Análisis de las contribuciones de los Parques Nacionales y Reservas Biológicas al desarrollo socioeconómico de Costa Rica. 2009
Moreno Díaz, Mary Luz
Salas Pinel, Fiorella
Otoya Chavarría, Marco
González Brenes, Silvia
Cordero Rodríguez, Daniela
Mora Salas, Carlos Enrique
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Costa Rica cuenta con una cuarta parte de su territorio protegido, del cual un 12,7%
corresponde a la categoría de parques nacionales y reservas biológicas. Estas áreas
protegidas—en total 28 parques nacionales y 8 reservas biológicas-- le brindan al país
beneficios no solamente ecológicos, sino también económicos, sociales e institucionales. Los
cuales se reflejan en actividades como el turismo, la protección del recurso hídrico para la
generación de energía hidroeléctrica, los servicios ambientales, y la investigación científica,
entre otros.
En el año 2002, se obtuvo que los aportes generados por la existencia de los parques
nacionales y reservas biológicas al desarrollo socioeconómico de Costa Rica fue de ¢334.128
millones (US$832 millones). También se obtuvo el dato para los parques nacionales Chirripó
(¢243 millones; US$618 mil), Cahuita (¢1.977 millones; US$4,9 millones) y Volcán Poas
(¢9.345 millones; US$23,4 millones) (Furst et al, 2005).
Con el ánimo de actualizar los datos obtenidos para el 2002 se propuso el proyecto
Sistematización y Análisis de las Contribuciones de los Parques Nacionales y Reservas
Biológicas al Desarrollo Económico y Social en Costa Rica, Benín y Bután1
, que además
pretendía replicar la metodología en otros dos países y trabajar con otros estudios de caso en
Costa Rica. Así como, plantear recomendaciones de política para apoyar a los tomadores de
decisiones en el manejo de los parques nacionales y reservas biológicas en los tres países.
La información encontrada a nivel nacional y empíricamente agregada sobre las principales
actividades o aportes identificados en este trabajo muestra que las actividades económicas
que se beneficiaron de la existencia de los PNRB para el 2009 fueron: (1) turismo orientado
primordialmente a la naturaleza con sus servicios conexos, (2) generación de electricidad
gracias al uso del agua proveniente de los PNRB para proyectos hidroeléctricos, (3)
generación de empleo y salarios, (4) ingresos del MINAET por concepto de entradas
cobradas, (5) conservación de áreas silvestres protegidas de parte del MINAET-SINAC en
forma de gastos fijos e inversiones en la administración y mantenimiento de los PNRB, (6)
compra de tierras para la expansión de PNRB existentes o el establecimiento de nuevos, (7)
Pago de Servicios Ambientales (PSA) dirigidos a las áreas protegidas y sus alrededores para
su conservación y mantenimiento, y por último, (8) investigación sobre biodiversidad y,
correspondiente a ésta, generación de utilidades por concepto de bioprospección e
investigación básica.
En un esfuerzo por traducir estas contribuciones en términos monetarios, la búsqueda,
sistematización y análisis de información primaria y secundaria permite realizar una
estimación de los aportes de los PNRB para el año 2009. En este año, la suma total de los aportes aproximados de las actividades mencionadas en el párrafo anterior fue de
aproximadamente ¢778.148 millones de colones ó $1.357 millones de dólares americanos (en
precios de 2009).
Tal monto representa una contribución al desarrollo económico de innegable relevancia, pero
debe verse cómo el límite inferior de un monto mucho más alto. En caso de disponer de una
base estadística más sólida, e incluir el monto real de los servicios ambientales atribuibles a
los PNRB. Siempre considerando la restricción señalada, el total calculado de los aportes a la
economía nacional por concepto de generación de ingreso e inversión atribuibles a los
PNRB, es alrededor de un 5 por ciento del PIB de Costa Rica en el año 2009 (cálculo propio
con base en la Cuentas Nacionales del BCCR para 2009).
En el marco de este proyecto se trabajo también con tres estudios de caso, con los siguientes
resultados: Parque Nacional Corcovado-Reserva Biológica Isla del Caño en el 2008 ₡48.197
millones de colones ó $91.590 mil dólares americanos (Otoya, M. et al 2010); Parque
Nacional Rincón de la Vieja en el 2009 ₡12.770 millones de colones ó $23.010 mil dólares
americanos (Salas, F. et al 2010); y Parque Nacional Palo Verde en el 2009 ₡1.106 millones
de colones ó $1.936 mil dólares americanos (Moreno, M. et al 2010).
Costa Rica has a quarter of its territory protected, of which 12.7% corresponds to the category of national parks and biological reserves. These protected areas-a total of 28 national parks and biological reserves in- provide the country benefits not only ecological but also economic, social and institutional ones, which are reflected in activities such as tourism, protection of water resources for hydroelectric energy, environmental services, and scientific research, among others. In 2002, was found that the contributions generated by the existence of national parks and biological reserves to socio-economic development in Costa Rica was ¢ 334 128 million (US$832 million). We also obtained the datum for the national parks of Chirripó (¢243 million, US$618 million), Cahuita (¢1.977 million, US$4.9 million) and Poas Volcano (¢9.345 million, US$23.4 million) (Furst et al, 2005). With the urge of updating the data obtained for 2002 was proposed the project Systematization and Analysis of the Contributions of National Parks and Biological Reserves to the Economic and Social Development in Costa Rica, Benin and Bután1 , which also sought to replicate the methodology in two other countries and work with other case studies in Costa Rica, as well as to propose policy recommendations to support to decision makers in the management of national parks and biological reserves in the three countries. The information found at the national level and empirically aggregated on the main activities or contributions identified in this study shows that economic activities that were benefited from the existence of the PNRB for 2009 were: (1) tourism aimed primarily at nature with its related services, (2) generation of electricity through the usage of water coming from the PNRB for hydroelectric projects, (3) generation of employment and salaries, (4) incomes from MINAE in the quality of tickets collected, (5) conservation of protected wildlife areas from MINAE-SINAC in the form of fixed costs and investments in the administration and maintenance of the PNRB (6) purchase of lands for the expansion of existing PNRB or the establishment of new ones, (7) payment for environmental services (PSA) aimed at protected areas for their conservation and maintenance, and finally (8), research on biodiversity and, corresponding to this, generation of profits in the quality of bioprospection and basic research. In an effort to interpret these contributions in monetary terms, the search, systematization and analysis of primary and secondary information allows making an estimate of the contributions of PNRB for 2009. This year the total sum of the approximate contributions of the activities mentioned in the previous paragraph was ¢778.148 million colones or $1.357 million dollars (in prices of 2009). This amount represents a contribution to the economic development of undeniable importance, but it should be seen as the lower limit of a much higher amount, in case of having a more solid statistical basis, and include the actual amount of the environmental services attributable to PNRB. Always considering the restriction noted, the estimated total of contributions to the national economy in the quality of income generation and investment attributable to PNRB, is about 5 percent of GDP in Costa Rica in 2009 (own calculation based on the National Accounts of BCCR for 2009). In the framework of this Project, was also worked with three case studies, with the following results: Corcovado National Park-Caño Island Biological Reserve in 2008 ₡48.197 million colones or $91.590 thousand dollars (Otoya, M. et al 2010); Rincón de la Vieja National Park in 2009 ₡12.770 million colones or $23.010 thousand dollars (Salas, F. et al 2010); and Palo Verde National Park in 2009 ₡1.106 million colones or $1.936 thousand dollars (Moreno, M. et al 2010).
Costa Rica has a quarter of its territory protected, of which 12.7% corresponds to the category of national parks and biological reserves. These protected areas-a total of 28 national parks and biological reserves in- provide the country benefits not only ecological but also economic, social and institutional ones, which are reflected in activities such as tourism, protection of water resources for hydroelectric energy, environmental services, and scientific research, among others. In 2002, was found that the contributions generated by the existence of national parks and biological reserves to socio-economic development in Costa Rica was ¢ 334 128 million (US$832 million). We also obtained the datum for the national parks of Chirripó (¢243 million, US$618 million), Cahuita (¢1.977 million, US$4.9 million) and Poas Volcano (¢9.345 million, US$23.4 million) (Furst et al, 2005). With the urge of updating the data obtained for 2002 was proposed the project Systematization and Analysis of the Contributions of National Parks and Biological Reserves to the Economic and Social Development in Costa Rica, Benin and Bután1 , which also sought to replicate the methodology in two other countries and work with other case studies in Costa Rica, as well as to propose policy recommendations to support to decision makers in the management of national parks and biological reserves in the three countries. The information found at the national level and empirically aggregated on the main activities or contributions identified in this study shows that economic activities that were benefited from the existence of the PNRB for 2009 were: (1) tourism aimed primarily at nature with its related services, (2) generation of electricity through the usage of water coming from the PNRB for hydroelectric projects, (3) generation of employment and salaries, (4) incomes from MINAE in the quality of tickets collected, (5) conservation of protected wildlife areas from MINAE-SINAC in the form of fixed costs and investments in the administration and maintenance of the PNRB (6) purchase of lands for the expansion of existing PNRB or the establishment of new ones, (7) payment for environmental services (PSA) aimed at protected areas for their conservation and maintenance, and finally (8), research on biodiversity and, corresponding to this, generation of profits in the quality of bioprospection and basic research. In an effort to interpret these contributions in monetary terms, the search, systematization and analysis of primary and secondary information allows making an estimate of the contributions of PNRB for 2009. This year the total sum of the approximate contributions of the activities mentioned in the previous paragraph was ¢778.148 million colones or $1.357 million dollars (in prices of 2009). This amount represents a contribution to the economic development of undeniable importance, but it should be seen as the lower limit of a much higher amount, in case of having a more solid statistical basis, and include the actual amount of the environmental services attributable to PNRB. Always considering the restriction noted, the estimated total of contributions to the national economy in the quality of income generation and investment attributable to PNRB, is about 5 percent of GDP in Costa Rica in 2009 (own calculation based on the National Accounts of BCCR for 2009). In the framework of this Project, was also worked with three case studies, with the following results: Corcovado National Park-Caño Island Biological Reserve in 2008 ₡48.197 million colones or $91.590 thousand dollars (Otoya, M. et al 2010); Rincón de la Vieja National Park in 2009 ₡12.770 million colones or $23.010 thousand dollars (Salas, F. et al 2010); and Palo Verde National Park in 2009 ₡1.106 million colones or $1.936 thousand dollars (Moreno, M. et al 2010).
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