en Costa Rica?
Se estimó en esta investigación, que la construcción de un canal seco en Costa Rica, habría sido la obra de ingeniería, más grande e importante del país.
El principal interés, de este estudio fue dar a conocer, las personas y empresas que estuvieron involucradas en la iniciativa, y sus principales argumentos
Para respaldar el estudio, se consideró pertinente incluir los siguientes capítulos:
Capítulo I. "El Transporte y las Relaciones Económicas". Capitulo que contiene, una reseña histórica de los canales interoceánicos, así como la mención, acerca de los intentos por realizar un canal en Nicaragua en el Siglo XIX. Además, se incluye un apartado acerca del Canal de Panamá, por cuanto se estimó que esta obra, es la de mayor envergadura a escala mundial y forma parte de la historia de las vías de transporte en América. La cual dio origen a la integración global y fue el punto estratégico y político más importante del orbe, hasta el advenimiento de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Capitulo II. "Integración Mundial e Intensidad Entre Pueblos Economías". En integración mundial de los pueblos, las vías de comunicación desempeñan un papel preponderante, va que por medio de éstas segunda integración de las culturas y de las economías.
Capítulo III. "El Transporte en Costa Rica idas Propuestas Para Construir un Canal Seco". Para abordar el tema de canal seco, fue imprescindible hacer mención del desarrollo del transporte en Costa Rica, ya que éste ha sido en gran medida el responsable del desarrollo de la nacionalidad costarricense. Asimismo, se incluyen las propuestas de las empresas que han ofrecido construir el canal, junto con sus planteamientos.
Capítulo IV. "Análisis". Contiene los principales argumentos generados por los entrevistados en relación con el tema.
Capítulo V. "Conclusiones" La transferencia de tecnologías, la cooperación financiera internacional, los conocimientos y las experiencias brindadas en la construcción de infraestructura de vías, han sido sin duda, un motor que ha impulsado el crecimiento y desarrollo del país, desde el siglo pasado. Las cuales han sido, por lo general, tratadas desde el punto de vista técnico, sin considerar sus aspectos políticos y económicos.
"Recomendaciones". Considerando la relevancia que tendría un Canal Seco en Costa Rica para el desarrollo e imagen internacional del país, el Gobierno de la República haría bien en retomar el proyecto y buscar aliados internacionales para llevarlo a cabo.
This document contains the results of a research, which is part of an academic requirement to obtain a Master's Degree in International Relations and Diplomacy with Emphasis in International Cooperation. The topic of this study was: "The Political and Ideological Background of the Construction of a Dry Canal in Costa Rica". The research problem was posed in the following terms: What has been the political and ideological background that has prevailed in the legislative course of the legislative initiatives regarding the construction of an interoceanic canal in Costa Rica? It was estimated in this research that the construction of a dry canal in Costa Rica would have been the largest and most important engineering work in the country. The main interest of this study was to make known the people and companies that were involved in the initiative and their main arguments. To support the study, it was considered pertinent to include the following chapters: Chapter I. "Transportation and Economic Relations". This chapter contains a historical review of interoceanic canals, as well as a mention of the attempts to build a canal in Nicaragua in the 19th century. In addition, a section on the Panama Canal is included, since it is considered to be the largest canal in the world and is part of the history of transportation routes in the Americas. It was the origin of global integration and was the most important strategic and political point in the world until the advent of World War II. Chapter II. "World Integration and Intensity Between Peoples Economies". In the global integration of peoples, the means of communication play a preponderant role, because through them the second integration of cultures and economies. Chapter III. "Transportation in Costa Rica and Proposals to Build a Dry Canal". In order to address the issue of a dry canal, it was essential to mention the development of transportation in Costa Rica, since this has been largely responsible for the development of Costa Rican nationality. In addition, the proposals of the companies that have offered to build the canal are included, along with their proposals. Chapter IV. "Analysis". Contains the main arguments generated by the interviewees in relation to the topic. Chapter V. "Conclusions" The transfer of technologies, international financial cooperation, knowledge, and experiences in the construction of road infrastructure have undoubtedly been a driving force behind the growth and development of the country since the last century. These have been, in general, treated from a technical point of view, without considering their political and economic aspects. "Recommendations". Considering the relevance that a Dry Canal in Costa Rica would have for the development and international image of the country, the Government of the Republic would do well to resume the project and seek international allies to carry it out.
This document contains the results of a research, which is part of an academic requirement to obtain a Master's Degree in International Relations and Diplomacy with Emphasis in International Cooperation. The topic of this study was: "The Political and Ideological Background of the Construction of a Dry Canal in Costa Rica". The research problem was posed in the following terms: What has been the political and ideological background that has prevailed in the legislative course of the legislative initiatives regarding the construction of an interoceanic canal in Costa Rica? It was estimated in this research that the construction of a dry canal in Costa Rica would have been the largest and most important engineering work in the country. The main interest of this study was to make known the people and companies that were involved in the initiative and their main arguments. To support the study, it was considered pertinent to include the following chapters: Chapter I. "Transportation and Economic Relations". This chapter contains a historical review of interoceanic canals, as well as a mention of the attempts to build a canal in Nicaragua in the 19th century. In addition, a section on the Panama Canal is included, since it is considered to be the largest canal in the world and is part of the history of transportation routes in the Americas. It was the origin of global integration and was the most important strategic and political point in the world until the advent of World War II. Chapter II. "World Integration and Intensity Between Peoples Economies". In the global integration of peoples, the means of communication play a preponderant role, because through them the second integration of cultures and economies. Chapter III. "Transportation in Costa Rica and Proposals to Build a Dry Canal". In order to address the issue of a dry canal, it was essential to mention the development of transportation in Costa Rica, since this has been largely responsible for the development of Costa Rican nationality. In addition, the proposals of the companies that have offered to build the canal are included, along with their proposals. Chapter IV. "Analysis". Contains the main arguments generated by the interviewees in relation to the topic. Chapter V. "Conclusions" The transfer of technologies, international financial cooperation, knowledge, and experiences in the construction of road infrastructure have undoubtedly been a driving force behind the growth and development of the country since the last century. These have been, in general, treated from a technical point of view, without considering their political and economic aspects. "Recommendations". Considering the relevance that a Dry Canal in Costa Rica would have for the development and international image of the country, the Government of the Republic would do well to resume the project and seek international allies to carry it out.
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