Diseño de módulos de capacitación para optimizar los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje para los docentes de ciencias y biología, utilizando los recursos físicos y naturales disponibles en la estación biológica 28 millas para los colegios aledaños a la zona
Cascante Varela, Paula
Avila Morales, Rebeca
Quesada Arroyo, Silvia
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
Ávila, R., Cascante P., Quesada, S. Diseño de módulos de capacitación para optimizar los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje para los docentes de ciencias y biología, utilizando los recursos físicos y naturales disponibles en la estación biológica 28 millas para los colegios aledaños a la zona. (Bajo la dirección del Lic. Randall Syedd León, Escuela de Ciencias Biológicas, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Septiembre 2008). Esta investigación se centra en el área de la enseñanza de Ciencias Naturales se dará especial atención en el empleo de los recursos naturales como herramientas en la enseñanza de Biología y, en los métodos, técnicas y recursos más apropiados para la formación de los docentes; al ser el objetivo primordial del presente proyecto el diseño de módulos de capacitación, se profundizó en los distintos tipos existentes. Además, se sitúa dentro del paradigma Naturalista, englobando la investigación etnometodológica del enfoque cualitativo y se realizó de dos partes: la primera, comprende una fase diagnóstica en tres colegios aledaños a la Estación Biológica 28 Millas (Colegio Técnico Profesional Académico de Bataán, Colegio Académico de Matina y Colegio Gilante de Bataán), con el fin de identificar los temas en los que los docentes requieren capacitación para fortalecer sus técnicas didácticas y la segunda; la elaboración de los módulos que se podrán desarrollar con los recursos físicos y naturales de la Estación evidenciados en la visita de campo. Los resultados obtenidos indicaron que los contenidos con mayor necesidad de capacitación son: tejidos animales, tejidos vegetales, célula, respiración celular, reinos biológicos y ciclos biogeoquímicos y, revelan dos posibles razones que justifican dichas deficiencias. Primeramente la formación universitaria recibida por los docentes fue insuficiente para la asimilación de conocimiento en las aulas y en segunda opción la falta de información y actualización en técnicas didácticas por parte de los docentes sobre los temas en los que se requieren capacitación, que ayuden a alcanzar los objetivos satisfactoriamente y permitan inspirar, guiar y animar a sus estudiantes. Al final del proceso investigativo se concluye que: a) son seis los contenidos que requieren mayor fortalecimiento en el área de Ciencias Naturales y Biología, y b) los recursos físicos de la Estación Biológica 28 Millas
Ávila, R., Cascante P., Quesada, S. Design of training modules to optimize teaching and learning processes for science and biology teachers, using the physical and natural resources available at the 28-mile biological station for schools surrounding the area. (Under the direction of Lic. Randall Syedd León, School of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, September 2008). This research focuses on the area of teaching Natural Sciences, special attention will be given to the use of natural resources as tools in the teaching of Biology and, in the most appropriate methods, techniques and resources for teacher training; Since the primary objective of this project is the design of training modules, the different existing types were deepened. In addition, it is situated within the Naturalist paradigm, encompassing the ethnomethodological research of the qualitative approach and was carried out in two parts: the first, includes a diagnostic phase in three schools near the 28 Millas Biological Station (Bataán Professional Technical Academic School, Academic School de Matina and Colegio Gilante de Bataán), in order to identify the topics in which teachers require training to strengthen their teaching techniques and the second; the elaboration of the modules that can be developed with the physical and natural resources of the Station evidenced in the field visit. The results obtained indicated that the contents with the greatest need for training are: animal tissues, plant tissues, cells, cellular respiration, biological kingdoms and biogeochemical cycles, and reveal two possible reasons that justify these deficiencies. Firstly, the university training received by the teachers was insufficient for the assimilation of knowledge in the classroom and secondly, the lack of information and updating in didactic techniques by the teachers on the subjects in which training is required, which help to achieve objectives satisfactorily and allow them to inspire, guide and encourage their students. At the end of the investigative process, it is concluded that: a) there are six contents that require greater strengthening in the area of Natural Sciences and Biology, and b) the physical resources of the 28 Millas Biological Station
Ávila, R., Cascante P., Quesada, S. Design of training modules to optimize teaching and learning processes for science and biology teachers, using the physical and natural resources available at the 28-mile biological station for schools surrounding the area. (Under the direction of Lic. Randall Syedd León, School of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, September 2008). This research focuses on the area of teaching Natural Sciences, special attention will be given to the use of natural resources as tools in the teaching of Biology and, in the most appropriate methods, techniques and resources for teacher training; Since the primary objective of this project is the design of training modules, the different existing types were deepened. In addition, it is situated within the Naturalist paradigm, encompassing the ethnomethodological research of the qualitative approach and was carried out in two parts: the first, includes a diagnostic phase in three schools near the 28 Millas Biological Station (Bataán Professional Technical Academic School, Academic School de Matina and Colegio Gilante de Bataán), in order to identify the topics in which teachers require training to strengthen their teaching techniques and the second; the elaboration of the modules that can be developed with the physical and natural resources of the Station evidenced in the field visit. The results obtained indicated that the contents with the greatest need for training are: animal tissues, plant tissues, cells, cellular respiration, biological kingdoms and biogeochemical cycles, and reveal two possible reasons that justify these deficiencies. Firstly, the university training received by the teachers was insufficient for the assimilation of knowledge in the classroom and secondly, the lack of information and updating in didactic techniques by the teachers on the subjects in which training is required, which help to achieve objectives satisfactorily and allow them to inspire, guide and encourage their students. At the end of the investigative process, it is concluded that: a) there are six contents that require greater strengthening in the area of Natural Sciences and Biology, and b) the physical resources of the 28 Millas Biological Station
Cascante Varela, P., Ávila Morales, R. & Quesada Arroyo, S. (2008). Diseño de módulos de capacitación para optimizar los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje para los docentes de ciencias y biología, utilizando los recursos físicos y naturales disponibles en la estación biológica 28 millas para los colegios aledaños a la zona. [Tesis de Licenciatura]. Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.
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