Pasantía en especies menores en el Hospital Especies Menores y Silvestres de la Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria de la Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Valerio Solís, Francisco Javier
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Se realizó una pasantía de ocho semanas, en el hospital de Especies Menores y Silvestres de la Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria de la Universidad Nacional (HEMS), Heredia, Costa Rica, del 03 de enero al 25 de febrero de 2022, con una duración de 360 horas.
Durante la pasantía se atendió un total de 141 pacientes, de los cuales 128 fueron caninos (90%) y 13 felinos (10%). De los 141 pacientes, 61 fueron atendidos en el área de medicina interna (43.2%), 11 en el área emergencias (7.8%), 45 en cirugía de tejidos blandos (31.9%) y 24 en cirugía Ortopédica o traumatológica (17%).
Los motivos de consulta más comunes en medicina interna fueron los problemas relacionados con sistema musculo esquelético, seguido de problemas oncológicos y sistema gastrointestinal. Dentro de las cirugías de tejidos blandos la enterotomía y castración fueron los principales motivos de intervención, mientras en ortopedia y traumatología fueron las cirugías relacionadas a fracturas.
Se realizaron 128 pruebas de diagnóstico por imágenes, incluyendo ultrasonidos, ecocardiogramas y radiografías. De las pruebas realizadas 55 corresponden a radiografías (42.9%), 50 a ultrasonido (39%) y cinco ecocardiogramas (3.9%).
Gracias a la casuística atendida durante la pasantía fue posible desarrollar destrezas sobre el cuidado del paciente internado, habilidades en la realización de técnicas quirúrgicas y experiencia en la interpretación de imágenes diagnósticas.
An eight-week internship was carried out at the Hospital de Especies Menores y Silvestres de la Universidad Nacional (HEMS), Heredia, Costa Rica, from January 3 to February 25, 2022, with a duration of 360 hours. During the internship, a total of 141 patients were treated, of which 128 were canines (90%) and 13 felines (10%). Of the 141 patients, 61 were treated in the internal medicine area (43.2%), 11 in the emergency area (7.8%), 45 in soft tissue surgery (31.9%) and 24 in orthopedic surgery or trauma (17%). The most common reasons for consultation in internal medicine were problems related to the musculoskeletal system, followed by oncological problems and the gastrointestinal system. Within soft tissue surgeries, enterotomy and castration were the main reasons for intervention, while in orthopedics and traumatology they were surgeries related to fractures. One hundred twenty-eight diagnostic imaging tests were performed, including ultrasounds, echocardiograms, and X-rays. Of the tests carried out, 55 correspond to radiographs (42.9%), 50 to ultrasound (39%) and 5 echocardiograms (3.9%). Thanks to the casuistry attended during the internship, it was possible to develop skills on inpatient care, skills in performing surgical techniques, and experience in interpreting diagnostic images.
An eight-week internship was carried out at the Hospital de Especies Menores y Silvestres de la Universidad Nacional (HEMS), Heredia, Costa Rica, from January 3 to February 25, 2022, with a duration of 360 hours. During the internship, a total of 141 patients were treated, of which 128 were canines (90%) and 13 felines (10%). Of the 141 patients, 61 were treated in the internal medicine area (43.2%), 11 in the emergency area (7.8%), 45 in soft tissue surgery (31.9%) and 24 in orthopedic surgery or trauma (17%). The most common reasons for consultation in internal medicine were problems related to the musculoskeletal system, followed by oncological problems and the gastrointestinal system. Within soft tissue surgeries, enterotomy and castration were the main reasons for intervention, while in orthopedics and traumatology they were surgeries related to fractures. One hundred twenty-eight diagnostic imaging tests were performed, including ultrasounds, echocardiograms, and X-rays. Of the tests carried out, 55 correspond to radiographs (42.9%), 50 to ultrasound (39%) and 5 echocardiograms (3.9%). Thanks to the casuistry attended during the internship, it was possible to develop skills on inpatient care, skills in performing surgical techniques, and experience in interpreting diagnostic images.
Modalidad: Pasantía
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