Análisis de las variaciones del tipo de cambio y su efecto sobre los presupuestos públicos de los Ministerios y otras entidades relacionadas, 2021-2023
León Jiménez, Gustavo
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.
Esta investigación brinda un aporte en finanzas públicas, y se refiere a los efectos de las variaciones en el tipo de cambio en los presupuestos de los Ministerios del Gobierno Central y sobre otras entidades relacionadas con estos, (2021-2023). El objetivo es proponer mejoras en la gestión administrativa y en la eficacia de sus operaciones. Dado lo anterior, en el marco teórico, se desarrollaron conceptos como: 1) TC y regímenes cambiarios, 2) TC y el Presupuesto 3) Entidades relacionadas con los Ministerios y 4) Instrumentos de gestión administrativa para la cobertura cambiaria.
El enfoque que se utilizó es mixto, se recolectó y analizó datos cuantitativos y cualitativos, permitiendo una perspectiva más integral del problema. Se realizó una revisión de la página la web del Ministerio de Hacienda en relación con los presupuestos ministeriales, se emplearon datos del Sistema Integrado de Gestión Administrativa Financiera (SIGAF), encuestas y entrevistas a sujetos responsables y especialistas tanto de los Ministerios como de entes rectores.
A partir de los métodos anteriores, se obtuvo como resultado, información sobre las situaciones provocadas por las variaciones del TC, como subejecuciones, faltantes de recursos, reprocesos, incumplimiento de metas, se logra evidenciar incertidumbre en los pagos a proveedores. Respecto a los temas de gestión administrativa, se analizaron herramientas, como los enfoques de presupuesto plurianual, gestión para resultados, modificaciones presupuestarias y gestión de riesgos.
En conclusión, se evidenciaron problemas en la ejecución y en el ámbito operativo de los ministerios, a la vez, estas afectaciones repercuten en los pagos a proveedores y organismos internacionales. Por otro lado, las opciones que la administración tiene para gestionar esos efectos se ven limitadas y su aplicación ameritaría principalmente cambios en procesos administrativos a nivel ministerial, en el accionar de los entes rectores, legales y operativos. Por último, se recomienda al ente rector en materia presupuestaria algunas opciones tales como: flexibilizar el uso del TC, que se permita la realización de pagos en dólares, aplicar el riesgo cambiario en las instituciones, y que se utilice un método para indexar recursos formulados en dólares a un valor presente.
This research provides a contribution to public finances, and refers to the effects of variations in the exchange rate on the budgets of the Central Government Ministries and other entities related to them, (2021-2023). The objective is to propose improvements in administrative management and the effectiveness of its operations. Given the above, in the theoretical framework, concepts such as: 1) TC and exchange rate regimes, 2) TC and the Budget, 3) Entities related to the Ministries and 4) Administrative management instruments for exchange coverage were developed. The approach used is mixed, quantitative and qualitative data were collected and analyzed, allowing a more comprehensive perspective of the problem. A review of the website of the Ministry of Finance was carried out in relation to the ministerial budgets, data from the Integrated Financial Administrative Management System (SIGAF), surveys and interviews with responsible subjects and specialists from both the Ministries and governing entities were used. . From the previous methods, information was obtained on the situations caused by variations in the TC, such as under-executions, lack of resources, reprocessing, non-compliance with goals, and uncertainty in payments to suppliers was evident. Regarding administrative management issues, tools were analyzed, such as multi-year budget approaches, management for results, budget modifications and risk management. In conclusion, problems were evident in the execution and operational scope of the ministries; at the same time, these effects had an impact on payments to suppliers and international organizations. On the other hand, the options that the administration has to manage these effects are limited and their application would mainly require changes in administrative processes at the ministerial level, in the actions of the governing, legal and operational entities. Finally, some options are recommended to the governing body in budgetary matters such as: making the use of the TC more flexible, allowing payments to be made in dollars, applying exchange risk in institutions, and using a method to index formulated resources. in dollars at a present value.
This research provides a contribution to public finances, and refers to the effects of variations in the exchange rate on the budgets of the Central Government Ministries and other entities related to them, (2021-2023). The objective is to propose improvements in administrative management and the effectiveness of its operations. Given the above, in the theoretical framework, concepts such as: 1) TC and exchange rate regimes, 2) TC and the Budget, 3) Entities related to the Ministries and 4) Administrative management instruments for exchange coverage were developed. The approach used is mixed, quantitative and qualitative data were collected and analyzed, allowing a more comprehensive perspective of the problem. A review of the website of the Ministry of Finance was carried out in relation to the ministerial budgets, data from the Integrated Financial Administrative Management System (SIGAF), surveys and interviews with responsible subjects and specialists from both the Ministries and governing entities were used. . From the previous methods, information was obtained on the situations caused by variations in the TC, such as under-executions, lack of resources, reprocessing, non-compliance with goals, and uncertainty in payments to suppliers was evident. Regarding administrative management issues, tools were analyzed, such as multi-year budget approaches, management for results, budget modifications and risk management. In conclusion, problems were evident in the execution and operational scope of the ministries; at the same time, these effects had an impact on payments to suppliers and international organizations. On the other hand, the options that the administration has to manage these effects are limited and their application would mainly require changes in administrative processes at the ministerial level, in the actions of the governing, legal and operational entities. Finally, some options are recommended to the governing body in budgetary matters such as: making the use of the TC more flexible, allowing payments to be made in dollars, applying exchange risk in institutions, and using a method to index formulated resources. in dollars at a present value.
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