Reproducción en pequeños rumiantes en la Universidad de São Paulo, Brasil
Sáenz Aguilar, Natalia
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La pasantía de reproducción en pequeños rumiantes se realizó en São Paulo, Brasil,
coordinada por la profesora Anneliese de Souza, durante los meses de setiembre a diciembre del
2011. Se trabajó en las explotaciones ovicaprinas: Sitio Paraíso, Hacienda Campo Verde y la sede
de Pirassununga de la Universidad de São Paulo (USP).
Durante esta práctica se realizaron en total 86 exámenes reproductivos en hembras vacías (54
ovejas y 32 cabras); con el fin de visualizar por medio de ultrasonido (US) estructuras reproductivas
como útero, cuernos y ovarios. También se efectuaron exámenes reproductivos en hembras
preñadas, incluyendo 244 diagnósticos de gestación, 84 US entre los 25 y 35 días de gestación, 99
US entre los 35 y los 60 días y 61 US en gestaciones de más de 60 días. Además, se determinó con
éxito 91 gestaciones gemelares, 118 de un solo feto y se consiguió sexar 30 fetos (19 machos y 11
En machos se realizaron 19 exámenes reproductivos, evaluando circunferencia escrotal, los
órganos reproductivos macroscópicamente y por US y se realizaron colectas de semen, que
incluyeron valoración de motilidad en masa volumen, color y aspecto del eyaculado.
Con respecto a las técnicas de reproducción asistida (TRA) se trabajó en: sincronización de
celos (n=244), superovulaciones (n=73), colectas y transferencias de embriones (n=795
embriones), aspiraciones foliculares (n=1 hembra), colectas de oocitos (n=45 oocitos) e
inseminaciones artificiales (IA) (n=222). De estas últimas, 28 fueron en cabras por el método
transcervical y 194 en ovejas por los métodos exocervical con retracción del cérvix (n=1), la técnica
intracervical (n=18) y la intrauterina (IU) (n=177).
Debido a la época reproductiva en la que se estuvo presente y a que el manejo de las fincas es
intensivo, se facilitó la participación en gran cantidad de procedimientos reproductivos, ampliando
y consolidando los conocimientos tanto prácticos como teóricos, en el área de la reproducción de
pequeños rumiantes.
The internship in small ruminant reproduction was made in Sao Paulo, Brazil, coordinated by professor Anneliese de Souza, between the months of September to December of 2011. This took place in the farms Sitio Paraiso, Hacienda Campo Verde and on the Pirassununga Campus of the University of Sao Paulo (USP). During this practice a total of 86 reproductive exams on non-pregnant females (54 sheep and 32 goats) were made using ultrasound (US) and the reproductive structures evaluated included: uterine body, uterine horns and ovaries. Likewise, reproductive exams were made on pregnant females including 244 pregnancy diagnosis, 84 US in between 25 and 35 days of pregnancy, 99 US among 35 and 60 days and 61 in pregnant females over 60 days. Besides, 91 twin pregnancies and 118 single gestations were successfully diagnosed; it was also possible to determine the fetal sex in 30 fetuses (19 males and 11 females). Furthermore, 19 males’ reproductive exams were made, evaluating the scrotal circumference, reproductive organs macroscopically and by US, and semen collection, including examination of the mass motility, color and appearance of the ejaculate. In regard to reproductive assisted techniques (TRA) the following were accomplished: estrus synchronization (n=244), superovulation (n=73), embryo recovery and transfer (n=795 embryos), follicular aspiration (n=1 female), oocyte recovery (n=45 oocytes) and artificial insemination (n=222). The Artificial insemination were performed on 28 goats by the transcervical method and 194 on sheep, by the exocervical technique with cervix retraction (n=1), the intracervical (n=18) and the intrauterine (n=177). Because the present study took place during the breeding season and the intensive management of those herds, it was possible to participate in a considerable amount of reproductive procedures, expanding and consolidating the student´s knowledge, both practical and theoretical, in the reproductive area of small ruminants
The internship in small ruminant reproduction was made in Sao Paulo, Brazil, coordinated by professor Anneliese de Souza, between the months of September to December of 2011. This took place in the farms Sitio Paraiso, Hacienda Campo Verde and on the Pirassununga Campus of the University of Sao Paulo (USP). During this practice a total of 86 reproductive exams on non-pregnant females (54 sheep and 32 goats) were made using ultrasound (US) and the reproductive structures evaluated included: uterine body, uterine horns and ovaries. Likewise, reproductive exams were made on pregnant females including 244 pregnancy diagnosis, 84 US in between 25 and 35 days of pregnancy, 99 US among 35 and 60 days and 61 in pregnant females over 60 days. Besides, 91 twin pregnancies and 118 single gestations were successfully diagnosed; it was also possible to determine the fetal sex in 30 fetuses (19 males and 11 females). Furthermore, 19 males’ reproductive exams were made, evaluating the scrotal circumference, reproductive organs macroscopically and by US, and semen collection, including examination of the mass motility, color and appearance of the ejaculate. In regard to reproductive assisted techniques (TRA) the following were accomplished: estrus synchronization (n=244), superovulation (n=73), embryo recovery and transfer (n=795 embryos), follicular aspiration (n=1 female), oocyte recovery (n=45 oocytes) and artificial insemination (n=222). The Artificial insemination were performed on 28 goats by the transcervical method and 194 on sheep, by the exocervical technique with cervix retraction (n=1), the intracervical (n=18) and the intrauterine (n=177). Because the present study took place during the breeding season and the intensive management of those herds, it was possible to participate in a considerable amount of reproductive procedures, expanding and consolidating the student´s knowledge, both practical and theoretical, in the reproductive area of small ruminants
Modalidad: Pasantía
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