Viabilidad financiera para la implementación de un sistema de registro de afiliados y diseño de carnés para las Ferias del Agricultor en Costa Rica
Arias Hernández, Janel María
Gutiérrez González, María Ángel
Sánchez Quirós, Daniela María
Vásquez Gillott, María Fernanda
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
En algunas regiones, a lo largo y amplio de nuestro país, se realizan Ferias del Agricultor
que ayudan a los pequeños y medianos productores a acceder a un mercado en donde tienen la
oportunidad de promover y vender sus productos de manera más directa con cada habitante,
brindando accesibilidad, buenos precios y trato. Esto como parte de sus estrategias para lograr la
venta de todas sus cosechas agrícolas.
Como cualquier organización, las Ferias del Agricultor poseen una estructura
organizacional que les apoya en una serie de funciones administrativas con el fin de brindarles a
los participantes las condiciones adecuadas en cada feria para la venta de sus productos, así como
el manejo eficiente y efectivo de procesos en conjunto con la administración del flujo de efectivo
que circula a través de todas las partes. Aunado a esto, esta estructura organizacional y las partes
que la componen deben velar porque se aplique la Ley N.º 8533, de 18 de Julio de 2006,
Regulación de Ferias del Agricultor y su respectivo reglamento.
La identificación de puntos de mejora en los procesos administrativos del registro de
participantes, emisiones de carnés y el control de pagos por alquiler de espacio, permite identificar
la necesidad de buscar y crear opciones de mejora, que faculten a las partes involucradas en estos
procesos, a realizar sus tareas de manera más eficiente y poseer un mejor control sobre las
actividades que así lo ameriten. De acuerdo a los hallazgos, surge la necesidad de buscar soluciones
por medio de la adquisición e implementación de nuevas herramientas tecnológicas que permitan
poseer un mayor control sobre los procesos, y adoptar mejores prácticas y esquemas de trabajo.
La búsqueda de proveedores de servicios tecnológicos que ofrezcan o desarrollen una
herramienta que logre dar solución a las necesidades más inmediatas del proceso, en conjunto con
la creación y exposición de distintos escenarios financieros, posibilita identificar la viabilidad
financiera, así como otorgar a la Junta Nacional de Ferias del Agricultor una variedad de
posibilidades a considerar y valorar, de acuerdo a su presupuesto y otras exigencias, con el fin de
adquirir la herramienta tecnológica y definir el proveedor final que tenga a su cargo la posibilidad
de implementarla y por ende poseer un mejor manejo de los procesos y el respaldo de la
información de manera más segura.
La digitalización del sector permite pensar en muchas alternativas a mediano y largo plazo
que pueden ser implementadas con el fin de mejorar las capacidades existentes y otros procesos
relacionados directa o indirectamente que otorgue a las Ferias del Agricultor, la capacidad de
realizar mejoras a sus condiciones administrativas, financieras y el desarrollo de sus mercados a
nivel nacional.
Es importante resaltar que la información a utilizar a lo largo del documento para la
realización de los supuestos es proporcionada por medio de los instrumentos aplicados a cada una
de las partes relevantes para el desarrollo de la investigación; sin embargo, se debe considerar que
la información no es estándar, por lo que, de acuerdo a la necesidad del supuesto, se elige al ente
que brinde la información detallada que se requiere para la situación que se desea exponer.
Es de relevancia mencionar que el área principal de la presente investigación es la
financiera, por lo que el grupo investigador se reserva el desarrollo de estudios administrativos
tales como, un amplio análisis de la estructura organizacional y operacionalidad de las Ferias del
Agricultor, así como el análisis e interpretación legal sobre las distintas leyes, reglamentos y
decretos que están relacionados con el tema de la investigación.
Las cotizaciones obtenidas por los proveedores no se adjuntan como anexos debido a la
reglamentación existente sobre la cantidad de páginas totales que debe contener la versión final
del documento entregado. Se muestran en la defensa de este trabajo, cuando corresponda.
In some regions, throughout our country, Farmers' Fairs are held that help small and medium producers to access a market where they have the opportunity to promote and sell their products more directly with each inhabitant. providing accessibility, good prices and treatment. This as part of their strategies to achieve the sale of all their agricultural crops. Like any organization, the Farmer's Fairs have an organizational structure that supports them in a series of administrative functions in order to provide the participants with adequate conditions in each fair for the sale of their products, as well as the efficient and effective management of processes in conjunction with managing the cash flow circulating through all parties. In addition to this, this organizational structure and the parts that compose it must ensure that Law No. 8533 of July 18, 2006, Regulation of Farmers' Fairs and its respective regulations are applied. The identification of points of improvement in the administrative processes of the registration of participants, issuance of cards and the control of payments for rental of space, allows to identify the need to search and create options for improvement, which empower the parties involved in these processes, to carry out their tasks more efficiently and have better control over the activities that require it. According to the findings, the need arises to seek solutions through the acquisition and implementation of new technological tools that allow greater control over the processes, and adopt better practices and work schemes. The search for technological service providers that offer or develop a tool that manages to provide a solution to the most immediate needs of the process, together with the creation and exhibition of different scenarios financial, makes it possible to identify financial viability, as well as grant the National Board of Farmers' Fairs a variety of possibilities to consider and assess, according to their budget and other requirements, in order to acquire the technological tool and define the final supplier who is in charge of the possibility of implementing it and therefore having a better management of the processes and the backup of the information in a more secure way. The digitization of the sector allows us to think of many alternatives in the medium and long term that can be implemented in order to improve existing capacities and other directly or indirectly related processes that give Farmers' Fairs the ability to make improvements to their administrative conditions. , financial and the development of their markets at the national level. It is important to highlight that the information to be used throughout the document to carry out the assumptions is provided through the instruments applied to each of the relevant parties for the development of the investigation; however, it must be considered that the information is not standard, therefore, according to the need of the assumption, the entity that provides the detailed information required for the situation to be exposed is chosen. It is important to mention that the main area of this research is financial, so the research group reserves the right to develop administrative studies such as a broad analysis of the organizational structure and operation of the Farmers' Fairs, as well as the Analysis and legal interpretation of the different laws, regulations and decrees that are related to the subject of the investigation. The quotes obtained by the suppliers are not attached as annexes due to the existing regulations on the number of total pages that the final version of the delivered document must contain. They are shown in the defense of this work, when appropriate.
In some regions, throughout our country, Farmers' Fairs are held that help small and medium producers to access a market where they have the opportunity to promote and sell their products more directly with each inhabitant. providing accessibility, good prices and treatment. This as part of their strategies to achieve the sale of all their agricultural crops. Like any organization, the Farmer's Fairs have an organizational structure that supports them in a series of administrative functions in order to provide the participants with adequate conditions in each fair for the sale of their products, as well as the efficient and effective management of processes in conjunction with managing the cash flow circulating through all parties. In addition to this, this organizational structure and the parts that compose it must ensure that Law No. 8533 of July 18, 2006, Regulation of Farmers' Fairs and its respective regulations are applied. The identification of points of improvement in the administrative processes of the registration of participants, issuance of cards and the control of payments for rental of space, allows to identify the need to search and create options for improvement, which empower the parties involved in these processes, to carry out their tasks more efficiently and have better control over the activities that require it. According to the findings, the need arises to seek solutions through the acquisition and implementation of new technological tools that allow greater control over the processes, and adopt better practices and work schemes. The search for technological service providers that offer or develop a tool that manages to provide a solution to the most immediate needs of the process, together with the creation and exhibition of different scenarios financial, makes it possible to identify financial viability, as well as grant the National Board of Farmers' Fairs a variety of possibilities to consider and assess, according to their budget and other requirements, in order to acquire the technological tool and define the final supplier who is in charge of the possibility of implementing it and therefore having a better management of the processes and the backup of the information in a more secure way. The digitization of the sector allows us to think of many alternatives in the medium and long term that can be implemented in order to improve existing capacities and other directly or indirectly related processes that give Farmers' Fairs the ability to make improvements to their administrative conditions. , financial and the development of their markets at the national level. It is important to highlight that the information to be used throughout the document to carry out the assumptions is provided through the instruments applied to each of the relevant parties for the development of the investigation; however, it must be considered that the information is not standard, therefore, according to the need of the assumption, the entity that provides the detailed information required for the situation to be exposed is chosen. It is important to mention that the main area of this research is financial, so the research group reserves the right to develop administrative studies such as a broad analysis of the organizational structure and operation of the Farmers' Fairs, as well as the Analysis and legal interpretation of the different laws, regulations and decrees that are related to the subject of the investigation. The quotes obtained by the suppliers are not attached as annexes due to the existing regulations on the number of total pages that the final version of the delivered document must contain. They are shown in the defense of this work, when appropriate.
Licenciatura en Administración con énfasis en Gestión Financiera
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