Detección de anticuerpos contra Trypanosoma cruzi en caninos de Costa Rica y evaluación de nuevos casos de tripanosomiasis canina en la comunidad de Getsemaní en Heredia
Bonilla González, Marta Cristina
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La enfermedad de Chagas o tripanosomiasis americana es una enfermedad zoonótica producida por el protozoario Trypanosoma cruzi, el cual puede infectar a humanos, animales domésticos y silvestres. En Costa Rica, sólo se han realizado estudios sobre tripanosomiasis canina en 12 de un total de 82 cantones, encontrándose en todos los cantones estudiados caninos infectados con T. cruzi. Además, no se han realizado estudios que investiguen la infección de T. cruzi en perros de áreas endémicas a través del tiempo mediante diagnóstico serológico y molecular, e identificando el linaje de evolución de T. cruzi infectando a los perros y a los triatominos.
El primer objetivo de la investigación fue determinar la presencia de anticuerpos contra T. cruzi en 427 caninos provenientes de 28 cantones de Costa Rica, para determinar la seroprevalencia a nivel nacional, y determinar si los caninos seropositivos se presentan únicamente en cantones donde se ha reportado previamente el vector y el parásito en perros, o si se presentan casos en otros cantones del país aún no investigados. Las muestras de suero canino se analizaron mediante las pruebas de hemaglutinación indirecta (HAI) e inmunofluorescencia indirecta (IFI). Un total de cinco caninos (1.17%) resultaron positivos, provenientes de cuatro cantones distintos (Mora, San Rafael de Heredia, Liberia y Golfito), la seroprevalencia determinada a nivel nacional fue 1.17%. Se determinó, por primera vez, la presencia de caninos seropositivos a T. cruzi en tres cantones: Mora, Liberia y Golfito. Se recomienda realizar estudios sistemáticos y de amplia cobertura en Costa Rica, para determinar los cantones endémicos e informar a médicos veterinarios sobre los resultados obtenidos, para que tomen en cuenta la enfermedad de Chagas en el diagnóstico diferencial en perros que viven en zonas donde se han reportado caninos seropositivos a T. cruzi.
El segundo objetivo de la investigación, fue determinar por primera vez en la comunidad de Getsemaní, la aparición de nuevos casos de infección de T. cruzi en caninos durante un año, para así conocer si el ciclo del parásito se encuentra aún activo en dicha comunidad y caracterizar los genotipos o linajes de evolución presentes en esta localidad.
Se analizaron muestras de sangre de 55 caninos negativos a T. cruzi al inicio del estudio, en intervalos de tres a cuatro meses, mediante microscopia de luz, hemaglutinación indirecta (HAI), inmunofluorescencia indirecta (IFI) y reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR). Los caninos se dividieron en dos grupos: Grupo 1, el cual lo conformaron 25 perros viviendo en hogares, en donde se había determinado previamente la presencia del vector en el domicilio o peridomicilio; y Grupo 2, el cual lo conformaron 30 perros viviendo en hogares en los que no se habían hallado vectores en el domicilio o peridomicilio. En total, seis caninos (10.9%), todos pertenecientes al Grupo 1, seroconvirtieron durante el estudio en los primeros meses del año (época seca), manteniéndose seropositivos hasta el final de la investigación. Se determinó una incidencia de 24% de tripanosomiasis canina en el Grupo 1. Sólo uno de los seis caninos seropositivos resultó también positivo, una única vez, en la PCR de T. cruzi. El análisis de la secuencia de esta muestra, como las secuencias de T. cruzi amplificadas de los triatominos encontrados en las casas de los perros del Grupo 1, determinó a todas pertenecientes al linaje TcI. Se concluye que el ciclo de infección de T. cruzi se mantiene aún activo en la comunidad de Getsemaní, sobre todo en caninos que habitan en viviendas con reportes del vector en ellas. Se recomienda concientizar a los pobladores sobre la eliminación de los vectores en sus domicilios y peridomicilios.
Chagas disease or American trypanosomiasis is a zoonotic disease caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi. produced by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, which can infect humans, domestic and wild animals. In Costa Rica, studies on canine trypanosomiasis have only been carried out in 12 of a total of 82 cantons, and canines infected with T. cruzi have been found in all the cantons studied. In addition, no studies have been carried out to investigate T. cruzi infection in dogs in endemic areas over time by serological and molecular diagnosis, and to identify the presence of T. cruzi in dogs in endemic areas. serological and molecular diagnosis, and identifying the evolutionary lineage of T. cruzi infecting dogs and triatomines. The first objective of the research was to determine the presence of antibodies against T. cruzi in 427 canines from 28 cantons of Costa Rica, to determine the seroprevalence at the national level, and to determine if seropositive canines are present only in cantons where T. cruzi has been reported. only in cantons where the vector and the parasite have been previously reported in dogs, or if cases occur in other cantons of the country not yet investigated. Canine serum samples were tested by indirect hemagglutination assay (IHA) and indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA). A total of five canines (1.17%) were positive, from four different cantons (Mora, San Rafael de Heredia, Liberia and Golfito), the seroprevalence determined at national level was 1.17%. For the first time, the presence of seropositive canines was determined, The presence of canines seropositive for T. cruzi was determined for the first time in three cantons: Mora, Liberia and Golfito. It is recommended that systematic and wide coverage studies be carried out in Costa Rica to determine the endemic cantons and to inform veterinarians about the results obtained, so that they take Chagas disease into account in the differential diagnosis of dogs living in areas where T. cruzi seropositive canines have been reported. The second objective of the research was to determine, for the first time in the community of Getsemaní, the occurrence of The second objective of the research was to determine, for the first time in the community of Getsemaní, the appearance of new cases of T. cruzi infection in canines during one year, in order to know if the parasite cycle is still active in this community and to characterize the genotypes or evolutionary lineages present in this locality. Blood samples from 55 canines negative for T. cruzi at the beginning of the study, at intervals of three to four months, were analyzed by light microscopy, indirect hemagglutination (HAI), indirect immunofluorescence (IFA) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The The canines were divided into two groups: Group 1, which consisted of 25 dogs living in households where the presence of the vector had been previously determined in the home or peridomicile; and Group 2, which consisted of 30 dogs living in households where no vectors had been found in the home or peridomicile. In total, six canines (10.9%), all belonging to Group 1, seroconverted during the study in the first months of the year (dry season). of the year (dry season), remaining seropositive until the end of the study. An incidence of 24% of canine trypanosomiasis was determined in Group 1. Only one of the six seropositive canines was also positive, only once, for T. cruzi PCR. Sequence analysis of this sample, like the T. cruzi sequences amplified from the canine triatomines found in the homes of the Group 1 dogs, determined that all belonged to the TcI lineage. belonging to the TcI lineage. It is concluded that the T. cruzi infection cycle is still active in the community of Getsemaní, especially in canines living in houses with reports of the vector in them. It is recommended to raise awareness among the population about the elimination of the vectors in their homes and peridomiciles.
Chagas disease or American trypanosomiasis is a zoonotic disease caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi. produced by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, which can infect humans, domestic and wild animals. In Costa Rica, studies on canine trypanosomiasis have only been carried out in 12 of a total of 82 cantons, and canines infected with T. cruzi have been found in all the cantons studied. In addition, no studies have been carried out to investigate T. cruzi infection in dogs in endemic areas over time by serological and molecular diagnosis, and to identify the presence of T. cruzi in dogs in endemic areas. serological and molecular diagnosis, and identifying the evolutionary lineage of T. cruzi infecting dogs and triatomines. The first objective of the research was to determine the presence of antibodies against T. cruzi in 427 canines from 28 cantons of Costa Rica, to determine the seroprevalence at the national level, and to determine if seropositive canines are present only in cantons where T. cruzi has been reported. only in cantons where the vector and the parasite have been previously reported in dogs, or if cases occur in other cantons of the country not yet investigated. Canine serum samples were tested by indirect hemagglutination assay (IHA) and indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA). A total of five canines (1.17%) were positive, from four different cantons (Mora, San Rafael de Heredia, Liberia and Golfito), the seroprevalence determined at national level was 1.17%. For the first time, the presence of seropositive canines was determined, The presence of canines seropositive for T. cruzi was determined for the first time in three cantons: Mora, Liberia and Golfito. It is recommended that systematic and wide coverage studies be carried out in Costa Rica to determine the endemic cantons and to inform veterinarians about the results obtained, so that they take Chagas disease into account in the differential diagnosis of dogs living in areas where T. cruzi seropositive canines have been reported. The second objective of the research was to determine, for the first time in the community of Getsemaní, the occurrence of The second objective of the research was to determine, for the first time in the community of Getsemaní, the appearance of new cases of T. cruzi infection in canines during one year, in order to know if the parasite cycle is still active in this community and to characterize the genotypes or evolutionary lineages present in this locality. Blood samples from 55 canines negative for T. cruzi at the beginning of the study, at intervals of three to four months, were analyzed by light microscopy, indirect hemagglutination (HAI), indirect immunofluorescence (IFA) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The The canines were divided into two groups: Group 1, which consisted of 25 dogs living in households where the presence of the vector had been previously determined in the home or peridomicile; and Group 2, which consisted of 30 dogs living in households where no vectors had been found in the home or peridomicile. In total, six canines (10.9%), all belonging to Group 1, seroconverted during the study in the first months of the year (dry season). of the year (dry season), remaining seropositive until the end of the study. An incidence of 24% of canine trypanosomiasis was determined in Group 1. Only one of the six seropositive canines was also positive, only once, for T. cruzi PCR. Sequence analysis of this sample, like the T. cruzi sequences amplified from the canine triatomines found in the homes of the Group 1 dogs, determined that all belonged to the TcI lineage. belonging to the TcI lineage. It is concluded that the T. cruzi infection cycle is still active in the community of Getsemaní, especially in canines living in houses with reports of the vector in them. It is recommended to raise awareness among the population about the elimination of the vectors in their homes and peridomiciles.
Maestría en Enfermedades Tropicales
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