Análisis de materialidad para la microempresa tecnología y mantenimiento predictivo S.A. (TyM S.A)
López Arias, Angie
Morales Chaves, Yency
Zamora Villalobos, Paola
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El presente Proyecto Final de Graduación consta de un análisis de materialidad
para la microempresa Tecnología y Mantenimiento Predictivo S.A (TyM S.A.), durante el
segundo semestre del 2019, a fin de encaminarla hacia la senda de la Responsabilidad
Social (RS) y la Sostenibilidad, con el propósito de hacerla más competitiva y rentable.
Para cumplir con dicho objetivo se realizó un análisis de contexto que incluye un
diagnóstico de la microempresa como línea base, un benchmarking y un FODA, esto para
determinar el estado inicial de la empresa respecto a la competencia y así identificar las
fortalezas y las oportunidades de mejora.
La cadena de valor es indispensable en un análisis de materialidad, es por ello,
que se analizó y se mapeó la cadena de la microempresa TyM Predictivo S.A. y se
analizaron los impactos y los riesgos que la empresa tiene sobre ella.
También fue necesario realizar una identificación y valoración de las Partes
Interesadas (PI), etapa en la que se utilizó una herramienta para tal fin, se efectuó una
consulta, se analizaron los resultados y se definieron mecanismos de relacionamiento.
Una vez concluida esta fase, se continuó con el análisis de materialidad, para lo cual se
utilizó una matriz de la Alianza Empresarial para el Desarrollo (AED), se definieron los
temas, se validaron con la alta gerencia de la empresa y se elaboró el informe respectivo.
Es importante indicar que cada etapa fue necesaria puesto que la empresa no
contaba con ningún insumo al respecto. El proceso fue enriquecedor para la
microempresa, porque pudo concebir los grandes vacíos que tenía en el tema y, a la vez,
las oportunidades que poseía para comenzar una transformación en la manera de hacer
las cosas.
La totalidad del proceso se realizó durante el segundo semestre del 2019, lo cual
implicó un enorme reto por las razones expuestas anteriormente. Todo lo desarrollado en el proceso es un insumo que le permite a la empresa
alinear su estrategia de negocio con un enfoque de Responsabilidad Social y
Sostenibilidad; pero, sobre todo, le ayuda a no quedarse fuera del mercado. TyM
Predictivo cuenta con clientes importantes, nacionales e internacionales, que ya incluyen
criterios de selección en la materia dentro de sus carteles de licitaciones, por lo cual, si
bien puede significar un gran reto, la empresa debía introducirse en la gestión
responsable para así ser mucho más competitiva y ajustarse a las exigencias actuales
del mercado.
This Final Graduation Project consists of a materiality analysis for the micro-company Tecnología y Mantenimiento Predictivo S.A. (TyM S.A.), during the second semester of 2019, in order to direct it towards the path of Social Responsibility (SR) and Sustainability, with the purpose of making it more competitive and profitable. To meet this objective, a context analysis was conducted, including a baseline diagnosis of the microenterprise, a benchmarking and a SWOT, to determine the initial state of the company with respect to the competition and thus identify strengths and opportunities for improvement. The value chain is essential in a materiality analysis, which is why the chain of the microenterprise TyM Predictivo S.A. was analyzed and mapped, and the impacts and risks that the company has on it were analyzed. It was also necessary to identify and evaluate the stakeholders, using a tool for this purpose, a consultation was carried out, the results were analyzed and relationship mechanisms were defined. Once this phase was completed, the materiality analysis continued, for which a matrix of the Business Alliance for Development (EDA) was used, the issues were defined, validated with the company's senior management and the respective report was prepared. It is important to point out that each stage was necessary since the company did not have any input in this regard. The process was enriching for the microenterprise, because it was able to conceive the major gaps it had on the subject and, at the same time, the opportunities it had to begin a transformation in the way of doing things. The entire process was carried out during the second semester of 2019, which implied an enormous challenge for the reasons stated above. Everything developed in the process is an input that allows the company to align its business strategy with a focus on Social Responsibility and Sustainability; but, above all, it helps it not to be left out of the market. TyM Predictivo has important national and international clients that already include selection criteria in the matter within their bidding documents, so, although it can be a great challenge, the company had to introduce responsible management in order to be much more competitive and adjust to the current market demands.
This Final Graduation Project consists of a materiality analysis for the micro-company Tecnología y Mantenimiento Predictivo S.A. (TyM S.A.), during the second semester of 2019, in order to direct it towards the path of Social Responsibility (SR) and Sustainability, with the purpose of making it more competitive and profitable. To meet this objective, a context analysis was conducted, including a baseline diagnosis of the microenterprise, a benchmarking and a SWOT, to determine the initial state of the company with respect to the competition and thus identify strengths and opportunities for improvement. The value chain is essential in a materiality analysis, which is why the chain of the microenterprise TyM Predictivo S.A. was analyzed and mapped, and the impacts and risks that the company has on it were analyzed. It was also necessary to identify and evaluate the stakeholders, using a tool for this purpose, a consultation was carried out, the results were analyzed and relationship mechanisms were defined. Once this phase was completed, the materiality analysis continued, for which a matrix of the Business Alliance for Development (EDA) was used, the issues were defined, validated with the company's senior management and the respective report was prepared. It is important to point out that each stage was necessary since the company did not have any input in this regard. The process was enriching for the microenterprise, because it was able to conceive the major gaps it had on the subject and, at the same time, the opportunities it had to begin a transformation in the way of doing things. The entire process was carried out during the second semester of 2019, which implied an enormous challenge for the reasons stated above. Everything developed in the process is an input that allows the company to align its business strategy with a focus on Social Responsibility and Sustainability; but, above all, it helps it not to be left out of the market. TyM Predictivo has important national and international clients that already include selection criteria in the matter within their bidding documents, so, although it can be a great challenge, the company had to introduce responsible management in order to be much more competitive and adjust to the current market demands.
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