Contribución de la Escuela de Bibliotecología, Documentación e Información de la Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica) a la Alfabetización Informacional
Miranda Arguedas, Alice
Meneses Hernández, Jorge A.
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Se consideran los aspectos básicos relacionados con los pilares internacionales de la Alfabetización
Informacional, para analizar de que manera son aplicados a la oferta curricular de la Escuela de
Bibliotecología, Documentación e Información, tomando como punto de partida las cuatro áreas
disciplinarias de la Escuela: Área de Organización de Información Documental: relacionada con todos
los procesos de almacenamiento y recuperación de la información, procurando concienciar en la
responsabilidad del acceso y disponibilidad de la información. Área de Investigación: se cimienta en
aspectos relativos a la epistemología, metodología e investigación bibliotecológica (teoría y cultura
informacional), en procura de favorecer los principios científicos de la disciplina. Área
Lectores/Usuarios/Clientes de la Información: comprende diseño de perfiles, capacitación, estudios de
usuarios, inteligencia social, conocimiento organizacional sobre necesidades y consumo de información,
en busca de alfabetizar a los consumidores de información en las competencias básicas para su uso y
aprovechamiento. Área de Administración de Recursos y Servicios de Información : abarca aspectos
relacionados con fundamentos, principios, normas, procesos e instrumentos para el desarrollo de
colecciones, alcance, características, uso y evaluación de fuentes documentales; los servicios de
acceso y disponibilidad de la información desde la perspectiva de extensión cultural universitaria y la
prestación de servicios, para un mejor análisis y uso de la misma. Se dan algunos ejemplos de las
acciones específicas donde se aplican..
The basic aspects related to the international pillars of Literacy are considered Informational, to analyze how they are applied to the curricular offer of the School of Librarianship, Documentation and Information, taking as a starting point the four areas disciplinary measures of the School: Documentary Information Organization Area: related to all information storage and retrieval processes, seeking to raise awareness in the responsibility for access and availability of information. Research Area: it is based on aspects related to library epistemology, methodology and research (theory and culture informational), in an attempt to favor the scientific principles of the discipline. Area Information Readers / Users / Clients: includes profile design, training, studies of users, social intelligence, organizational knowledge about information needs and consumption, in search of literacy information consumers in the basic skills for its use and exploitation. Information Resources and Services Administration Area: covers aspects related to foundations, principles, standards, processes and instruments for the development of two collections, scope, characteristics, use and evaluation of documentary sources; the services of access and availability of information from the perspective of university cultural extension and provision of services, for a better analysis and use of it. Some examples are given of specific actions where they apply.
The basic aspects related to the international pillars of Literacy are considered Informational, to analyze how they are applied to the curricular offer of the School of Librarianship, Documentation and Information, taking as a starting point the four areas disciplinary measures of the School: Documentary Information Organization Area: related to all information storage and retrieval processes, seeking to raise awareness in the responsibility for access and availability of information. Research Area: it is based on aspects related to library epistemology, methodology and research (theory and culture informational), in an attempt to favor the scientific principles of the discipline. Area Information Readers / Users / Clients: includes profile design, training, studies of users, social intelligence, organizational knowledge about information needs and consumption, in search of literacy information consumers in the basic skills for its use and exploitation. Information Resources and Services Administration Area: covers aspects related to foundations, principles, standards, processes and instruments for the development of two collections, scope, characteristics, use and evaluation of documentary sources; the services of access and availability of information from the perspective of university cultural extension and provision of services, for a better analysis and use of it. Some examples are given of specific actions where they apply.
20-24 August 2006, Seoul, Korea
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