Pasantía en medicina interna, abordaje de emergencias y cuidado crítico en animales de compañía en el Hospital Veterinario Intensivet
Téllez Cascante, Jessica
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
En este documento se presentan los resultados de la pasantía realizada en el Hospital Veterinario Intensivet, ubicado en San José, que tenía como objetivo principal fortalecer los conocimientos teóricos y prácticos de la atención de mascotas en medicina interna, atención de emergencias y cuidados críticos.
La práctica tuvo una duración de 320 horas, en la que se llevó a cabo una recopilación de datos por medio de una bitácora diaria, de los pacientes que ingresaron al hospital en los meses de enero, julio y setiembre del 2020, así como un seguimiento a lo largo de su estancia, los exámenes complementarios que se les realizaron, su diagnóstico y posterior tratamiento.
En total se recopiló información de 176 pacientes, de los cuales 154 eran caninos y 22 felinos y del total, 57 consistieron en emergencias médicas. Se detallan cuales fueron los motivos más frecuentes de consulta entre ambas especies, así como las principales pruebas complementarias utilizadas, los diagnósticos y tratamientos más comunes. Además, se presentan dos casos clínicos que fueron seleccionados como representativos de la práctica en los que se detalla desde la atención a su ingreso, hasta su recuperación y dada de alta. Consisten en un paciente canino que presentó un hemangioma en el atrio derecho y un paciente felino intoxicado por la mordedura de una serpiente coral.
Se concluye que la participación, seguimiento y recopilación de los casos clínicos permite fortalecer los conocimientos teóricos y prácticos sobre la atención de los pacientes en las diferentes áreas de atención médica, pues permite que los estudiantes se familiaricen y adquieran experiencia sobre la atención de los
pacientes desde su atención en consulta hasta su tratamiento.
This document presents the results of the internship made in Intensivet Veterinarian Hospital, located in San José. The main objective was to strengthen the theoretical and practical knowledge on pet internal medicine care, emergency assistance and critical care. The internship term was for a total of 320 hours, in which data was collected through a journal of the hospitalized patients during January, July and September, 2020, as well as the follow up through their stay, additional examinations made, diagnostic and post-treatment. In total, there was collected information of 176 patients, from which 154 were canine and 22 were feline. From the total, 57 were medical emergencies. It is described in detail the most frequent reasons of the medical consultations of both species, as well as the main additional examinations used, the diagnostics and most common treatments. Along with this, there are also two clinic cases presented which were selected as representative of the internship and are detailed from the hospitalization to their recovery and discharge. They consist on a canine patient that presents a hemangioma on the left atrium and a feline patient poisoned by a Coral snake bite. It is concluded that the participation, follow up and collection of clinical cases allow to strengthen both theoretical and practical knowledge about patient assistance in different medical areas, as it allows students to get familiar with the process and to acquire experience about patient assistance from their consultation to their treatment.
This document presents the results of the internship made in Intensivet Veterinarian Hospital, located in San José. The main objective was to strengthen the theoretical and practical knowledge on pet internal medicine care, emergency assistance and critical care. The internship term was for a total of 320 hours, in which data was collected through a journal of the hospitalized patients during January, July and September, 2020, as well as the follow up through their stay, additional examinations made, diagnostic and post-treatment. In total, there was collected information of 176 patients, from which 154 were canine and 22 were feline. From the total, 57 were medical emergencies. It is described in detail the most frequent reasons of the medical consultations of both species, as well as the main additional examinations used, the diagnostics and most common treatments. Along with this, there are also two clinic cases presented which were selected as representative of the internship and are detailed from the hospitalization to their recovery and discharge. They consist on a canine patient that presents a hemangioma on the left atrium and a feline patient poisoned by a Coral snake bite. It is concluded that the participation, follow up and collection of clinical cases allow to strengthen both theoretical and practical knowledge about patient assistance in different medical areas, as it allows students to get familiar with the process and to acquire experience about patient assistance from their consultation to their treatment.
Modalidad: Pasantía
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