La inclusión en la educación: Una revisión de literatura para la gestión educativa
Ruiz-Chaves, Warner
Chen-Quesada, Evelyn
García-Martínez, José Antonio
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Universidad Estatal a Distancia
Las investigaciones sobre la inclusión en la educación, han cobrado auge en la última década impulsada por la agenda mundial. El propósito de este estudio es analizar, sistemáticamente, la literatura de la última década relacionada con estudios empíricos sobre la inclusión en educación y su relación con la gestión educativa, para identificar los principales conceptos, estructurar evidencias, determinar las metodologías más frecuentes, así como conocer las tendencias y vacíos al respecto. La metodología empleada para la búsqueda y selección de estudios se basa en la declaración PRISMA, recurriendo a bases de datos de calado como Scopus, Latindex, ScieLO y Redalyc, obteniendo 33 artículos que cumplen con los criterios de aceptación establecidos. Los resultados destacan un 46 % sobre estudios de inclusión educativa, referidos a la temática de la discapacidad o necesidades educativas especiales (NEE); un 15 % sobre la educación inclusiva conceptualizada como inclusión para todos sin excepción; un 21 % sobre la gestión educativa para la inclusión y un 18 % sobre políticas educativas para la inclusión. Se evidencia la transformación del término inclusión educativa a lo largo de los años hacia la educación inclusiva; sin embargo, se denota un uso indistinto en las investigaciones. Se recomienda aumentar las investigaciones sobre la educación inclusiva, gestión y política educativa como una triada que se interconecta sistémicamente, para brindar luces sobre cómo poner en marcha un sistema educativo basado en la diversidad, el cumplimiento de derechos humanos y justicia social, que brinde igualdad de oportunidades y garantice la atención a toda la comunidad estudiantil.
Research on inclusion in education has boomed in the last decade driven by the global agenda. The purpose of this study is to systematically analyze the literature of the last decade related to empirical studies on the subject in order to identify the main concepts, structure evidence, determine the most frequent methodologies, as well as learn about trends and gaps in this regard. The methodology used for the search and selection of studies is based on the PRISMA declaration, using databases such as Scopus, Latindex, ScieLO and Redalyc, obtaining 33 articles that meet the established acceptance criteria. The results highlight 46% on educational inclusion studies referring to the subject of disability or special educational needs (SEN), 15% on inclusive education conceptualized as inclusion for all without exception, 21% on educational management for inclusion and 18% on educational policies for inclusion. The transformation of the term educational inclusion is evidenced over the years towards inclusive education. However, an indistinct use is observed in research. It is recommended to increase research on inclusive education, management and educational policy as a triad that is systemically interconnected to provide insights on how to implement an educational system based on diversity, compliance with human rights and social justice that provides equal opportunities and guarantees attention to the entire student community.
Research on inclusion in education has boomed in the last decade driven by the global agenda. The purpose of this study is to systematically analyze the literature of the last decade related to empirical studies on the subject in order to identify the main concepts, structure evidence, determine the most frequent methodologies, as well as learn about trends and gaps in this regard. The methodology used for the search and selection of studies is based on the PRISMA declaration, using databases such as Scopus, Latindex, ScieLO and Redalyc, obtaining 33 articles that meet the established acceptance criteria. The results highlight 46% on educational inclusion studies referring to the subject of disability or special educational needs (SEN), 15% on inclusive education conceptualized as inclusion for all without exception, 21% on educational management for inclusion and 18% on educational policies for inclusion. The transformation of the term educational inclusion is evidenced over the years towards inclusive education. However, an indistinct use is observed in research. It is recommended to increase research on inclusive education, management and educational policy as a triad that is systemically interconnected to provide insights on how to implement an educational system based on diversity, compliance with human rights and social justice that provides equal opportunities and guarantees attention to the entire student community.
Palabras clave
Inclusión educativa, Educación inclusiva, Gestión educacional, Política educacional, Educación