Plan para promover y difundir los servicios de información del Centro de Documentación e Información del Instituto Nacional de Seguros.
Burgos Camacho, Rocío
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El Instituto Nacional de Seguros contribuye con el crecimiento socioeconómico del país, ya que ofrece diferentes seguros que permiten la equidad y el bienestar general de todos los costarricenses. Su principal objetivo es mantenerte la excelencia en el servicio mediante la satisfacción de sus clientes. Asimismo, el Centro de Documentación tiene como misión satisfacer las necesidades de información de los clientes internos y externos del Instituto Nacional de Seguros, brindando servicios de calidad.
En este aspecto, el mercadeo de servicios juega un papel importante, ya que permite por medio de la relación entre los usuarios y el centro de documentación, conocer cuáles son las necesidades de información y lograr satisfacerlas en el menor costo y tiempo posible. Aplicando el mercadeo de servicios, se logró identificar las necesidades de los funcionarios del Instituto Nacional de Seguros, evaluar los servicios que ofrece el Centro de Documentación e identificar las principales debilidades y amenazas con el fin de convertirlas en fortalezas y oportunidades que permitirán ejecutar el plan de promoción y difusión que se propone.
La investigación se divide en seis capítulos, el primero contiene la introducción, el problema y su importancia, el estado de la cuestión y los objetivos. El capítulo II marco teórico, define los temas básicos tratados en la investigación como lo son la definición de centro de documentación, servicios de información, mercadotecnia y además se describe tanto el Instituto Nacional de Seguros así como el Centro de Documentación e Información donde se desarrolla la investigación.
En el capítulo III marco metodológico, se describe el proceso cómo se llevó a cabo la investigación, el enfoque utilizado, el tipo de investigación, los sujetos y fuentes de información seleccionadas, las variables y técnicas de recolección de datos y por último el alcance de la misma.
En el capítulo IV análisis situacional del Centro de Documentación del Instituto Nacional de Seguros, se muestran los resultados obtenidos para cada variable. Los datos se representan por medio de gráfico, tablas y cuadros elaborados en el programa Microsoft Excel. Además se realiza un análisis FODA donde se identifican las fortalezas, oportunidades, debilidades y amenazas de los recursos con que cuenta el Centro de Documentación.
El capítulo V propuesta del plan estratégico de promoción, presenta la elaboración de cada uno de los elementos que contiene la propuesta para el Centro de Documentación del Instituto Nacional de Seguros como lo son: la justificación, la metodología de la propuesta, redefinición de la misión y visión del Centro, los objetivos del plan de promoción, la segmentación del mercado, las estrategias de promoción, la creación de los medios de promoción generales y específicos para cada servicio que ofrece el Centro de Documentación, los planes de acción y cronograma de actividades, así como los planes de evaluación y control, el presupuesto del plan y finalmente los recursos necesarios para bridar servicios de calidad.
Finalmente, en el capítulo VI se presentan las conclusiones y recomendaciones donde se señala la importancia y las ventajas de implementar el plan de promoción y difusión de los servicios que brinda el Centro de Documentación del INS.
The National Insurance Institute contributes to the country's socioeconomic growth by offering different types of insurance that allow for the equity and general wellbeing of all Costa Ricans. Its main objective is to maintain excellence in service through customer satisfaction. Likewise, the Documentation Center has the mission of satisfying the information needs of the internal and external clients of the National Insurance Institute, providing quality services. In this aspect, the marketing of services plays an important role, since it allows through the relationship between the users and the documentation center, to know which are the needs of information and to be able to satisfy them in the smaller possible cost and time. By applying service marketing, it was possible to identify the needs of the National Insurance Institute staff, evaluate the services offered by the Documentation Center and identify the main weaknesses and threats in order to turn them into strengths and opportunities that will allow the implementation of the proposed promotion and dissemination plan. The research is divided into six chapters, the first containing the introduction, the problem and its importance, the state of the art and the objectives. Chapter II, Theoretical Framework, defines the basic topics dealt with in the research, such as the definition of the documentation center, information services, marketing, and also describes both the National Insurance Institute and the Documentation and Information Center where the research is carried out. Chapter III, Methodological Framework, describes the process of how the research was carried out, the approach used, the type of research, the subjects and sources of information selected, the variables and techniques of data collection and finally the scope of the research. Chapter IV, Situational Analysis of the Documentation Center of the National Insurance Institute, shows the results obtained for each variable. The data is represented by means of graphs, tables and charts elaborated in the Microsoft Excel program. In addition, a SWOT analysis is carried out where the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats of the resources available to the Documentation Center are identified. The chapter V proposal of the strategic plan of promotion, presents the elaboration of each one of the elements that contains the proposal for the Center of Documentation of the National Institute of Insurances as they are it: the justification, the methodology of the proposal, redefinition of the mission and vision of the Center, the objectives of the promotion plan, the market segmentation, the promotion strategies, the creation of the general and specific promotion means for each service offered by the Documentation Center, the action plans and schedule of activities, as well as the evaluation and control plans, the budget of the plan and finally the necessary resources to provide quality services. Finally, chapter VI presents the conclusions and recommendations where the importance and advantages of implementing the promotion and dissemination plan of the services offered by the INS Documentation Center are pointed out.
The National Insurance Institute contributes to the country's socioeconomic growth by offering different types of insurance that allow for the equity and general wellbeing of all Costa Ricans. Its main objective is to maintain excellence in service through customer satisfaction. Likewise, the Documentation Center has the mission of satisfying the information needs of the internal and external clients of the National Insurance Institute, providing quality services. In this aspect, the marketing of services plays an important role, since it allows through the relationship between the users and the documentation center, to know which are the needs of information and to be able to satisfy them in the smaller possible cost and time. By applying service marketing, it was possible to identify the needs of the National Insurance Institute staff, evaluate the services offered by the Documentation Center and identify the main weaknesses and threats in order to turn them into strengths and opportunities that will allow the implementation of the proposed promotion and dissemination plan. The research is divided into six chapters, the first containing the introduction, the problem and its importance, the state of the art and the objectives. Chapter II, Theoretical Framework, defines the basic topics dealt with in the research, such as the definition of the documentation center, information services, marketing, and also describes both the National Insurance Institute and the Documentation and Information Center where the research is carried out. Chapter III, Methodological Framework, describes the process of how the research was carried out, the approach used, the type of research, the subjects and sources of information selected, the variables and techniques of data collection and finally the scope of the research. Chapter IV, Situational Analysis of the Documentation Center of the National Insurance Institute, shows the results obtained for each variable. The data is represented by means of graphs, tables and charts elaborated in the Microsoft Excel program. In addition, a SWOT analysis is carried out where the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats of the resources available to the Documentation Center are identified. The chapter V proposal of the strategic plan of promotion, presents the elaboration of each one of the elements that contains the proposal for the Center of Documentation of the National Institute of Insurances as they are it: the justification, the methodology of the proposal, redefinition of the mission and vision of the Center, the objectives of the promotion plan, the market segmentation, the promotion strategies, the creation of the general and specific promotion means for each service offered by the Documentation Center, the action plans and schedule of activities, as well as the evaluation and control plans, the budget of the plan and finally the necessary resources to provide quality services. Finally, chapter VI presents the conclusions and recommendations where the importance and advantages of implementing the promotion and dissemination plan of the services offered by the INS Documentation Center are pointed out.
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