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dc.contributor.advisorLópez Céspedes, Sharon
dc.contributor.authorChaves Jiménez, Alí Roberto
dc.descriptionMagíster en Derechos Humanos y Educación para la Pazes_ES
dc.description.abstractLa presente investigación tuvo como fin el entendimiento de la construcción de las masculinidades en un grupo de adolescentes para la promoción de actitudes que contribuyan a la cultura de paz. En este proceso participaron un grupo de estudiantes del Colegio Humanístico Costarricense, Campus Omar Dengo, que cursaban undécimo nivel. A través de un proceso de observaciones participantes, en espacios formales, como el salón de clases y de espacios no formales como los recreos o actividades lúdicas, se conocieron algunas de las actitudes de los estudiantes entorno a la expresión de sus masculinidades. Además, por medio de un cuestionario, se puedo comprender algunas de las percepciones que como adolescentes manejan sobre la masculinidad, la religión, la feminidad, que es ser hombre, como son sus relaciones afectivas, entre iguales y en pareja, entre otras, que facilitaron el conocimiento sobre la vivencia de la sexualidad desde ese lugar que es la masculinidad de cada uno. Del análisis surge la necesidad de explicar una forma diferente de conceptualizar las masculinidades y desde lo político del manejo de los cuerpos para acuñar el concepto de masculinidades disidentes, puesto que se alejan de la masculinidad hegemónica, construyendo y expresando un masculinidad diferente que, en congruencia con la edad y los procesos de socialización de los últimos dos años, está cargada de matices disruptores y diferenciadores de las masculinidades positivas que se buscan en la adultez, construyen nuevas formas de expresarse y de vivir su sexualidad de forma autónoma. Además, como producto final del trabajo algunos de los estudiantes participaron en la elaboración de un video en el cual ellos mismo realizaban su aporte a la construcción de una cultura de paz.es_ES
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this research was to understand the construction of masculinities in a group of adolescents in order to masculinities in a group of adolescents in order to promote attitudes that contribute to a promotion of attitudes that contribute to a culture of peace. In this process a group of students from the Colegio Humanístico Costarricense, Omar Dengo Campus, who were in their eleventh grade, Omar Dengo Campus, who were in the eleventh grade. Through a process of participant observation, in formal spaces, such as the classroom formal spaces, such as the classroom, and non-formal spaces, such as recesses or recreational and recreational activities, we learned about some of the students' attitudes towards the expression of their masculinities. About the expression of their masculinities. In addition, by means of a questionnaire, we were able to understand some of the students' attitudes about the expression of their masculinities. questionnaire, we were able to understand some of the perceptions that adolescents have about masculinity, religion, femininity, what it is to be a man, what it is like to be a man, and what their relationships are like. Their affective relationships, among peers and in couples, among other things, which facilitated the and others, which facilitated knowledge about the experience of sexuality from the place of masculinity of adolescents. That place that is the masculinity of each one of us. From the analysis arose the need to explain a different way of conceptualizing masculinities and from conceptualize masculinities and from the political aspect of the management of bodies, to coin the concept of masculinity. To coin the concept of dissident masculinities, since they move away from the hegemonic masculinity hegemonic masculinity, constructing and expressing a different masculinity that, in congruence with the different masculinity that, in congruence with age and the processes of socialization of the last two years, is charged with the and the socialization processes of the last two years, is loaded with disruptive and differentiating nuances of the positive masculinities masculinities that are sought in adulthood, constructing new ways of expressing and living their and to live their sexuality in an autonomous way. In addition, as a final product of the work, some of the students participated in the elaboration of a video in which they participated in the elaboration of a video in which they themselves made their own contribution to the contribution to the construction of a culture of peace.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipUniversidad Nacional, Costa Ricaes_ES
dc.publisherUniversidad Nacional, Costa Ricaes_ES
dc.rightsAcceso abiertoes_ES
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.titleMasculinidades y cultura de paz: una revisión desde las vivencias de un grupo de adolescenteses_ES
una.tesis.numero303.660835 C512mes_ES
dc.description.procedenceInstituto de Estudios Latinoamericanoses_ES

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