Estudio de prefactibilidad de un centro diurno para adultos mayores en el cantón de Corredores, para el periodo 2019-2020
Castro Ramírez, Joselyn Leticia
Chavarría Mejías, Wander
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Bajo la formulación y desarrollo de los objetivos del proyecto se busca dar respuesta a la interrogante en cuestión, ¿Es pre factible la creación del centro diurno para adultos mayores en el cantón de Corredores, para el periodo 2019 -2020?, por lo que, por medio del estudio de mercado, técnico, administrativo, legal, ambiental y económico-financiero, el presente proyecto pretende dar una perspectiva del servicio integral a ofrecer. Este estudio de prefactibilidad busca determinar si es factible la creación del centro diurno por medio de los estudios mencionados que permitan identificar las áreas sobre la cuales se debe fijar dicho centro, este se realiza con información recopilada de fuentes primarias y secundarias. El modelo de análisis que se desarrolla en el estudio en cuestión se basa en la definición operacional y conceptual de las variables dependientes e independientes involucradas en cada uno de los estudios del proyecto, es decir, aquellas variables concernientes al estudio de mercado, técnico, administrativo, legal ambiental y económico financiero. Como parte del análisis de resultados se tiene que, una alta demanda de este tipo de centros diurnos a nivel local, puesto que no existe ninguno que ofrezca este servicio en el cantón de Corredores; cabe mencionar que en esta zona existe un total de 1.895 PAM al 2020 los cuales son demandantes del servicio y permiten resguardar el proyecto propuesto en el presente estudio. Así mismo, el desarrollo de los estudios del proyecto de prefactibilidad permite identificar que el centro diurno tendrá una capacidad instalada para atender de forma permanente a un total de 50 individuos, en una área de 1500 metros cuadrados, los cuales serán financiados con un 20% de aporte de los socios y un 80% financiado por medio de un crédito bancario, permitiendo con ello la adquisición no solo el terreno y el edificio, sino de todo el equipo y mobiliario necesario para desarrollar el servicio de cuido. Por otro lado, junto a esa inversión inicial se presupuesta adicionalmente un aproximado de 11 meses de capital de trabajo, necesario para el primer año de funcionamiento del centro, esto debido a que durante este tiempo el centro no recibe capital externo de las organizaciones gubernamentales que otorgan subvenciones económicas, ya que como parte de los requisitos que se solicitan es que el proyecto tenga un año en marcha, por lo que su capital de trabajo para el año cero se eleva notablemente debido a este capital de trabajo adicional. Como parte de las conclusiones y recomendaciones relevantes del proyecto en desarrollo, se plantea que el mismo necesita percibir ingresos fijos por parte de las instituciones gubernamentales involucradas en el bienestar de las personas adultas mayores, como lo son el CONAPAM, la JPS, el IMAS, y la Municipalidad local, por lo que su aporte económico es vital para la continuidad y sostenibilidad del servicio siendo estos los principales ingresos del centro. Dicho esto, se propone que el centro desarrolle de manera prematura todos y cada uno de los requisitos que las instituciones solicitan como una asociación de bien social, esto para formar parte de sus subvenciones económicas que facilitan el desarrollo del proyecto.
Under the formulation and development of the objectives of the project, we seek to answer the question: Is the creation of a day centre for older adults in the canton of Corredores for the period 2019-2020 pre-feasible? Therefore, by means of a market, technical, administrative, legal, environmental and economic-financial study, this project aims to provide a perspective of the comprehensive service to be offered. This pre-feasibility study seeks to determine whether the creation of the day centre is feasible by means of the aforementioned studies that allow the identification of the areas in which the centre should be established, using information compiled from primary and secondary sources. The analysis model developed in this study is based on the operational and conceptual definition of the dependent and independent variables involved in each of the project studies, i.e. those variables concerning the market, technical, administrative, legal, environmental and economic-financial studies. As part of the analysis of the results, there is a high demand for this type of day care centres at the local level, since there is none offering this service in the canton of Corredores; it is worth mentioning that in this area there is a total of 1,895 PAMs by 2020, which are demanding the service and allow the project proposed in this study to be safeguarded. Likewise, the development of the pre-feasibility project studies allows us to identify that the day care centre will have an installed capacity to permanently care for a total of 50 individuals, in an area of 1500 square metres, which will be financed with a 20% contribution from the partners and 80% financed by means of a bank loan, thus allowing the acquisition not only of the land and the building, but also of all the equipment and furniture necessary to develop the care service. On the other hand, together with this initial investment, an additional 11 months of working capital is budgeted for the first year of operation of the centre. This is due to the fact that during this time the centre does not receive external capital from governmental organisations that grant economic subsidies, as part of the requirements that are requested is that the project has one year in operation, so that its working capital for year zero rises significantly due to this additional working capital. As part of the conclusions and relevant recommendations of the project under development, it is proposed that the project needs to receive fixed income from the governmental institutions involved in the welfare of the elderly, such as CONAPAM, JPS, IMAS, and the local municipality, so that their economic contribution is vital for the continuity and sustainability of the service, these being the main income of the centre. Having said this, it is proposed that the centre develop each and every one of the requirements that the institutions request as a social welfare association, in order to be part of their economic subsidies that facilitate the development of the project.
Under the formulation and development of the objectives of the project, we seek to answer the question: Is the creation of a day centre for older adults in the canton of Corredores for the period 2019-2020 pre-feasible? Therefore, by means of a market, technical, administrative, legal, environmental and economic-financial study, this project aims to provide a perspective of the comprehensive service to be offered. This pre-feasibility study seeks to determine whether the creation of the day centre is feasible by means of the aforementioned studies that allow the identification of the areas in which the centre should be established, using information compiled from primary and secondary sources. The analysis model developed in this study is based on the operational and conceptual definition of the dependent and independent variables involved in each of the project studies, i.e. those variables concerning the market, technical, administrative, legal, environmental and economic-financial studies. As part of the analysis of the results, there is a high demand for this type of day care centres at the local level, since there is none offering this service in the canton of Corredores; it is worth mentioning that in this area there is a total of 1,895 PAMs by 2020, which are demanding the service and allow the project proposed in this study to be safeguarded. Likewise, the development of the pre-feasibility project studies allows us to identify that the day care centre will have an installed capacity to permanently care for a total of 50 individuals, in an area of 1500 square metres, which will be financed with a 20% contribution from the partners and 80% financed by means of a bank loan, thus allowing the acquisition not only of the land and the building, but also of all the equipment and furniture necessary to develop the care service. On the other hand, together with this initial investment, an additional 11 months of working capital is budgeted for the first year of operation of the centre. This is due to the fact that during this time the centre does not receive external capital from governmental organisations that grant economic subsidies, as part of the requirements that are requested is that the project has one year in operation, so that its working capital for year zero rises significantly due to this additional working capital. As part of the conclusions and relevant recommendations of the project under development, it is proposed that the project needs to receive fixed income from the governmental institutions involved in the welfare of the elderly, such as CONAPAM, JPS, IMAS, and the local municipality, so that their economic contribution is vital for the continuity and sustainability of the service, these being the main income of the centre. Having said this, it is proposed that the centre develop each and every one of the requirements that the institutions request as a social welfare association, in order to be part of their economic subsidies that facilitate the development of the project.
Licenciatura en administración con énfasis en gestión financiera
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