Pasantía en medicina felina en “The Cat Care Clinic”, California, Estados Unidos de América y el Hospital de Especies Menores y Silvestres de la Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria, Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica
Monestel Hernández, María José
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Se llevó a cabo una pasantía de 320 horas en medicina felina en dos centros
veterinarios. Entre el 16 de enero y el 22 de febrero de 2023, la pasantía se realizó en
The Cat Care Clinic (TCCC), una clínica exclusiva para gatos ubicada en California,
Estados Unidos de América. Además, se participó en el Hospital de Especies Menores
y Silvestres de la Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria de la Universidad Nacional (HEMS),
desde el 13 de marzo hasta el 6 de abril de 2023.
La pasantía se realizó exclusivamente en medicina de felinos desde la consulta,
diagnóstico, tratamiento y el seguimiento de los casos, además de la participación en
cirugías. Lo aprendido en Estados Unidos de América fue aplicado en el HEMS.
Durante el periodo se participó en la atención de 358 pacientes en ambos centros, lo
que permitió desarrollar habilidades prácticas y aplicar conocimientos teóricos
adquiridos durante la carrera universitaria.
Los principales motivos de consulta fueron por afecciones en el sistema
gastrointestinal con un total de 52 (17%) pacientes en TCCC y siete (14%) pacientes
en el HEMS, patologías del sistema urinario representando 45 (15%) pacientes en
TCCC y 12 (24%) pacientes en el HEMS, patologías del sistema musculoesquelético
en el HEMS con ocho (16%) pacientes y medicina preventiva en TCCC con un total de
58 (19%) pacientes.
En total, se realizaron 125 imágenes diagnósticas, incluyendo 53 (17%)
radiografías en TCCC y 23 (46%) en el HEMS, y un total de 26 (8%) ecografías en
TCCC y 24 (48%) en el HEMS. Del total de pacientes, se realizaron 87 cirugías,
liderando las cirugías del sistema reproductor en TCCC con 50 (78%) pacientes y
musculoesquelético en el HEMS con cinco (22%) pacientes.
A 320-hour internship in feline medicine was performed in two veterinary centers: from January 16 to February 22, 2023, the participation was in an exclusive clinic for cats, The Cat Care Clinic (TCCC), located in California, United States of America. In Costa Rica, the participation was in the Small Animal and Wildlife Hospital (HEMS) of the Universidad Nacional from March 13 to April 6, 2023. The internship was performed exclusively in feline medicine including the initial consultation, diagnosis, treatment, and the follow-up of the cases, in addition to the participation in surgeries. The knowledge acquired in the United States of America was applied at the HEMS. During the period, a total of 358 patients were attended, which allowed to develop practical skills and applying theoretical knowledge acquired during university studies. The main reasons for patient’s visits were conditions in the gastrointestinal system with a total of 52 (17%) patients in TCCC, urinary system pathologies representing 45 (15%) patients in TCCC and 12 (24%), patients in HEMS, musculoskeletal pathologies in HEMS with eight (16%) patients and preventive medicine in TCCC with a total of 58 (19%) patients. A total of 125 diagnostic images were performed, including 53 (17%) x-rays in TCCC and 23 (46%) in HEMS, and a total of 26 (8%) ultrasound in TCCC and 24 (48%) in HEMS. Of the total number of patients, 87 surgeries were performed, leading surgeries of the reproductive system in TCCC with 50 patients (78%) and musculoskeletal system in HEMS with five patients (22%).
A 320-hour internship in feline medicine was performed in two veterinary centers: from January 16 to February 22, 2023, the participation was in an exclusive clinic for cats, The Cat Care Clinic (TCCC), located in California, United States of America. In Costa Rica, the participation was in the Small Animal and Wildlife Hospital (HEMS) of the Universidad Nacional from March 13 to April 6, 2023. The internship was performed exclusively in feline medicine including the initial consultation, diagnosis, treatment, and the follow-up of the cases, in addition to the participation in surgeries. The knowledge acquired in the United States of America was applied at the HEMS. During the period, a total of 358 patients were attended, which allowed to develop practical skills and applying theoretical knowledge acquired during university studies. The main reasons for patient’s visits were conditions in the gastrointestinal system with a total of 52 (17%) patients in TCCC, urinary system pathologies representing 45 (15%) patients in TCCC and 12 (24%), patients in HEMS, musculoskeletal pathologies in HEMS with eight (16%) patients and preventive medicine in TCCC with a total of 58 (19%) patients. A total of 125 diagnostic images were performed, including 53 (17%) x-rays in TCCC and 23 (46%) in HEMS, and a total of 26 (8%) ultrasound in TCCC and 24 (48%) in HEMS. Of the total number of patients, 87 surgeries were performed, leading surgeries of the reproductive system in TCCC with 50 patients (78%) and musculoskeletal system in HEMS with five patients (22%).
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