Estudio de la comunidad de peces de importancia comercial y de la abundancia planctónica en el Área Marina de Pesca Responsable de Puerto Níspero, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
Quesada Phillips, Valeria
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
Se realizó un estudio de la comunidad de peces de importancia comercial y abundancia planctónica en el Área Marina de Pesca Responsable (AMPR) de Puerto Níspero (100 12, 41 'N; 850 1 1, 44' W), ubicada en la parte interna del Golfo de Nicoya, Costa Rica. Con el fin de conocer la biodiversidad existente en la zona se realizaron muestreos con capturas experimentales en distintos meses del año, iniciando en Noviembre del 201 1 y finalizando en Noviembre del 2012, abarcando las diferentes épocas del año: época seca, transición secalluviosa, época lluviosa y transición lluviosa-seca. Se estimaron los índices de riqueza de especies (H'), diversidad (Dmg) y equitatividad (J'). Los valores más altos en las capturas experimentales fueron H'=2,14 y H'=2,23; Dmg=3,84 y Dmg=3,96, los cuales se registraron durante las épocas de transición lluviosa-seca y seca, lo cual representa una alta riqueza y diversidad de especies para la zona de estudio. Además, con el fin de evaluar la composición de la dieta de algunas especies de importancia ecológica y comercial, se realizó un análisis de contenido estomacal. Los resultados mostraron que la comunidad de peces se compone principalmente de especies que se alimentan de crustáceos, siendo el camarón el ítem alimenticio principal con valores de FO=21, N=16,41%, W= 16,05%, 0/01RI= 558,69 y Q=263,33. Finalmente, se determinó que la comunidad planctónica estuvo caracterizada en su mayoría por los grupos de diatomeas, seguido de tintínidos y dinoflagelados. Los valores más altos de abundancia de microalgas coincidieron con las épocas de mayor diversidad de especies y mayor ocurrencia de crustáceos, así mismo se pudo observar una estrecha dependencia de la comunidad planctónica presente en Puerto Níspero con distintas variables ambientales.
A study of the fish community of commercial importance and planktonic abundance was carried out in the Responsible Fishing Marine Area (AMPR) of Puerto Níspero (100 12, 41 'N; 850 1 1, 44' W), located in the inner from the Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica. In order to know the existing biodiversity in the area, samplings were carried out with experimental captures in different months of the year, beginning in November 2011 and ending in November 2012, covering the different times of the year: dry season, dry-rainy transition, rainy and rainy-dry transition. Species richness (H'), diversity (Dmg) and evenness (J') indices were estimated. The highest values in the experimental captures were H'=2.14 and H'=2.23; Dmg=3.84 and Dmg=3.96, which were recorded during the rainy-dry and dry transition seasons, which represents a high richness and diversity of species for the study area. In addition, in order to evaluate the diet composition of some species of ecological and commercial importance, a stomach content analysis was performed. The results showed that the fish community is mainly composed of species that feed on crustaceans, with shrimp being the main food item with values of FO=21, N=16.41%, W= 16.05%, 0/01RI. = 558.69 and Q=263.33. Finally, it was determined that the planktonic community was characterized mostly by groups of diatoms, followed by tintinids and dinoflagellates. The highest values of abundance of microalgae coincided with the times of greatest diversity of species and greatest occurrence of crustaceans, likewise a close dependence of the planktonic community present in Puerto Níspero with different environmental variables could be observed.
A study of the fish community of commercial importance and planktonic abundance was carried out in the Responsible Fishing Marine Area (AMPR) of Puerto Níspero (100 12, 41 'N; 850 1 1, 44' W), located in the inner from the Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica. In order to know the existing biodiversity in the area, samplings were carried out with experimental captures in different months of the year, beginning in November 2011 and ending in November 2012, covering the different times of the year: dry season, dry-rainy transition, rainy and rainy-dry transition. Species richness (H'), diversity (Dmg) and evenness (J') indices were estimated. The highest values in the experimental captures were H'=2.14 and H'=2.23; Dmg=3.84 and Dmg=3.96, which were recorded during the rainy-dry and dry transition seasons, which represents a high richness and diversity of species for the study area. In addition, in order to evaluate the diet composition of some species of ecological and commercial importance, a stomach content analysis was performed. The results showed that the fish community is mainly composed of species that feed on crustaceans, with shrimp being the main food item with values of FO=21, N=16.41%, W= 16.05%, 0/01RI. = 558.69 and Q=263.33. Finally, it was determined that the planktonic community was characterized mostly by groups of diatoms, followed by tintinids and dinoflagellates. The highest values of abundance of microalgae coincided with the times of greatest diversity of species and greatest occurrence of crustaceans, likewise a close dependence of the planktonic community present in Puerto Níspero with different environmental variables could be observed.
Quesada Phillips, V. (2015). Estudio de la comunidad de peces de importancia comercial y de la abundancia planctónica en el Área Marina de Pesca Responsable de Puerto Níspero, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. [Tesis de Licenciatura]. Universidad Nacional, Heredia, C.R.
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