Protocolos básicos para el manejo prequirúrgico de trauma torácico, abdominal y músculo esquelético en especies menores
Dotti Alvarado, Katherine
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Desde el 12 de mayo hasta el 22 de noviembre del 2008, se realizó una pasantía en 3 hospitales:
1. HEMS de la UNA, Heredia, Costa Rica bajo la supervisión del Dr. Mauricio Jiménez Soto; 2.
VMTH de KSU, Manhattan, Kansas, Estados Unidos bajo la supervisión del Dr. Walter Renberg; 3.
AEC, PC, Omaha, Nebraska, Estados Unidos bajo la supervisión del Dr. Peter Buhr y la Dra. Emily
Durante esta pasantía se atendieron un total de 755 casos, de los cuales 287 representaban traumas
y 468 emergencias no traumáticas. Dentro de las emergencias traumáticas, el atropello fue la causa más
común, siendo los caninos la especie más afectada, con lesiones músculoesqueléticas en su mayoría.
En este trabajo, se hace una descripción del manejo prequirúrgico del paciente traumatizado desde
su llegada al centro médico para su atención. Primero se realizó la clasificación de cada paciente
utilizando el método del triage, separando las lesiones que amenazaban la vida de las de menor trauma.
Se realizó una evaluación inicial, de acuerdo al ABCD del paciente. Posteriormente, se realizó una
evaluación secundaria (A CRASH PLAN), que es la valoración más extensa de todos los sistemas
después de haber realizado técnicas de resucitación. Luego de la estabilización del paciente, se
procedió a realizar procedimientos complementarios tales como radiografía, toracocentesis,
ultrasonografía y/o abdominocentesis. Así mismo, se realizó metodología diagnóstica como medición
de presión sanguínea, presión venosa central, saturación de oxígeno, gases arteriales, electrolitos y
pruebas laboratoriales básicas como hemograma completo, química sanguínea.
Dentro de este trabajo se pueden encontrar protocolos básicos (algoritmos) de manejo torácico,
abdominal y músculoesquelético del paciente traumatizado basándose en información tomada de la
literatura y de cada centro médico visitado.
From May 12th to November 22nd 2008, I performed an internship in 3 hospitals: 1. HEMS, UNA, Heredia, Costa Rica under the supervision of Dr. Mauricio Jiménez Soto; 2.VMTH, KSU, Manhattan, Kansas, USA under the supervision of Dr. Walter Renberg; 3. AEC, PC, Omaha, Nebraska, USA under the supervision of Dr. Peter Buhr and Dr. Emily Buhr. During this internship, I studied a total of 755 cases, 287 of which represented traumatic emergencies and 468 non traumatic emergencies. Within traumatic emergencies, the car accidents was the most common cause, being the canines the most common species affected with musculoskeletal injuries. This work includes a description of pre-surgical management of traumatized patients from the moment the patient arrived at the hospital for treatment. First, a stratification of patients is made, using the triage method, separating those with life threatening injuries from those with minor trauma. An initial evaluation was made, according to the ABCD of the patient. Afterwards, a secondary evaluation was made (A CRASH PLAN), which is a more extensive assessment of all systems after resuscitation techniques were performed. After the patient stabilization, we performed complementary procedures such as x-ray, thoracocentesis, ultrasonography and/or abdominocentesis. Likewise, diagnostic methodology as measuring blood pressure, central venous pressure, saturation of oxygen, arterial gas, electrolytes and basic laboratorial tests as CBC, Chem profile, were performed. This work also includes basic protocols (algorithms) of thoracic, abdominal and musculoskeletal management of traumatized patients based on information taken from literature and each of the medical centers visited.
From May 12th to November 22nd 2008, I performed an internship in 3 hospitals: 1. HEMS, UNA, Heredia, Costa Rica under the supervision of Dr. Mauricio Jiménez Soto; 2.VMTH, KSU, Manhattan, Kansas, USA under the supervision of Dr. Walter Renberg; 3. AEC, PC, Omaha, Nebraska, USA under the supervision of Dr. Peter Buhr and Dr. Emily Buhr. During this internship, I studied a total of 755 cases, 287 of which represented traumatic emergencies and 468 non traumatic emergencies. Within traumatic emergencies, the car accidents was the most common cause, being the canines the most common species affected with musculoskeletal injuries. This work includes a description of pre-surgical management of traumatized patients from the moment the patient arrived at the hospital for treatment. First, a stratification of patients is made, using the triage method, separating those with life threatening injuries from those with minor trauma. An initial evaluation was made, according to the ABCD of the patient. Afterwards, a secondary evaluation was made (A CRASH PLAN), which is a more extensive assessment of all systems after resuscitation techniques were performed. After the patient stabilization, we performed complementary procedures such as x-ray, thoracocentesis, ultrasonography and/or abdominocentesis. Likewise, diagnostic methodology as measuring blood pressure, central venous pressure, saturation of oxygen, arterial gas, electrolytes and basic laboratorial tests as CBC, Chem profile, were performed. This work also includes basic protocols (algorithms) of thoracic, abdominal and musculoskeletal management of traumatized patients based on information taken from literature and each of the medical centers visited.
Modalidad: Pasantía
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