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Entrevista a Miguel Baraona Cockerell

dc.description.abstractMiguel Baraona Cockerell, un ser humano que ha tenido una vida con muchas aristas, ¿cómo, ha sido influenciado, cómo ha sido golpeado, cómo, se ha vuelto a levantar? Con una formación humanista que la vida, tal vez sin proponérselo, se lo ha dado. Con grandes influencias y contrastes, su madre oriunda de Estados Unidos, antropóloga, sin ejercer, profesora de inglés en casa y en la Escuela de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Chile y una entusiasta lectora, apasionada del “Quijote”. Su padre de origen chileno, aventurero, recorrió de Chile a Estados Unidos. Héroe de guerra norteamericano, militante comunista, desterrado de ese país. Profesor universitario en el Instituto de Geografía de la Universidad de Chile. Don Miguel, con inclinaciones hacia la ciencia, de joven, transformadas luego por sus fuertes experiencias. Su vida transcurre entre Estados Unidos, México, Chile, Francia y Costa Rica. De joven activista y militante socialista, se vio en el exilio, separado de sus padres, viviendo y estudiando en Francia. Con una sólida formación en sociología, ciencias sociales y antropología. En su formación profesional contactó con grandes maestros, en seminarios, oficialmente en el de Alan Turing también asistía al de John Odling-Smee, que era un economista marxista brillante. Asistía a los cursos de Bourdieu, famoso sociólogo francés, asistía también al de Althousser. Es influenciado por Rolando García, Roberto Stavanger y Alan Turing. Con un verbo exquisito, pausado al hablar, reflexivo e inteligente y una gran visión de mundo, es un humanista convencido, marcado por los grandes contrastes y tragedias sufridas a lo largo de su vida. Académico universitario en varios países, Estados Unidos, México, Francia y Costa Rica.es_ES
dc.description.abstractMiguel Baraona Cockerell, a human being who has had a life with many edges, how has he been influenced, how has he been beaten, how has he got back on his feet? With a humanistic formation that life, perhaps unintentionally, has given him. With great influences and contrasts, his mother, a native of the United States, anthropologist, without practicing, English teacher at home and at the School of Engineering of the University of Chile and an enthusiastic reader, passionate about "Don Quixote". Her Chilean-born father, an adventurer, traveled from Chile to the United States. American war hero, communist militant, exiled from that country. University professor at the Geography Institute of the University of Chile. Don Miguel, with inclinations towards science, as a young man, later transformed by his strong experiences. His life was spent between the United States, Mexico, Chile, France and Costa Rica. As a young activist and socialist militant, he found himself in exile, separated from his parents, living and studying in France. With a solid background in sociology, social sciences and anthropology. In his professional training he was in contact with great masters, in seminars, officially in Alan Turing's seminar, he also attended John Odling-Smee's, who was a brilliant Marxist economist. He attended Bourdieu's courses, a famous French sociologist, and also Althousser's. He was influenced by Rolando Garcia, who was a brilliant Marxist economist. He was influenced by Rolando Garcia, Roberto Stavanger and Alan Turing. With an exquisite verb, slow to speak, reflective and intelligent and a great vision of the world, he is a convinced humanist, marked by the great contrasts and tragedies suffered throughout his life. He has been a university academic in several countries, the United States, Mexico, France and Costa Rica.es_ES
dc.description.procedenceCentro de Estudios Generales, Universidad Nacionales_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipUniversidad Nacional, Costa Ricaes_ES
dc.publisherUniversidad Nacional, Costa Ricaes_ES
dc.rightsAcceso abiertoes_ES
dc.titleEntrevista a Miguel Baraona Cockerelles_ES


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