Desarrollo de la estrategia y plan táctico en cada una de las etapas de la experiencia del candidato para una empresa mediana de desarrollo de software en Costa Rica
Calvo Solano, Brenda
Madrigal Peñaranda, Carolina
Cordero Salguero, Fernanda
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Recientemente, las organizaciones han empezado a cambiar su mentalidad de
supervivencia por una visión próspera de transformación que sea capaz de innovar
para atraer y retener al mejor talento. Este cambio implica que las organizaciones
sean más humanas en su esencia como dinámica para el éxito. Cuando una empresa
inicia el proceso de búsqueda de candidatos para una vacante, los posibles aplicantes
indagan para conocer más de la empresa, su historia, cultura, visión, misión y valores.
Es importante desarrollar estrategias y planes que eleven la experiencia del
candidato, creando una buena impresión y la oportunidad de construir una marca
empleadora sobresaliente. La experiencia del candidato es uno de los parámetros
más importantes en cada etapa del proceso de reclutamiento, independientemente
de que se llegue a la contratación o no. Cuidar la experiencia del candidato influye de
manera positiva en la imagen de la empresa y puede convertirla en un lugar donde la
gente desee trabajar.
La empresa en la que se basó la presente consultoría pertenece a la industria de
tecnología y software. A través de las soluciones digitales prepara a sus clientes para
las oportunidades de una economía cambiante a través de la transformación
tecnológica en comercio electrónico, inteligencia artificial y análisis de datos. La
organización cuenta con 505 colaboradores y 6 oficinas en el mundo.
Las consultoras realizaron una auditoría a la empresa donde se determinaron áreas
de oportunidad en el proceso de reclutamiento y selección, por lo tanto, esta
consultoría se enfocó en la propuesta de estrategias que permitan a la empresa
impulsar la experiencia de sus candidatos, alineadas con elementos de su cultura
empresarial. Lo anterior, siguiendo un modelo centrado en los candidatos desde el
primer contacto hasta el primer día en la empresa.
Para el logro de los objetivos propuestos, se realizó una intervención cualitativa y
cuantitativa mediante grupos focales y un cuestionario aplicado. Dichas herramientas
de recolección de datos permitieron obtener información e insumos de parte de los
principales involucrados en las distintas etapas del proceso selectivo (entrevistadores
y candidatos), y fueron base para el desarrollo de las estrategias y propuestas de esta
Esta consultoría se estructuró en las siguientes secciones: se abordó el planteamiento
del problema identificado a través de la auditoría realizada durante mayo a julio del
2022 y se propuso una metodología para realizar el análisis en cuestión. Después, se
amplió sobre los fundamentos que sustentan el tema a desarrollar y el estado actual
de la empresa con respecto a estos. Posteriormente, se realizó la presentación de la
investigación, la cual contiene de forma detallada los instrumentos utilizados para
finalmente analizar los datos obtenidos y generar la estrategia y plan táctico que esta
consultoría se propone.
Recently, organizations have begun to change their mindset from survival by a prosperous vision of transformation that is capable of innovating to attract and retain the best talent. This change means that organizations be more human in their essence as a dynamic for success. when a company begins the process of searching for candidates for a vacancy, potential applicants They inquire to learn more about the company, its history, culture, vision, mission and values. It is important to develop strategies and plans that elevate the customer experience. candidate, creating a good impression and the opportunity to build a brand outstanding employer. The experience of the candidate is one of the parameters most important at each stage of the recruitment process, regardless whether or not the contract is reached. Taking care of the candidate's experience influences positive way in the image of the company and can turn it into a place where the people want to work. The company on which this consultancy was based belongs to the industry of technology and software. Through digital solutions, it prepares its clients for the opportunities of a changing economy through transformation technology in electronic commerce, artificial intelligence and data analysis. The organization has 505 employees and 6 offices around the world. The consultants carried out an audit of the company where areas were determined of opportunity in the recruitment and selection process, therefore, this consultancy focused on the proposal of strategies that allow the company boost the experience of your candidates, aligned with elements of your culture business. The foregoing, following a model centered on candidates from the first contact to the first day in the company. In order to achieve the proposed objectives, a qualitative and quantitative through focus groups and an applied questionnaire. such tools data collection allowed obtaining information and inputs from the main stakeholders in the different stages of the selection process (interviewers and candidates), and were the basis for the development of the strategies and proposals of this consultancy. This consultancy was structured into the following sections: the approach was addressed of the problem identified through the audit carried out during May to July of the 2022 and a methodology was proposed to carry out the analysis in question. Later expanded on the foundations that support the topic to be developed and the current state of the company with respect to these. Subsequently, the presentation of the investigation, which contains in detail the instruments used to Finally, analyze the data obtained and generate the strategy and tactical plan that is consultancy is proposed.
Recently, organizations have begun to change their mindset from survival by a prosperous vision of transformation that is capable of innovating to attract and retain the best talent. This change means that organizations be more human in their essence as a dynamic for success. when a company begins the process of searching for candidates for a vacancy, potential applicants They inquire to learn more about the company, its history, culture, vision, mission and values. It is important to develop strategies and plans that elevate the customer experience. candidate, creating a good impression and the opportunity to build a brand outstanding employer. The experience of the candidate is one of the parameters most important at each stage of the recruitment process, regardless whether or not the contract is reached. Taking care of the candidate's experience influences positive way in the image of the company and can turn it into a place where the people want to work. The company on which this consultancy was based belongs to the industry of technology and software. Through digital solutions, it prepares its clients for the opportunities of a changing economy through transformation technology in electronic commerce, artificial intelligence and data analysis. The organization has 505 employees and 6 offices around the world. The consultants carried out an audit of the company where areas were determined of opportunity in the recruitment and selection process, therefore, this consultancy focused on the proposal of strategies that allow the company boost the experience of your candidates, aligned with elements of your culture business. The foregoing, following a model centered on candidates from the first contact to the first day in the company. In order to achieve the proposed objectives, a qualitative and quantitative through focus groups and an applied questionnaire. such tools data collection allowed obtaining information and inputs from the main stakeholders in the different stages of the selection process (interviewers and candidates), and were the basis for the development of the strategies and proposals of this consultancy. This consultancy was structured into the following sections: the approach was addressed of the problem identified through the audit carried out during May to July of the 2022 and a methodology was proposed to carry out the analysis in question. Later expanded on the foundations that support the topic to be developed and the current state of the company with respect to these. Subsequently, the presentation of the investigation, which contains in detail the instruments used to Finally, analyze the data obtained and generate the strategy and tactical plan that is consultancy is proposed.
Maestría en Administración de Recursos Humanos Consultoría y Asesoría
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