Evaluación endocrina en animales silvestres por métodos no invasivos
Suárez-Esquivel, Marcela
Castro Ramírez, Laura
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La manipulación de animales silvestres, tanto de vida libre como en cautiverio, induce estrés elevado
en los individuos, lo cual resulta en potencial detrimento de su salud y altera los resultados de las
pruebas clínicas derivados de muestras obtenidas bajo condiciones estresantes para el animal. Por
esto, la tendencia en endocrinología de especies silvestres es realizar extracciones y mediciones de
metabolitos hormonales en secreciones corporales de fácil obtención, como heces, orina, saliva o pelo.
El seguimiento hormonal reproductivo en estas especies es un componente relevante de los esfuerzos
de conservación.
El Programa Integrado de Endocrinología y Reproducción Animal de la Universidad Nacional (PIERA)
ha buscado implementar metodologías no invasivas para el seguimiento reproductivo y la evaluación
endocrina. Se mencionan dos ejemplos concretos.
The handling of wild animals, both free-living and in captivity, induces high stress in individuals, resulting in potential detriment to their health potentially detrimental to their health and alters clinical test results derived from samples obtained under stressful conditions for the animal. results of clinical tests derived from samples obtained under stressful conditions for the animal. For the trend in wildlife endocrinology is to perform extractions and measurements of hormone metabolites in body secretions. hormone metabolites in easily obtained body secretions, such as feces, urine, saliva or hair. Reproductive hormone monitoring in these species is a relevant component of conservation efforts. conservation efforts. The Integrated Program of Endocrinology and Animal Reproduction of the Universidad Nacional (PIERA) has sought to implement non-invasive methodologies for reproductive monitoring and endocrine evaluation. endocrine evaluation. Two specific examples are mentioned.
The handling of wild animals, both free-living and in captivity, induces high stress in individuals, resulting in potential detriment to their health potentially detrimental to their health and alters clinical test results derived from samples obtained under stressful conditions for the animal. results of clinical tests derived from samples obtained under stressful conditions for the animal. For the trend in wildlife endocrinology is to perform extractions and measurements of hormone metabolites in body secretions. hormone metabolites in easily obtained body secretions, such as feces, urine, saliva or hair. Reproductive hormone monitoring in these species is a relevant component of conservation efforts. conservation efforts. The Integrated Program of Endocrinology and Animal Reproduction of the Universidad Nacional (PIERA) has sought to implement non-invasive methodologies for reproductive monitoring and endocrine evaluation. endocrine evaluation. Two specific examples are mentioned.
Suplemento XXII Congreso Nacional de Medicina Veterinaria, Costa Rica 2017
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