Propuesta de implementación de comercio electrónico para almacenes El Rey, Costa Rica
Serrancin Varela, Ashly
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
En la actualidad, los avances tecnológicos han logrado el desarrollo de diferentes industrias.
El comercio o la forma tradicional de vender productos ha dado un giro para dar paso a la tecnología, cuyo resultado ha sido el comercio electrónico, una forma de crear negocios y comercializar la venta de artículos con la demanda tecnológica.
Ante esta realidad, las empresas buscan generar estrategias para mantenerse en el mercado y subsistir en el tiempo. En este caso, Almacenes El Rey, una empresa costarricense con más de veinte años en el mercado y que cuenta con trece tiendas a nivel país, tiene la oportunidad de crear mayor rentabilidad en sus ventas implementando el comercio electrónico.
El objetivo general de este proyecto es evaluar la viabilidad de implementación del comercio electrónico en Almacenes El Rey como una estrategia nueva de negocio y una alternativa para la generación de ventajas competitivas.
Se realizó una encuesta a 5264 personas, para conocer la aceptación de los clientes actuales de Almacenes El Rey en referencia con el comercio electrónico. De la encuesta aplicada, se obtuvo información valiosa, como el perfil del consumidor, características de consumo y los principales factores que influyen en la compra en línea. Con estos datos se logra dar visibilidad
a la empresa en estudio sobre quiénes son sus posibles clientes y cuáles son sus preferencias de compra, para así plantear estrategias de ventas para el canal del comercio electrónico.
También se entrevistó a diferentes jefaturas de los departamentos de la compañía, quienes brindaron datos importantes sobre su influencia y necesidades en caso de que la empresa lograra la implementación del comercio electrónico.
Con la información de los departamentos se logró establecer la logística de implementación, crear un presupuesto de inversión y un análisis de flujo para conocer la viabilidad del proyecto.
Se concluyó a partir de los hallazgos que se debe invertir preferiblemente con capital propio, cuyo retorno se reflejaría en tres años. También que el proyecto debe tener un administrador, quien se encargará de cumplir metas de ventas para la tienda virtual y coordinar las áreas involucradas para que le brinden soporte.
A lo largo del presente informe se presentan los detalles de la estrategia y el análisis que se llevó a cabo para crear las propuestas adecuadas para la implementación de la plataforma electrónica en Almacenes El Rey.
At present, technological advances have achieved the development of different industries. Commerce or the traditional way of selling products has taken a turn to give way to technology, thus appearing electronic commerce, a way of doing business and marketing the sale of items with technological demand. Given this reality, companies seek to generate strategies to remain in the market and survive over time. In this case, Almacenes El Rey, a Costa Rican company with more than twenty years in the market and with thirteen stores nationwide, has the opportunity to create greater profitability in its sales by implementing e-commerce. The general objective of this project is to evaluate the feasibility of implementing electronic commerce in Almacenes El Rey, as a new business strategy and an alternative for generating competitive advantages. A survey of 5,264 people was carried out, in order to know the acceptance of the current customers of Almacenes El Rey in reference to electronic commerce. From the survey, valuable information was obtained, such as the consumer profile, buying characteristics and the main factors that influence online shopping. With this data, it is possible to give the big picture to the company in this paper about who their potential customers are and what their purchase preferences are, in order to propose sales strategies for the e-commerce channel. Different management departments of the company were also interviewed, which provided important data on their influence and needs if the company achieved the implementation of electronic commerce. With the information provided by the departments, it was possible to establish the implementation logistics, create an investment budget and a flow chart analysis to know the viability of the project. It was concluded that an investment should preferably be made with own capital, which would reflect its return in three years. Also, the project must have an administrator who must meet sales goals for the virtual store and coordinate the areas involved to provide support. Throughout this report, the details of the strategy and the analysis carried out to create the appropriate proposals for the implementation of the electronic platform in Almacenes El Rey are presented.
At present, technological advances have achieved the development of different industries. Commerce or the traditional way of selling products has taken a turn to give way to technology, thus appearing electronic commerce, a way of doing business and marketing the sale of items with technological demand. Given this reality, companies seek to generate strategies to remain in the market and survive over time. In this case, Almacenes El Rey, a Costa Rican company with more than twenty years in the market and with thirteen stores nationwide, has the opportunity to create greater profitability in its sales by implementing e-commerce. The general objective of this project is to evaluate the feasibility of implementing electronic commerce in Almacenes El Rey, as a new business strategy and an alternative for generating competitive advantages. A survey of 5,264 people was carried out, in order to know the acceptance of the current customers of Almacenes El Rey in reference to electronic commerce. From the survey, valuable information was obtained, such as the consumer profile, buying characteristics and the main factors that influence online shopping. With this data, it is possible to give the big picture to the company in this paper about who their potential customers are and what their purchase preferences are, in order to propose sales strategies for the e-commerce channel. Different management departments of the company were also interviewed, which provided important data on their influence and needs if the company achieved the implementation of electronic commerce. With the information provided by the departments, it was possible to establish the implementation logistics, create an investment budget and a flow chart analysis to know the viability of the project. It was concluded that an investment should preferably be made with own capital, which would reflect its return in three years. Also, the project must have an administrator who must meet sales goals for the virtual store and coordinate the areas involved to provide support. Throughout this report, the details of the strategy and the analysis carried out to create the appropriate proposals for the implementation of the electronic platform in Almacenes El Rey are presented.
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