Represión, denuncia y liberación : Panzos y El Quiché.
Sierra Pop, Oscar Rolando
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Iniciando el mes de diciembre de 1990, nuevamente los medios de comunicación social
informan sobre otro genocidio en Guatemala. Una vez más, el ejército fue señalado culpable
por haber asesinado y herido a decenas de indígenas tzutujiles de Santiago Atitlán, en el
departamento de Sololá. La reacción de la opinión pública nacional e internacional de los
organismos humanitarios y de derechos humanos, de las Iglesias y de los pueblos indígenas
fue de condena total. Según esas denuncias, fue evidente la prepotencia e impunidad militar y
es aún más clara la ausencia de la justicia, en gobiernos que se identifican con los principios
cristianos y signan tratados de paz y de defensa de los derechos humanos. Éste hecho se
suma a la cadena de matanzas colectivas contra pueblos indígenas entre las que se cuentan
las de PANZOS Y EL QUICHE. Hace 13 años más de 100 kekchíes de Alta Verapaz fueron
también noticia necrófila y política de los diarios. Igualmente, desde ese período los quichés
vienen sufriendo la misma historia ¿Por qué esa saña contra una cultura milenaria. heredera de
la ciencia y agricultura maya?. ¿Cuáles han sido las causas que han provocado el baño de
sangre?. Y ¿cuál ha sido la reacción de los cristianos?, ¿qué ha dicho la Iglesia católica sobre
estos hechos de barbarie?. Cuál es el significado de este martirio para quienes tenemos fe en
un Dios de justicia, de amor y de fraternidad. Las preguntas son bailes y las respuestas quizás
pocas o nunca lleguen. Sin embargo, en este trabajo intentamos describir el calvario de los
pueblos indígenas por medio de dos casos, un calvario que no se queda en el viernes santo
sino que trasciende hacia resurrección que camina hacia la tierra para todos. Aunque somos
del mismo criterio como dijo Monseñor Romero, conversión y el martirio de estos pueblos son
el caso y el ejemplo supremo de una teología hecha vida que no cabe en ningún libro, acaso
también en alguna tesis. No obstante, intentamos describir y comprender la voz de agentes
religiosos, organizaciones cristianas y jerarquía católica, que convirtieron su protesta en
denuncia contra los causantes de las injusticias y la muerte. Este trabajo es un punto de partida
para nuestro que hacer teológico, tenemos que discernir en éstos hechos históricos, la
presencia de Dios, la revelación de Dios en la vida cotidiana que aunque hoy es de dolor, exige
fe en el Plan de liberación que el propone Queremos develar en partículas de la historia de
Panzos y El Quiché, la palabra de Dios como palabra de y para caminantes, donde se hace
presente el salvador y toma partido por los sufridos, oprimidos, perseguidos y discriminados...
Es un Dios que tiene una causa en la historia y que por eso tiene enemigos. Su acción en la
historia no es vaporosamente omnímoda, sino determinada y precisa. Es una acción en y con
los oprimidos en el seno de la historia, en pro de su liberación. Brevemente un poco de
arqueología sobre este trabajo. Una primera versión fue presentada a la Escuela Ecuménica de
Ciencias de la Religión en 1982. Se le hicieron varias observaciones hasta presentar en 1984
una segunda resumida versión. Por cuestiones sin explicación, se extravió hasta aparecer en
diciembre de 1989. Se retoma, se le hacen nuevos reajustes hasta que en febrero de 1991, se
pone punto final, no sea que cada vez que la leamos se le cambien algunos elementos que nos
alejen de los objetivos originales de la tesis. A pesar de todo, el ejercicio ha sido positivo, en
ese sentido aprecio sobremanera, las críticas, observaciones y aportes de los profesores de la
Escuela, particularmente de H. Gallardo, Abraham Soria (QEPD), en la primera fase) y
Francisco Avendaño que llegó hasta el final de la contienda. A todos mis agradecimientos!.
Sirva este aporte para la discusión y nuevas tareas del que hacer teológico en América Central.
Beginning in December 1990, the social media again reported on another genocide in Guatemala. Once again, the army was found guilty for having killed and wounded dozens of indigenous Tzutujiles from Santiago Atitlán, in the department of Sololá. The reaction of the national and international public opinion of the humanitarian and human rights organizations, the Churches and the indigenous peoples was of total condemnation. According to these complaints, military arrogance and impunity was evident and the absence of justice is even clearer, in governments that identify with Christian principles and sign peace treaties and the defense of human rights. This fact adds to the chain of collective killings against indigenous peoples, including those of PANZOS and EL QUICHE. 13 years ago, more than 100 kekchíes from Alta Verapaz were also necrophiliac and political news in the newspapers. Likewise, since that period, the Quiche have suffered the same history. Why this viciousness against a millenary culture. heir to Mayan science and agriculture? What have been the causes that have caused the bloodbath? And what has been the reaction of the Christians? What has the Catholic Church said about these acts of barbarism? What is the meaning of this martyrdom for those of us who have faith in a God of justice, love and brotherhood. The questions are dances and the answers may few or never come. However, in this work we try to describe the calvary of the indigenous peoples through two cases, a calvary that does not remain on Good Friday but transcends towards resurrection that walks towards earth for all. Although we have the same criteria as Monsignor Romero said, conversion and the martyrdom of these peoples are the case and the supreme example of a theology come to life that does not fit in any "book", perhaps also in some thesis. However, we try to describe and understand the voice of religious agents, Christian organizations and the Catholic hierarchy, who turned their protest into a denunciation against the causes of injustice and death. This work is a starting point for our theological work, we have to discern in these historical facts, the presence of God, the revelation of God in daily life that although today is painful, requires faith in the Plan of liberation that the proposes We want to reveal in particles of the history of Panzos and El Quiché, the word of God as the word of and for travelers, where the savior is present and takes sides with the suffered, oppressed, persecuted and discriminated against ... He is a God who it has a cause in history and that is why it has enemies. Its action in history is not steamy all-embracing, but determined and precise. It is an action in and with the oppressed within history, for their liberation. Briefly a bit of archeology on this work. A first version was presented to the Ecumenical School of Religious Sciences in 1982. Several observations were made to it until a second summarized version was presented in 1984. For reasons without explanation, it was lost until it appeared in December 1989. It is resumed, new readjustments are made until in February 1991, it is put to an end, lest each time we read it some elements are changed that keep us away of the original objectives of the thesis. Despite everything, the exercise has been positive, in that sense I greatly appreciate the criticisms, observations and contributions of the Schools teachers, particularly H. Gallardo, Abraham Soria (RIP), in the first phase) and Francisco Avendaño that reached the end of the contest. To all my thanks!. Serve this contribution for the discussion and new tasks of theological to do in Central America.
Beginning in December 1990, the social media again reported on another genocide in Guatemala. Once again, the army was found guilty for having killed and wounded dozens of indigenous Tzutujiles from Santiago Atitlán, in the department of Sololá. The reaction of the national and international public opinion of the humanitarian and human rights organizations, the Churches and the indigenous peoples was of total condemnation. According to these complaints, military arrogance and impunity was evident and the absence of justice is even clearer, in governments that identify with Christian principles and sign peace treaties and the defense of human rights. This fact adds to the chain of collective killings against indigenous peoples, including those of PANZOS and EL QUICHE. 13 years ago, more than 100 kekchíes from Alta Verapaz were also necrophiliac and political news in the newspapers. Likewise, since that period, the Quiche have suffered the same history. Why this viciousness against a millenary culture. heir to Mayan science and agriculture? What have been the causes that have caused the bloodbath? And what has been the reaction of the Christians? What has the Catholic Church said about these acts of barbarism? What is the meaning of this martyrdom for those of us who have faith in a God of justice, love and brotherhood. The questions are dances and the answers may few or never come. However, in this work we try to describe the calvary of the indigenous peoples through two cases, a calvary that does not remain on Good Friday but transcends towards resurrection that walks towards earth for all. Although we have the same criteria as Monsignor Romero said, conversion and the martyrdom of these peoples are the case and the supreme example of a theology come to life that does not fit in any "book", perhaps also in some thesis. However, we try to describe and understand the voice of religious agents, Christian organizations and the Catholic hierarchy, who turned their protest into a denunciation against the causes of injustice and death. This work is a starting point for our theological work, we have to discern in these historical facts, the presence of God, the revelation of God in daily life that although today is painful, requires faith in the Plan of liberation that the proposes We want to reveal in particles of the history of Panzos and El Quiché, the word of God as the word of and for travelers, where the savior is present and takes sides with the suffered, oppressed, persecuted and discriminated against ... He is a God who it has a cause in history and that is why it has enemies. Its action in history is not steamy all-embracing, but determined and precise. It is an action in and with the oppressed within history, for their liberation. Briefly a bit of archeology on this work. A first version was presented to the Ecumenical School of Religious Sciences in 1982. Several observations were made to it until a second summarized version was presented in 1984. For reasons without explanation, it was lost until it appeared in December 1989. It is resumed, new readjustments are made until in February 1991, it is put to an end, lest each time we read it some elements are changed that keep us away of the original objectives of the thesis. Despite everything, the exercise has been positive, in that sense I greatly appreciate the criticisms, observations and contributions of the Schools teachers, particularly H. Gallardo, Abraham Soria (RIP), in the first phase) and Francisco Avendaño that reached the end of the contest. To all my thanks!. Serve this contribution for the discussion and new tasks of theological to do in Central America.
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