Cirugía en especies menores e interpretación de imágenes médicas en el Hospital Veterinario Intensevet y la Clínica Veterinaria Vicovet en San José, Costa Rica
Pizarro Nájar, Valeria
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.
Se realizó una pasantía en la Clínica Veterinaria Vicovet (CVV) y en el Hospital
Veterinario Intensivet (HVI), la primera institución ubicada en Sabanilla, y la segunda en
Sabana, Costa Rica. La duración de dicha práctica fue de ocho semanas, iniciando el 2 de
noviembre y finalizando el 26 de diciembre del 2015.
Durante la pasantía en la CVV, se participó en el abordaje diagnóstico y terapéutico
quirúrgico de 119 animales, correspondiendo a 81 caninos y 38 felinos. En total se
realizaron 144 cirugías, en su mayoría de tejidos blandos (77%), seguidas de ortopedias
(21%) y neurocirugía (2%). En el caso del HVI, se atendieron 33 animales,
correspondiendo a 32 caninos y un felino. Se realizaron 51 cirugías en dichos pacientes,
distribuidas en tejidos blandos (67%) y ortopedias (33%).
Las técnicas de imágenes médicas para diagnóstico y control de los pacientes atendidos
fueron radiografía simple, ultrasonido, endoscopía, radiografías con medio de contraste
(incluyendo epidurografía y mielografía) y tomografía axial computarizada (TAC). Siendo
la primera el método más utilizado (HVI= 52%; CVV= 74%), seguido de ultrasonografía
(HVI= 46%; CVV= 16%) y por último otras técnicas (CVV=10%; HVI= 2%).
En el presente documento se describe la casuística de las cirugías y las técnicas de
imágenes médicas utilizadas en ambos centros médicos. Además, se desarrolla un caso de
colapso traqueal corregido quirúrgicamente con prótesis extratraqueales; así como un caso
de síndrome de cauda equina cuyo tratamiento quirúrgico fue laminectomía dorsal y
colocación de placas SOP y tornillos pediculares, junto con pines transfacetarios
An 8th week internship was made at Vicovet Clinical Veterinary (CVV) and at Intensivet Veterinary Hospital (HVI). The first one is located at Sabanilla and the second one at Sabana. The internship began on November 2 and was completed on December 26, 2015. Throughout the working period at CVV, 119 animals were atended, corresponding to 81 dogs and 38 cats. The surgical therapy of the patients were distribuited as soft tissues (77%), orthopedics (21%) and neurosurgery (2%). In the HVI, 33 animales were atented, corresponding to 32 dogs and one cat. The distribution of the surgeries was soft tissues (67%) and ortophedics (33%). The imaging techniques used for diagnostic and postsurgical patient control were simple Xrays, ultrasound, endoscopy, contrast medium X rays (including epidurography and mielography) and computed axial tomography. The first technique was the most used (HVI= 52%; CVV= 74%), followed by ultrasound (HVI= 46%; CVV= 16%), and finally the other ones (CVV=10%; HVI= 2%). This document describes the surgical and imaging statistics through each medical institution. Almost, develops a case of tracheal collapse treated surgically with extratracheal prosthesis; and a case of equina cauda syndrome, treated with dorsal laminectomy and SOP plates-screws, and temporal transfacets pins.
An 8th week internship was made at Vicovet Clinical Veterinary (CVV) and at Intensivet Veterinary Hospital (HVI). The first one is located at Sabanilla and the second one at Sabana. The internship began on November 2 and was completed on December 26, 2015. Throughout the working period at CVV, 119 animals were atended, corresponding to 81 dogs and 38 cats. The surgical therapy of the patients were distribuited as soft tissues (77%), orthopedics (21%) and neurosurgery (2%). In the HVI, 33 animales were atented, corresponding to 32 dogs and one cat. The distribution of the surgeries was soft tissues (67%) and ortophedics (33%). The imaging techniques used for diagnostic and postsurgical patient control were simple Xrays, ultrasound, endoscopy, contrast medium X rays (including epidurography and mielography) and computed axial tomography. The first technique was the most used (HVI= 52%; CVV= 74%), followed by ultrasound (HVI= 46%; CVV= 16%), and finally the other ones (CVV=10%; HVI= 2%). This document describes the surgical and imaging statistics through each medical institution. Almost, develops a case of tracheal collapse treated surgically with extratracheal prosthesis; and a case of equina cauda syndrome, treated with dorsal laminectomy and SOP plates-screws, and temporal transfacets pins.
Modalidad: Pasantía
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