Tratamiento fisioterapeútico de enfermedades y lesiones del aparato locomotor
Mora Granados, Ericka
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Cuando se estableció el objetivo principal de la práctica dirigida, se consideró tratar casos de pacientes con enfermedades, lesiones o secuelas en el sistema músculo esquelético . Sin embargo, durante la realización la realización de la práctica se observó que algunos pacientes con afecciones del sistema nervioso podían beneficiarse al recibir terapia física, razón por la cual, se incluyó también a este grupo.
A lo largo del periodo de práctica, se aplicó terapia física a un total de 32 casos, de los cuales se observaron pacientes con lesiones músculo esqueléticas, nerviosas o ambas.
La mayoría de los casos fueron atendidos de acuerdo a un protocolo previamente establecido, que incluyó: una entrevista con el encargado, valoración física general y específica de los sistemas cardiovascular, respiratorio, neurológico y músculo esquelético; así como pruebas adicionales destinadas a establecer el diagnóstico, la elaboración del programa de tratamiento y el seguimiento posterior.
De los 32 casos atendidos, dieciséis presentaron afecciones músculo esqueléticas, catorce presentaron alteraciones de sistema nervioso y dos casos presentaron condiciones variadas que no recibieron tratamiento quirúrgico.
En cuanto a los casos que presentaron afecciones del sistema nervioso se observó que diez pacientes presentaron condiciones similares debido a enfermedad de disco intervertebral, y los restantes casos presentaron signos variados de lesiones en sistema nervioso central y lesión de nervios periféricos.
Los programas de rehabilitación elaborados, se basaron en protocolos preestablecidos para condiciones específicas, sin embargo, éstos fueron adaptados de acuerdo con las condiciones de cada paciente. Se emplearon ejercicios especiales, natación, masaje, ultrasonido, electroestimulación y crioterapia.
Del total de pacientes atendidos, diecinueve completaron satisfactoriamente el programa de rehabilitación, de éstos casos lograron recuperarse quince pacientes de forma óptima y dos de forma aceptable. Dos casos no lograron recuperarse. Trece pacientes no completaron el programa.
De los resultados obtenidos, se concluye que la terapia física es de gran ayuda en la recuperación de pacientes con condiciones diversas; sin embargo, no todos los casos responden rápidamente, pudiendo necesitarse numerosas sesiones, razón por la cual, la paciencia y constancia son requisitos tanto para el propietario como para la persona que aplica terapia física a los pacientes.
When the main objective of the directed practice was established, we considered to treat cases of patients with diseases, injuries or sequelae in the musculoskeletal system. Nevertheless, during the realization of the practice we observed that some patients with ailments of the nervous system could improve by receiving physical therapy, and therefore, decided to include them in the study. During the practice period, physical therapy was applied to a total of thirty two cases, some which muscular-skeleton injuries, neural injuries or both. Most cases were attended according to a initially established protocol, which included the interview with the person in charge, general and specific physical evaluation of the cardiovascular, respiratory, neurologic and muscular-skeleton systems; as well as additional test that could be useful a correct diagnosis, elaboration of the treatment program and follow up of the case. Of the thirty two cases attended, sixteen presented muscular-skeleton ailments, fourteen had nervous system alterations and two cases presented conditions of both. Among the cases with muscular-skeleton injuries, twelve patients receive post-surgical rehabilitation while the others that didn’t receive surgical treatment presented various conditions. In the cases presenting nervous system injuries, we observed that ten patients presented paresis or paralysis due to spinal traumatisms, two presented similar conditions due to intervertebral disk disease and the remaining cases presented various symptoms of injuries in the central nervous system and the peripheral nerves. The elaborated rehabilitation programs were based on pre-established protocols for specific conditions. Nevertheless, these were adapted according to the conditions of each patient. The patients receive specific exercises and swimming programs, as well as massage, ultrasound, electrostimulation and cryotherapy. Of the total number of patients attended, nineteen completed the rehabilitation program satisfactorily and fifteen reached optimum recovery and two of them in fairly acceptable form, while two cases did not recover. Thirteen patients didn’t complete the program. Finally, we can conclude that the physical therapy represented a great help in the recovery of an important group of patients whit diverse injuries. Nevertheless not all cases respond quickly, reason why numerous sessions are required. Therefore, patience and constancy are necessary for the owner and the person who applies the physical therapy to the patients.
When the main objective of the directed practice was established, we considered to treat cases of patients with diseases, injuries or sequelae in the musculoskeletal system. Nevertheless, during the realization of the practice we observed that some patients with ailments of the nervous system could improve by receiving physical therapy, and therefore, decided to include them in the study. During the practice period, physical therapy was applied to a total of thirty two cases, some which muscular-skeleton injuries, neural injuries or both. Most cases were attended according to a initially established protocol, which included the interview with the person in charge, general and specific physical evaluation of the cardiovascular, respiratory, neurologic and muscular-skeleton systems; as well as additional test that could be useful a correct diagnosis, elaboration of the treatment program and follow up of the case. Of the thirty two cases attended, sixteen presented muscular-skeleton ailments, fourteen had nervous system alterations and two cases presented conditions of both. Among the cases with muscular-skeleton injuries, twelve patients receive post-surgical rehabilitation while the others that didn’t receive surgical treatment presented various conditions. In the cases presenting nervous system injuries, we observed that ten patients presented paresis or paralysis due to spinal traumatisms, two presented similar conditions due to intervertebral disk disease and the remaining cases presented various symptoms of injuries in the central nervous system and the peripheral nerves. The elaborated rehabilitation programs were based on pre-established protocols for specific conditions. Nevertheless, these were adapted according to the conditions of each patient. The patients receive specific exercises and swimming programs, as well as massage, ultrasound, electrostimulation and cryotherapy. Of the total number of patients attended, nineteen completed the rehabilitation program satisfactorily and fifteen reached optimum recovery and two of them in fairly acceptable form, while two cases did not recover. Thirteen patients didn’t complete the program. Finally, we can conclude that the physical therapy represented a great help in the recovery of an important group of patients whit diverse injuries. Nevertheless not all cases respond quickly, reason why numerous sessions are required. Therefore, patience and constancy are necessary for the owner and the person who applies the physical therapy to the patients.
Modalidad: Práctica dirigida
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