Manual de medicina para consulta en el hogar, de Dr. Morton D. Bogdonoff: traducción y memoria
Araya Fonseca, Marisol
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Así como la buena compañía acorta el camino, la buena comunicación agiliza la transmisión de información entre el escritor y el lector. En un mundo en el que el futuro se vislumbra cada vez más prometedor con respecto a los progresos de la ciencia y la tecnología, la traducción, el puente semántico que une dos lenguas códigos lingüísticos completamente diferentes, se ha convertido cada vez más en una de las modalidades especificas más importantes de la comunicación y en la solución perfecta ante la falta de entendimiento provocada por la existencia de múltiples lenguas y culturas. Así, la traducción viene a llenar una necesidad de comunicación en el ámbito político, económico, cultural y científico que satisface las demandas informativas y comunicativas del lector, independientemente de su idioma.
La buena comunicación, objetivo fundamental del traductor, se inicia eligiendo la palabra correcta para la situación correcta. Las diferencias entre las palabras de significados muy relacionados por lo general con muy sutiles, y cuando el traductor elige la palabra equivocada el resultado será fácilmente mal interpretado y completamente desfavorable para la buena realización de su obra final.
Fidelidad semántica es el estandarte del traductor, escultor del idioma, quien maneja el arte de transferir a otra lengua aquello que alguien escribió en la suya propia, y de cuya creatividad y conocimientos se benefician todos los que no comprenden el otro idioma, pudiendo así disfrutar de las grandes obras traducidas por los creadores de la conversión lingüística, conversión con talento, precisión, elegancia, fidelidad y creatividad excepcionales.
El texto elegido para presentarlo como proyecto final de graduación para optar por el título de Licenciatura en Traducción (inglés-español) es un manual médico titulado Home Health Handbook. Este proyecto de graduación, incluye la traducción de tres de los veinte capítulos del texto original, así como también la elaboración de una memoria de trabajo, y finalmente una tercera sección que comprende la copia del texto original.
Just as good company shortens the path, good communication speeds up the transmission of information between writer and reader. In a world where the future is looking increasingly bright with regard to progress in science and technology, translation, the semantic bridge linking two completely different linguistic codes, has increasingly become one of the most important specific modes of communication and the perfect solution to the lack of understanding caused by the existence of multiple languages and cultures. Thus, translation fills a need for communication in the political, economic, cultural and scientific fields that satisfies the informational and communicational demands of the reader, regardless of his or her language. Good communication, the fundamental objective of the translator, begins with choosing the right word for the right situation. The differences between words of very related meanings are usually very subtle, and when the translator chooses the wrong word the result will be easily misinterpreted and completely unfavorable for the good realization of his final work. Semantic fidelity is the banner of the translator, sculptor of the language, who handles the art of transferring to another language what someone wrote in his own, and whose creativity and knowledge benefits all those who do not understand the other language, thus being able to enjoy the great works translated by the creators of linguistic conversion, conversion with exceptional talent, precision, elegance, fidelity and creativity. The text chosen to be submitted as a final project for the graduation of the Bachelor of Translation degree (English-Spanish) is a medical handbook entitled Home Health Handbook. This graduation project includes the translation of three of the twenty chapters of the original text, as well as the preparation of a working memory, and finally a third section comprising the copy of the original text.
Just as good company shortens the path, good communication speeds up the transmission of information between writer and reader. In a world where the future is looking increasingly bright with regard to progress in science and technology, translation, the semantic bridge linking two completely different linguistic codes, has increasingly become one of the most important specific modes of communication and the perfect solution to the lack of understanding caused by the existence of multiple languages and cultures. Thus, translation fills a need for communication in the political, economic, cultural and scientific fields that satisfies the informational and communicational demands of the reader, regardless of his or her language. Good communication, the fundamental objective of the translator, begins with choosing the right word for the right situation. The differences between words of very related meanings are usually very subtle, and when the translator chooses the wrong word the result will be easily misinterpreted and completely unfavorable for the good realization of his final work. Semantic fidelity is the banner of the translator, sculptor of the language, who handles the art of transferring to another language what someone wrote in his own, and whose creativity and knowledge benefits all those who do not understand the other language, thus being able to enjoy the great works translated by the creators of linguistic conversion, conversion with exceptional talent, precision, elegance, fidelity and creativity. The text chosen to be submitted as a final project for the graduation of the Bachelor of Translation degree (English-Spanish) is a medical handbook entitled Home Health Handbook. This graduation project includes the translation of three of the twenty chapters of the original text, as well as the preparation of a working memory, and finally a third section comprising the copy of the original text.
Palabras clave