Depuración del ostión de manglar (Crassostrea rhizophorae) con luz ultravioleta y cloro
Madrigal Castro, Eduardo
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
Para determinar el emjor método depurativo de coliformes fecales retenidas por el ostión de manglar crassostrea rhizophore, se realizaron doce tipos de tratamientos, que combinaron tres tiempos de radiación de luz ultravioleta (24,36 y 48 horas) con una longitud de onda de 254nm y cuatro concentraciones de cloro (0,00,0,02,0,04 y 0,06 ppm). Se trabajó con una muestra de 600 ejemplares provenientes de Vizcaya, provincia de Limón; estos fueron distribuidos en circuitos experimentales a los que se les agregó agua presumiblemente contaminada de Cieneguita, Limón y la Angostura de Puntarenas. El método de depuración con luz ultravioleta es aplicable en nuestro país; permite obtener resultados efectivos y rápidos a un costo relativamente bajo.
To determine the best depurative method of fecal coliforms retained by the mangrove oyster crassostrea rhizophore, twelve types of treatments were carried out, which combined three times of ultraviolet light radiation (24, 36 and 48 hours) with a wavelength of 254nm and four concentrations of chlorine (0.00,0,02,0.04 and 0.06 ppm). We worked with a sample of 600 specimens from Vizcaya, Limón province; These were distributed in experimental circuits to which presumably contaminated water from Cieneguita, Limón and La Angostura de Puntarenas was added. The ultraviolet light purification method is applicable in our country; allows to obtain effective and fast results at a relatively low cost.
To determine the best depurative method of fecal coliforms retained by the mangrove oyster crassostrea rhizophore, twelve types of treatments were carried out, which combined three times of ultraviolet light radiation (24, 36 and 48 hours) with a wavelength of 254nm and four concentrations of chlorine (0.00,0,02,0.04 and 0.06 ppm). We worked with a sample of 600 specimens from Vizcaya, Limón province; These were distributed in experimental circuits to which presumably contaminated water from Cieneguita, Limón and La Angostura de Puntarenas was added. The ultraviolet light purification method is applicable in our country; allows to obtain effective and fast results at a relatively low cost.
Madrigal Castro, E. (1986). Depuración del ostión de manglar (Crassostrea rhizophorae) con luz ultravioleta y cloro (Tesis de Licenciatura). Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica.
Palabras clave
Acuicultura, Océano, Ostra, Cultivo de Ostras, Crassostrea rhizophore