Estudio de la respuesta serológica al Virus de la Anemia Infecciosa Aviar, utilizando dos vacunas comerciales en cuatro lotes de aves reproductoras y sus respectivas progenies al día de edad
Ramírez Rodríguez, Rodolfo
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
En el presente trabajo se evaluó la seroconversión inducida por dos vacunas comerciales contra la Anemia Infecciosa Aviar (AIA), en cuatro lotes reproductores, dos livianos y dos pesados, hasta las cuarenta semanas de edad y en sus progenies, al día de edad. La aplicación de la vacuna Intervet se realizó vía subcutánea y la vacuna comercial Lohmann, en el agua de bebida.
Los lotes reproductores livianos (Isa Brown x Isa Brown) 2005-2 y 2005-4, fueron vacunados contra el virus de la anemia infecciosa aviar (VAIA) a las 14 semanas y monitorizados a las 13, 17, 26, 30, 35 y 40 semanas. A partir de las 26 semanas, las progenies de ambos lotes fueron muestreadas al día de edad y se dío seguimiento, por seis semanas, a los parámetros zootécnicos de mortalidad, consumo de alimento, peso y uniformidad, a las progenies correspondientes de las 30 y 40 semanas.
Los lotes pesados (Cobb x Cobb) 191 y 192, recibieron la vacuna contra el VAIA a las 17 semanas y se monitorizaron a las 16, 20, 26 y 40 semanas. Las progenies de ambos lotes correspondientes a la semana 26 y 40, fueron muestreadas al día de edad.
Al evaluar la seroconversión en los lotes reproductores livianos 2005-2 y 2005-4, se encontró que a partir de las 13 semanas de edad, ambos lotes presentan una seropositividad que se asoció al desafío natural de las aves al VAIA; la cual fue de 61% para el 2005-2 y 56% para el lote 2005-4. En ambos lotes y después de aplicarse la vacuna, los títulos de anticuerpos asciendieron y la seroconversión para el lote 2005-2 fue de un 78 a 83% y de 83 a 90% para el lote 2005-4. De las 110 muestras evaluadas de las progenies de este lote 2005-4 al día de edad, se obtuvo una seropositividad del 79%, mientras que de 115 muestras analizadas de la progenie del lote 2005-2, la positividad fue de un 65%.
En los lotes reproductores pesados también existió un desafío natural al VAIA, ya que desde la semana 16 se detectaron anticuerpos. Al igual que en los lotes livianos, esta seroconversión de las 16 semanas fue baja y muy inconsistente, oscilando entre 24 a 67%. Tres semanas después de la vacunación, la respuesta inmune se vuelve uniforme y los porcentajes de seroconversión oscilaron entre 94 a 100%, al igual que en las progenies evaluadas en estos lotes reproductores.
En cuanto a los rendimientos zootécnicos obtenidos en las granjas de levante para cada una de las progenies de reemplazo, no se lograron alcanzar los estándares establecidos por la línea genética, debido a problemas en el manejo de aves principalmente.
For the present work seroconversion induced by two commercial vaccines (Intervet: subcutaneously and Lohmann: in water) against Avian Infectious Anemia (AIA) was tested in four reproductive lots. Measurements were made at different times to these birds as well as to their progeny. Two light breeder’s flocks (Isa Brown x Isa Brown) identified as 2005-2 and 2005-4 were vaccinate at 14 weeks of age and sampled at 13, 17, 26, 30, 35 and 40 weeks of age. The progeny of both groups was sampled after hatching and during a six-week period monitorized for parameters such as mortality rate, food consumption, body eight, food conversion and uniformity in size. Additionally, two heavy breeder’s flock (Cobb x Cobb), identified as 191 and 192 were given vaccine at 17 days of age and tested subsequently at 16, 20, 26 and 40 weeks of age. The progeny of both groups was tested at the time of hatching. For both groups of light breeders, specific antibodies were detected (61% for the 2005-2 and 56% for 2005-4) before the scheduled vaccination. It is assumed that these titers are the result of a natural challenge to the virus. After vaccination at 14 weeks of age, titers started to be detectable at week 17 of age, further increasing the percentage of positive animals until it reached 90% at the time of the last testing (40 weeks of age). The progeny of these birds was positive at 1 day of age: 115 samples from lot 2005-2 and 110 from lot 2005-4 were 65% and 79% respectively. When the heavy breeders were tested one week ahead of vaccination time, specific antibodies were also detected (24-67% of the birds). When these birds were challenged by vaccination, seroconversion was detected in 94-100% of them. Similar results were obtained with their progeny. When the previously mentioned the poultry production parameters are analyzed, the results were below expectations. There are good indications that this observation is the result of several management problems.
For the present work seroconversion induced by two commercial vaccines (Intervet: subcutaneously and Lohmann: in water) against Avian Infectious Anemia (AIA) was tested in four reproductive lots. Measurements were made at different times to these birds as well as to their progeny. Two light breeder’s flocks (Isa Brown x Isa Brown) identified as 2005-2 and 2005-4 were vaccinate at 14 weeks of age and sampled at 13, 17, 26, 30, 35 and 40 weeks of age. The progeny of both groups was sampled after hatching and during a six-week period monitorized for parameters such as mortality rate, food consumption, body eight, food conversion and uniformity in size. Additionally, two heavy breeder’s flock (Cobb x Cobb), identified as 191 and 192 were given vaccine at 17 days of age and tested subsequently at 16, 20, 26 and 40 weeks of age. The progeny of both groups was tested at the time of hatching. For both groups of light breeders, specific antibodies were detected (61% for the 2005-2 and 56% for 2005-4) before the scheduled vaccination. It is assumed that these titers are the result of a natural challenge to the virus. After vaccination at 14 weeks of age, titers started to be detectable at week 17 of age, further increasing the percentage of positive animals until it reached 90% at the time of the last testing (40 weeks of age). The progeny of these birds was positive at 1 day of age: 115 samples from lot 2005-2 and 110 from lot 2005-4 were 65% and 79% respectively. When the heavy breeders were tested one week ahead of vaccination time, specific antibodies were also detected (24-67% of the birds). When these birds were challenged by vaccination, seroconversion was detected in 94-100% of them. Similar results were obtained with their progeny. When the previously mentioned the poultry production parameters are analyzed, the results were below expectations. There are good indications that this observation is the result of several management problems.
Modalidad: Práctica Dirigida
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