El cuerpo como territorio de vivencias : desarrollo de un proceso de danza movimiento terapia con un grupo de personas adultas mayores que asisten al Centro Diurno Hatillo-San Sebastián
Vargas Prado, Valeria
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El presente proyecto tuvo como objetivo general promover nuevos significados de la vivencia intrasubjetiva e intersubjetiva de la corporalidad en un grupo de personas adultas mayores que asisten al Centro Diurno Hatillo - San Sebastián (CDHSS) a través de un proceso de Danza Movimiento Terapia (DMT). El proceso se respaldó teóricamente en el enfoque psicoanalítico grupal, retomando aportes de René Kaës (1994, 2005 y 2008) acerca de la realidad psíquica grupal y considerando contribuciones de Sharon Chaiklin (2008), danza movimiento terapeuta que ha trabajado desde postulados psicoanalíticos. Estas propuestas sumadas a señalamientos de Freud (1890 y 1905), fueron integradas para favorecer el bienestar intrasubjetivo a través de la relación dinámica cuerpo-mente y para fomentar bienestar intersubjetivo por medio de encuentros grupales que diversificaron la vinculación con el entorno social dentro del CDHSS. Durante las sesiones del proyecto y con el fin de favorecer la dinámica desde la facilitación, se tuvo como asistente a Estefanía Valverde Bonilla, egresada del bachillerato de Psicología de la Universidad Nacional. Los resultados del proyecto evidenciaron que se pudo incidir en las principales necesidades psicosociales del grupo de PAM participantes: vivencias
displacenteras de sus cuerpos y vivencias de soledad y tristeza. Además, representó una oportunidad de explorar y reconocer la subjetividad de la corporalidad, una manera integral que había sido escasa o nula para expresar las emociones y sentimientos, un camino de buscar y encontrar formas alternativas de vincularse con el resto del grupo y una posibilidad de disminuir la sensaciones de soledad y tristeza. Asimismo, fue una herramienta para fortalecer estados placenteros, vínculos afectivos, compañías atentas, la revaloración del amor hacia el propio cuerpo y la unión grupal como un recurso accesible y efectivo.
The present project had the general objective of promoting new meanings of the intrasubjective and intersubjective experience of corporeality in a group of people older adults who attend the Hatillo Day Center - San Sebastián (CDHSS) through of a Dance Movement Therapy (DMT) process. The process was supported theoretically in the group psychoanalytic approach, taking up contributions from René Kaës (1994, 2005 and 2008) about group psychic reality and considering contributions from Sharon Chaiklin (2008), dance movement therapist who has worked from psychoanalytic postulates. These proposals added to Freud's remarks (1890 and 1905), were integrated to favor the well-being intrasubjective through the dynamic body-mind relationship and to promote well-being intersubjective through group encounters that diversified the relationship with the social environment within the CDHSS. During the project sessions and in order to favor the dynamics from the facilitation, Estefanía Valverde was the assistant Bonilla, graduated from the Bachelor of Psychology at the National University. The results of the project showed that it was possible to influence the main psychosocial needs of the participating PAM group: unpleasant experiences of their bodies and experiences of loneliness and sadness. In addition, it represented an opportunity to explore and recognize the subjectivity of corporeality, an integral way that had been little or no to express emotions and feelings, a path of seeking and find alternative ways of connecting with the rest of the group and a possibility of decrease feelings of loneliness and sadness. It was also a tool for strengthen pleasant states, affective bonds, attentive companies, reassessment of love towards one's own body and group union as an accessible and effective resource.
The present project had the general objective of promoting new meanings of the intrasubjective and intersubjective experience of corporeality in a group of people older adults who attend the Hatillo Day Center - San Sebastián (CDHSS) through of a Dance Movement Therapy (DMT) process. The process was supported theoretically in the group psychoanalytic approach, taking up contributions from René Kaës (1994, 2005 and 2008) about group psychic reality and considering contributions from Sharon Chaiklin (2008), dance movement therapist who has worked from psychoanalytic postulates. These proposals added to Freud's remarks (1890 and 1905), were integrated to favor the well-being intrasubjective through the dynamic body-mind relationship and to promote well-being intersubjective through group encounters that diversified the relationship with the social environment within the CDHSS. During the project sessions and in order to favor the dynamics from the facilitation, Estefanía Valverde was the assistant Bonilla, graduated from the Bachelor of Psychology at the National University. The results of the project showed that it was possible to influence the main psychosocial needs of the participating PAM group: unpleasant experiences of their bodies and experiences of loneliness and sadness. In addition, it represented an opportunity to explore and recognize the subjectivity of corporeality, an integral way that had been little or no to express emotions and feelings, a path of seeking and find alternative ways of connecting with the rest of the group and a possibility of decrease feelings of loneliness and sadness. It was also a tool for strengthen pleasant states, affective bonds, attentive companies, reassessment of love towards one's own body and group union as an accessible and effective resource.
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