Desarrollo de un sistema de información para la trazabilidad de productos vegetales en el Cordón fronterizo de la Zona Sur de Costa Rica, de los cantones, Coto Brus, Corredores y Golfito, para el Servicio Fitosanitario del Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería, Sede de Paso Canoas
Hernández Sequeira, Elyin
Vargas Marín, Anthony
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
El proyecto realizado contribuye a regular la movilización interna de productos vegetales que se trasladan desde la zona fronteriza (cantones de Coto Brus, Corredores y Golfito), hacia el interior del país, con el objetivo de evitar el ingreso ilegal de productos originarios de Panamá que puedan significar un riesgo fitosanitario para Costa Rica. Todo lo anterior mediante la elaboración de un sistema en trazabilidad que permita registrar:
a. Productores y sitios de producción: Se registran aquellos productores que cultivan productos vegetales.
b. Productos vegetales que han sido objeto de intercambio irregular y que se cultivan a ambos lados de las frontera como: frutas (aguacate, naranja, mandarina, limón, pejibaye, mamón chino, guanábana, sandía, maracuyá, zapote), tubérculos (ñame, ñampi, papa), ayote y frijoles.
c. Transportistas involucrados en la comercialización,
Cabe mencionar, que al no existir un sistema de información que permita determinar la trazabilidad de los productos vegetales, se carece de una precisión adecuada en cuanto a qué en la actualidad la comprobación ante dudas del origen de un producto que se está trasladando al interior del país, implica la movilización de funcionarios a los sitios de supuesta producción con los consiguientes gastos de recursos y tiempo.
Este sistema le permitirá a la Estación de Control Fitosanitario de Paso Canoas, determinar el origen real de los diferentes productos vegetales en términos de quién, dónde y cuánto se produjo, además de a quiénes los entregan para su transporte al interior del país.
The project carried out contributes to regulating the internal mobilization of plant products that are moved from the border area (Coto Brus, Corredores and Golfito cantons), to the interior of the country, with the aim of avoiding the illegal entry of products originating in Panama that may represent a phytosanitary risk for Costa Rica. All of the above through the development of a traceability system that allows recording: a. Producers and production sites: Producers who grow vegetable products are registered. b. Vegetable products that have been the object of irregular exchange and that are cultivated on both sides of the border such as: fruits (avocado, orange, tangerine, lemon, pejibaye, Chinese sucker, soursop, watermelon, passion fruit, sapodilla), tubers (yam, ñampi , potato), squash and beans. c. Transporters involved in the commercialization, It is worth mentioning that, since there is no information system that allows determining the traceability of plant products, there is a lack of adequate precision as to what, at present, the verification in case of doubts about the origin of a product that is being moved to the interior of the country, implies the mobilization of officials to the supposed production sites with the consequent expenditure of resources and time. This system will allow the Paso Canoas Phytosanitary Control Station to determine the real origin of the different plant products in terms of who, where and how much was produced, as well as to whom they are delivered for transport within the country.
The project carried out contributes to regulating the internal mobilization of plant products that are moved from the border area (Coto Brus, Corredores and Golfito cantons), to the interior of the country, with the aim of avoiding the illegal entry of products originating in Panama that may represent a phytosanitary risk for Costa Rica. All of the above through the development of a traceability system that allows recording: a. Producers and production sites: Producers who grow vegetable products are registered. b. Vegetable products that have been the object of irregular exchange and that are cultivated on both sides of the border such as: fruits (avocado, orange, tangerine, lemon, pejibaye, Chinese sucker, soursop, watermelon, passion fruit, sapodilla), tubers (yam, ñampi , potato), squash and beans. c. Transporters involved in the commercialization, It is worth mentioning that, since there is no information system that allows determining the traceability of plant products, there is a lack of adequate precision as to what, at present, the verification in case of doubts about the origin of a product that is being moved to the interior of the country, implies the mobilization of officials to the supposed production sites with the consequent expenditure of resources and time. This system will allow the Paso Canoas Phytosanitary Control Station to determine the real origin of the different plant products in terms of who, where and how much was produced, as well as to whom they are delivered for transport within the country.
Hernández Sequeira, E. y Vargas Marín, A. (2014). Desarrollo de un sistema de información para la trazabilidad de productos vegetales en el Cordón fronterizo de la Zona Sur de Costa Rica, de los cantones, Coto Brus, Corredores y Golfito, para el Servicio Fitosanitario del Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería, Sede de Paso Canoas. [Tesis de Licenciatura]. Universidad Nacional, Puntarenas, C.R.
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