Harry Potter desde una visión bíblica
León Fernández, Maribel
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Centro de Estudios Generales, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Toda persona tiene sus propias Sup.osiciones,ya sean o no personas reflexivas. Cada uno cree que su punto de vista sobre la realidad es el correcto o al menos el mejor. Así pues, las creencias y el comportamiento de las personas, en ese orden, están basadas en sus cosmovisiones, estén o no consciente de ello. A pesar de que este concepto está relacionado intímamente con la religión, no son iguales. Paul Hiebert afirma que "una cosmovisión proporciona a la gente sus suposiciones básicas sobre la relidad”. Lareligión le da el contenido específico de esa realidad .Si uno sostiene una cosmovisión determinada, eso funciona como religión.
Existen dos cosmovisiones:
a) Cosmovisión espiritualista: afirma que la verdadera realidad es espiritual: inmaterial o impersonal, es espiritual
b) Cosmovisión materialista o naturalista: afirma que la verdadera realidad es material o física, no espiritual.
Every person has their own assumptions, whether or not they are thoughtful people. Everyone believes that their point of view on reality is the correct or at least the best. Thus, people's beliefs and behavior, in that order, are based on their worldviews, whether they are aware of it or not. Although this concept is intimately related to religion, they are not the same. Paul Hiebert asserts that "a worldview provides people with their basic assumptions about reality." Religion gives it the specific content of that reality. If you hold a certain worldview, that works as a religion. There are two worldviews: a) Spiritualist worldview: affirms that true reality is spiritual: immaterial or impersonal, it is spiritual b) Materialistic or naturalistic worldview: affirms that true reality is material or physical, not spiritual.
Every person has their own assumptions, whether or not they are thoughtful people. Everyone believes that their point of view on reality is the correct or at least the best. Thus, people's beliefs and behavior, in that order, are based on their worldviews, whether they are aware of it or not. Although this concept is intimately related to religion, they are not the same. Paul Hiebert asserts that "a worldview provides people with their basic assumptions about reality." Religion gives it the specific content of that reality. If you hold a certain worldview, that works as a religion. There are two worldviews: a) Spiritualist worldview: affirms that true reality is spiritual: immaterial or impersonal, it is spiritual b) Materialistic or naturalistic worldview: affirms that true reality is material or physical, not spiritual.
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