La percepción espacial en la construcción del pensamiento geográfico, durante la formación inicial docente de los y las estudiantes egresados del Bachillerato en la Enseñanza de los Estudios Sociales y la Educación Cívica en el 2023, de la Universidad Nacional
Carrillo Almanzor, P. Fiorella
Sánchez Quirós, Bryan
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El presente Trabajo Final de Graduación tiene por objetivo el análisis de la percepción espacial en el componente de Geografía del Bachillerato de la Enseñanza de los Estudios Sociales y Educación Cívica de la Universidad Nacional. La investigación se planteó desde las categorías teóricas: Pensamiento Geográfico, Percepción Espacial, Currículo y Formación Inicial Docente.
Se utilizó el paradigma cualitativo para la metodología y el análisis de datos fue hecho a partir de la codificación abierta y axial. La elección de las personas participantes de la investigación, egresadas del bachillerato en el 2023, provenientes de zonas rurales y urbanas de Costa Rica. Con el fin de comprender las diferentes percepciones del espacio que puedan presentar según su sitio de procedencia y la educación geográfica recibida en su proceso de formación docente.
Para la fase de recolección de datos, se aplicaron técnicas de investigación cualitativa como los mapas mentales y los grupos de discusión. El análisis de los datos se realizó desde los procedimientos de la Teoría Fundamentada, con la codificación teórica.
La principal conclusión de esta investigación es que, en la formación inicial docente del área de Geografía, los conocimientos adquiridos son limitados, al igual que las temáticas abordadas, además, de ser repetitivos. En cuanto al desarrollo de la percepción espacial, no se da de manera explícita, pero tras el desarrollo de otras habilidades geográficas, los egresados adquieren conocimientos, los cuales se vinculan con la percepción espacial.
The objective of this article is the analysis of spatial perception in the Geography component of the Bachelor's Degree in Social Studies and Civic Education of the National University. The research was approached from the theoretical categories: Geographic Thinking, Spatial Perception, Curriculum and Initial Teacher Training. The qualitative paradigm was used for the methodology and the data analysis was made from open and axial coding. The choice of the research participants, high school graduates in 2023, from rural and urban areas of Costa Rica. In order to understand the different perceptions of space that they may present according to their place of origin and the geographic education received in their teacher training process. For the data collection phase, qualitative research techniques such as mind maps and discussion groups were applied. The data analysis was carried out using Grounded Theory procedures, with theoretical coding. The main conclusion of this research is that, in the initial teacher training in the area of Geography, the knowledge acquired is limited, as well as the topics addressed, besides being repetitive. As for the development of spatial perception, it does not occur explicitly, but after the development of other geographic skills, the graduates acquire knowledge and skills in the area of geography.
The objective of this article is the analysis of spatial perception in the Geography component of the Bachelor's Degree in Social Studies and Civic Education of the National University. The research was approached from the theoretical categories: Geographic Thinking, Spatial Perception, Curriculum and Initial Teacher Training. The qualitative paradigm was used for the methodology and the data analysis was made from open and axial coding. The choice of the research participants, high school graduates in 2023, from rural and urban areas of Costa Rica. In order to understand the different perceptions of space that they may present according to their place of origin and the geographic education received in their teacher training process. For the data collection phase, qualitative research techniques such as mind maps and discussion groups were applied. The data analysis was carried out using Grounded Theory procedures, with theoretical coding. The main conclusion of this research is that, in the initial teacher training in the area of Geography, the knowledge acquired is limited, as well as the topics addressed, besides being repetitive. As for the development of spatial perception, it does not occur explicitly, but after the development of other geographic skills, the graduates acquire knowledge and skills in the area of geography.
Palabras clave
Estudios Sociales, Formación inicial docente, Pensamiento geográfico, Percepción espacial, Habilidades geográficas, Currículo, Social Studies, spatial perception, geographic thinking, initial teacher education, geographic skills, curriculum.