Composición, condición estructural y socioambiental actual del manglar Nandamojo, Santa Cruz, Guanacaste, para la generación de recomendaciones de manejo
Piedra-Calvo, Silvia Lucía
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Los manglares del Pacífico Norte de Costa Rica han sido poco estudiados, necesitándose más investigación sobre su estado actual. En el marco de la implementación del Protocolo PRONAMEC de Manglares, se evaluó la condición estructural y composición actual del manglar Nandamojo, así como las condicionantes socioambientales de las comunidades asociadas al manglar, mediante consulta directa para la generación de recomendaciones de manejo. Se delimitaron ocho parcelas de 100 m2, obteniendo datos estructurales de altura y DAP, para el cálculo de indicadores básicos: densidad, área basal total, índice de complejidad e índice de valor de importancia. Se obtuvieron y analizaron en laboratorio muestras de suelo y agua. Se identificaron cuatro especies, registrándose por primera vez Pelliciera rhizophorae en Nandamojo. Rhizophora racemosa fue la especie dominante, con mayor IVI, altura media (14.99±496 m), densidad (93.8 ind/0.1 ha) y ABT (2.8 m2/0.1 ha), seguida por P. rhizophorae, Avicennia bicolor y Avicennia germinans. El I.C. fue 36.2. La arena fue la granulometría mayoritaria en casi todas las parcelas. Se registraron salinidades entre 0.41 – 55.78 PSU, 0.00 % de oxígeno disuelto, concentraciones de nitrato de 0.00 μmol/l; los demás nutrientes variaron entre parcelas dentro del rango normal de concentración. Solo en cinco parcelas se registró pH casi neutro. Se detectaron actividades agropecuarias y turísticas alrededor del manglar, y gran organización local en la protección del medio ambiente. Se sugiere que los condicionantes ambientales locales han favorecido la dominancia y el desarrollo estructural de R. racemosa y P. rhizophorae, por encima de las especies de Avicennia. También, que el sedimento es producto de la influencia fluvial y marina sobre el manglar; además, el gradiente de salinidad es característico de la región Pacífico Norte. Se resalta que el estado del manglar Nandamojo ha sido ampliamente beneficiado por la labor de protección local que ha involucrado población extranjera.
The mangroves of the North Pacific of Costa Rica have been little studied, requiring more research on their current state. Within the framework of the implementation of the PRONAMEC Mangrove Protocol, the structural condition and current composition of the Nandamojo mangrove, as well as the socio-environmental conditions of the communities associated with the mangrove, were evaluated through direct consultation for the generation of management recommendations. Eight plots of 100 m2 were delimited, obtaining structural data on height and DAP, for the calculation of basic indicators: density, total basal area, complexity index and importance value index. Soil and water samples were obtained and analyzed in the laboratory. Four species were identified, with Pelliciera rhizophorae being recorded for the first time in Nandamojo. Rhizophora racemosa was the dominant species, with the highest IVI, mean height (14.99±496 m), density (93.8 ind/0.1 ha) and ABT (2.8 m2/0.1 ha), followed by P. rhizophorae, Avicennia bicolor and Avicennia germinans. The I.C. It was 36.2. Sand was the majority granulometry in almost all plots. Salinities were recorded between 0.41 – 55.78 PSU, 0.00% dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations of 0.00 μmol/l; The other nutrients varied between plots within the normal concentration range. Only in five plots was almost neutral pH recorded. Agricultural and tourist activities were detected around the mangrove, and great local organization in environmental protection. It is suggested that local environmental conditions have favored the dominance and structural development of R. racemosa and P. rhizophorae, over Avicennia species. Also, that the sediment is a product of the fluvial and marine influence on the mangrove; Furthermore, the salinity gradient is characteristic of the North Pacific region. It is highlighted that the state of the Nandamojo mangrove has greatly benefited from the local protection work that has involved a foreign population.
The mangroves of the North Pacific of Costa Rica have been little studied, requiring more research on their current state. Within the framework of the implementation of the PRONAMEC Mangrove Protocol, the structural condition and current composition of the Nandamojo mangrove, as well as the socio-environmental conditions of the communities associated with the mangrove, were evaluated through direct consultation for the generation of management recommendations. Eight plots of 100 m2 were delimited, obtaining structural data on height and DAP, for the calculation of basic indicators: density, total basal area, complexity index and importance value index. Soil and water samples were obtained and analyzed in the laboratory. Four species were identified, with Pelliciera rhizophorae being recorded for the first time in Nandamojo. Rhizophora racemosa was the dominant species, with the highest IVI, mean height (14.99±496 m), density (93.8 ind/0.1 ha) and ABT (2.8 m2/0.1 ha), followed by P. rhizophorae, Avicennia bicolor and Avicennia germinans. The I.C. It was 36.2. Sand was the majority granulometry in almost all plots. Salinities were recorded between 0.41 – 55.78 PSU, 0.00% dissolved oxygen, nitrate concentrations of 0.00 μmol/l; The other nutrients varied between plots within the normal concentration range. Only in five plots was almost neutral pH recorded. Agricultural and tourist activities were detected around the mangrove, and great local organization in environmental protection. It is suggested that local environmental conditions have favored the dominance and structural development of R. racemosa and P. rhizophorae, over Avicennia species. Also, that the sediment is a product of the fluvial and marine influence on the mangrove; Furthermore, the salinity gradient is characteristic of the North Pacific region. It is highlighted that the state of the Nandamojo mangrove has greatly benefited from the local protection work that has involved a foreign population.
Piedra - Calvo, S. L. (2023). Composición, condición estructural y socioambiental actual del manglar Nandamojo, Santa Cruz, Guanacaste, para la generación de recomendaciones de manejo. [Tesis de Licenciatura]. Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica.
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