Pasantía en medicina interna, atención de urgencias y cirugía de tejidos blandos en especies menores, en el Hospital Veterinario Doctores Chacón, Guadalupe, San José, Costa Rica
Silesky Hernández, Sara
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Se realizó una pasantía de 328 horas en el Hospital Veterinario Doctores Chacón,
ubicado en Guadalupe, San José; en los períodos comprendidos entre el 06 de
enero y el 01 de febrero y el 29 de junio y el 18 de Julio del 2020.
Durante dicho periodo, se acompañó al personal médico en la atención de 371
pacientes, 290 caninos y 81 felino. Del total de casos, 329 correspondieron al área
de medicina interna, 17 a emergencias y 39 a cirugías de tejidos blandos. El motivo
de consulta más común, en el área de medicina interna, fueron los problemas
digestivos, la emergencia más común fue las reacciones anafilácticas y la cirugía
más frecuentemente realizada fue la Ovariohisterectomía electiva.
Adicionalmente, se desarrollaron dos casos clínicos. El primero sobre un canino con
insuficiencia pancreática exocrina y el segundo, otro canino con hipoplasia de
medula ósea relacionado a la administración de Carbamazepina.
Palabras clave: animales de compañía, hipoplasia medula ósea, insuficiencia
pancreática exocrina, medicina interna
An internship of 328 hours was performed at the Hospital Veterinario Doctores Chacón, located in Guadalupe, San Jose. The internship was performed during January 6th to February 1st and from June 29th to July 18th, 2020. During this period, the intern accompanied the medical staff in the care of 371 patients that were catalogued in 290 canines and 81 felines; also, there were 329 cases in the internal medicine area, 17 emergencies and 39 soft tissue surgeries. Digestive problems were the most common reason for consultation in internal medicine, the most common emergency seen was anaphylactic reactions and the elective surgery most performed were the ovariohysterectomies. Two clinical cases were developed, the first one a canine with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency and the second was a canine with bone marrow hypoplasia induced by the administration of carbamazepine. Key words: small animals, bone marrow hypoplasia, internal medicine exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.
An internship of 328 hours was performed at the Hospital Veterinario Doctores Chacón, located in Guadalupe, San Jose. The internship was performed during January 6th to February 1st and from June 29th to July 18th, 2020. During this period, the intern accompanied the medical staff in the care of 371 patients that were catalogued in 290 canines and 81 felines; also, there were 329 cases in the internal medicine area, 17 emergencies and 39 soft tissue surgeries. Digestive problems were the most common reason for consultation in internal medicine, the most common emergency seen was anaphylactic reactions and the elective surgery most performed were the ovariohysterectomies. Two clinical cases were developed, the first one a canine with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency and the second was a canine with bone marrow hypoplasia induced by the administration of carbamazepine. Key words: small animals, bone marrow hypoplasia, internal medicine exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.
Modalidad: Pasantía
Palabras clave