Pasantía en medicina interna de pequeñas especies y diagnóstico citológico en las clínicas veterinarias San Martín del Este y García y Pérez.
Villero Núñez, Valeria
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Se realizó una pasantía en la Clínica Veterinaria San Martín del Este y en García y Pérez en San José, Costa Rica, durante ocho semanas. Esto para poder adquirir destreza práctica en medicina interna y así lograr la atención integral del paciente. Como parte del proceso se adquirió experiencia en el uso de métodos de diagnóstico complementarios, como imágenes médicas y pruebas laboratoriales, con un interés adicional en citopatología. Debido al enfoque diagnóstico en citología, se analizó un mayor número de estas muestras (n=192).
En este período fueron atendidos un total de 309 especies menores, mayoritariamente caninos (274, 89%). Los sistemas afectados con mayor frecuencia en los pacientes de ambas clínicas fueron el sistema tegumentario (141, 53%), músculo esquelético (43,16%) y digestivo (34, 13%). En el abordaje de estos casos se realizaron 489 pruebas complementarias, entre ellas, las más usuales fueron: citologías (192, 39%), hematología (100, 20%), serología (95, 19%), radiografías (47, 10%), ecografías (38, 8%) y biopsias (17, 3%). De las citologías analizadas los hallazgos no neoplásicos más frecuentes fueron dermatitis (19, 25%), quistes o tumores foliculares benignos (11, 14%) e inflamación supurativa séptica (8, 10%); mientras que los diagnósticos neoplásicos prevalentes fueron lipoma (18, 20%), sarcoma de tejido blando (17,18%) y mastocitoma (15,16%). Consecuentemente, se logró cultivar habilidades esenciales en la medicina veterinaria diaria y adquirir una perspectiva del contexto y posibilidades clínicas.
An internship at the veterinary clinics San Martín del Este and García & Pérez in San José, Costa Rica, was carried out for eight weeks. This was done to acquire practical skills in internal medicine and thus accomplish comprehensive patient care. This allowed the intern to obtain experience using complementary diagnostic methods, such as medical imaging and laboratory tests, with an additional interest in cytopathology. Due to the diagnostic focus on cytology, a greater quantity of these samples were analyzed (n=192). During this period, 309 small animals were treated, mostly canines (274, 89%). The more commonly affected systems in patients from both clinics were the integumentary system (141, 53%), musculoskeletal system (43.16%), and digestive system (34, 13%). For the clinical approach, 489 complementary tests were performed. Among them, the most common were cytology (192, 39%), hematology (100, 20%), serology (95, 19%), radiography (47, 10%), echography (38.8%) and biopsies (17.3%). Of the cytology reviewed, the most frequent non-neoplastic findings were dermatitis (19, 25%), benign follicular cysts or tumors (11, 14%), and septic suppurative inflammation (8, 10%). At the same time, the prevalent neoplastic diagnoses were lipoma (18, 20%), soft tissue sarcoma (17, 18%) and mastocytoma (15, 16%). Consequently, learning essential skills for daily veterinary medicine practice and gaining a perspective in clinical context and possibilities.
An internship at the veterinary clinics San Martín del Este and García & Pérez in San José, Costa Rica, was carried out for eight weeks. This was done to acquire practical skills in internal medicine and thus accomplish comprehensive patient care. This allowed the intern to obtain experience using complementary diagnostic methods, such as medical imaging and laboratory tests, with an additional interest in cytopathology. Due to the diagnostic focus on cytology, a greater quantity of these samples were analyzed (n=192). During this period, 309 small animals were treated, mostly canines (274, 89%). The more commonly affected systems in patients from both clinics were the integumentary system (141, 53%), musculoskeletal system (43.16%), and digestive system (34, 13%). For the clinical approach, 489 complementary tests were performed. Among them, the most common were cytology (192, 39%), hematology (100, 20%), serology (95, 19%), radiography (47, 10%), echography (38.8%) and biopsies (17.3%). Of the cytology reviewed, the most frequent non-neoplastic findings were dermatitis (19, 25%), benign follicular cysts or tumors (11, 14%), and septic suppurative inflammation (8, 10%). At the same time, the prevalent neoplastic diagnoses were lipoma (18, 20%), soft tissue sarcoma (17, 18%) and mastocytoma (15, 16%). Consequently, learning essential skills for daily veterinary medicine practice and gaining a perspective in clinical context and possibilities.
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