Identificación de parásitos gastrointestinales en nueve granjas porcinas y determinación de pérdidas económicas por decomiso de hígados de cerdos parasitados, en cuatro mataderos del área metropolitana de Costa Rica
Zumbado Gutiérrez, Leana Cristina
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Los cerdos pueden infectarse con varias especies de parásitos y las prácticas de
manejo están altamente relacionadas con el parasitismo. El propósito de este estudio fue
identificar los parásitos gastrointestinales (PGI) y el manejo de nueve granjas porcinas de
la región central-norte y región sur de Costa Rica, así como determinar el impacto
económico por decomiso de hígados porcinos, debido a los efectos de la ascaridosis, en
cuatro mataderos del área metropolitana de Costa Rica. En total, fueron recolectadas 538
muestras fecales de cerdos de los diferentes grupos: preñez temprana, preñez tardía,
lactancia, inicio, desarrollo, engorde y verracos. Las muestras fueron procesadas por el
método de flotación (Sheather en solución hipersaturada de azúcar, densidad 1.3) y las
positivas a coccidios fueron sometidas a esporulación en dicromato de potasio. Para
determinar las pérdidas económicas, se analizaron los registros oficiales del Ministerio de
Agricultura y Ganadería (MAG) así como los registros propios de cada matadero, en el
periodo 2002-2008. De las 538 muestras fecales procesadas, 405 (75.3%) presentaron
helmintos y/o protozoarios y los PGI identificados fueron: Coccidios de los géneros
Eimeria e Isospora (398/405) (98.2%), Strongyloides ransomi (33/405) (8.1%), Trichuris
suis (29/405) (7.2%), Ascaris suum (7/405) (1.7%) y Strongylida (2/405) (0.5%). Los
coccidios fueron detectados en todas las granjas así como en todos los grupos de animales,
a pesar del uso de coccidiostatos. Las frecuencias de T. suis y A. suum fueron elevados,
sobretodo en cerdas en preñez temprana y preñez tardía, mientras que los coccidios y S.
ransomi lo fueron en animales en inicio, desarrollo y engorde. En cuanto al manejo, el
sistema intensivo fue el predominante, aunque también hubo dos granjas con sistema semiintensivo. Las granjas evaluadas presentan condiciones de manejo adecuadas, a pesar del
uso excesivo de los antihelmínticos (febendazol, ivermectina, levamisol, doramectina y albendazol); además, presentan deficientes medidas de bioseguridad. En el periodo 2002-
2008 fueron sacrificados 1.727.389 cerdos, de los cuales 248.979 (14.4%) hígados fueron
decomisados debido a la presencia de “manchas de leche”, que resultó ser la causa más
frecuente (73.1%) de decomiso. Las pérdidas económicas por esta causa ascienden a
¢178.231.617 ($314.897), constituyendo un gran impacto económico a la explotación
porcina nacional. Los resultados obtenidos señalan la necesidad de cambiar algunas
prácticas vigentes en la porcicultura nacional, a manera de lograr un adecuado control de
las parasitosis gastrointestinales de cerdos; principalmente para mermar las pérdidas
debidas al A. suum.
Swine can get infected with several helminths species, and management practices are usually high related with parasitism. The aim of this study was to identify which gastrointestinal parasites (PGI) and management aspects are present in nine pig farms from the north-central and south region of Costa Rica, also to determine the economic impact due to porcine liver condemnation, as a consequence of ascaridosis, in four slaughterhouses from the metropolitan area of Costa Rica. In total, there were collected 538 fecal samples from pigs of different groups: sows in early pregnancy, sows late pregnancy, lactating sows, weaners, young fatteners, fatteners and boars. The samples were processed by the flotation method (Sheather, hipersaturated sugar solution, density 1.3) and those positive to coccidia were submitted in potassium dichromate for sporulation. To determine the economic losses, the official registers of the Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería (MAG) were analized, as well as each slaughterhouse own registers, from the period 2002-2008. From 538 processed samples, 405 (75.3%) showed presence of helminths and protozoans, the PGI identified were: Coccidia from Eimeria e Isospora genus (398/405) (98.2%), Strongyloides ransomi (33/405) (8.1%), Trichuris suis (29/405) (7.2%), Ascaris suum (7/405) (1.7%) and Strongylida (2/405) (0.5%). Coccidia were detected at every farm, as well as every group of animals, even though the coccidiostats administration. The frequencies of T. suis and A. suum were high, mostly in sows in early and late pregnancy, whereas coccidia and S. ransomi showed high frequencies in weaners, young fatteners and fatteners. Intensive management was the predominant production system, although two farms also had a semiintensive management. The evaluated farms had adequate management conditions, despite the excessive employment of anthihelminthics (febendazol, ivermectina, levamisol, doramectina and albendazol); besides, they had deficient biosecurity measures. In the period 2002-2008, there were 1.727.389 slaughter pigs, from which 248.979 (14.4%) livers were condemned due to “milk spots”, it was the most frequent cause (73.1%) of porcine liver condemnation. The economic losses caused by “milk spots” rise up to ¢178.231.617 ($314.897), establishing a great economic impact to the national swine production. The obtained results point out the need to change some current practices in the national swine production, in order to accomplish an appropriate pig gastrointestinal parasitosis control, principally to diminish the losses due to A. suum.
Swine can get infected with several helminths species, and management practices are usually high related with parasitism. The aim of this study was to identify which gastrointestinal parasites (PGI) and management aspects are present in nine pig farms from the north-central and south region of Costa Rica, also to determine the economic impact due to porcine liver condemnation, as a consequence of ascaridosis, in four slaughterhouses from the metropolitan area of Costa Rica. In total, there were collected 538 fecal samples from pigs of different groups: sows in early pregnancy, sows late pregnancy, lactating sows, weaners, young fatteners, fatteners and boars. The samples were processed by the flotation method (Sheather, hipersaturated sugar solution, density 1.3) and those positive to coccidia were submitted in potassium dichromate for sporulation. To determine the economic losses, the official registers of the Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería (MAG) were analized, as well as each slaughterhouse own registers, from the period 2002-2008. From 538 processed samples, 405 (75.3%) showed presence of helminths and protozoans, the PGI identified were: Coccidia from Eimeria e Isospora genus (398/405) (98.2%), Strongyloides ransomi (33/405) (8.1%), Trichuris suis (29/405) (7.2%), Ascaris suum (7/405) (1.7%) and Strongylida (2/405) (0.5%). Coccidia were detected at every farm, as well as every group of animals, even though the coccidiostats administration. The frequencies of T. suis and A. suum were high, mostly in sows in early and late pregnancy, whereas coccidia and S. ransomi showed high frequencies in weaners, young fatteners and fatteners. Intensive management was the predominant production system, although two farms also had a semiintensive management. The evaluated farms had adequate management conditions, despite the excessive employment of anthihelminthics (febendazol, ivermectina, levamisol, doramectina and albendazol); besides, they had deficient biosecurity measures. In the period 2002-2008, there were 1.727.389 slaughter pigs, from which 248.979 (14.4%) livers were condemned due to “milk spots”, it was the most frequent cause (73.1%) of porcine liver condemnation. The economic losses caused by “milk spots” rise up to ¢178.231.617 ($314.897), establishing a great economic impact to the national swine production. The obtained results point out the need to change some current practices in the national swine production, in order to accomplish an appropriate pig gastrointestinal parasitosis control, principally to diminish the losses due to A. suum.
Modalidad: Tesis
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