Pasantía en cirugía ortopédica, traumatológica y neurológica en especies menores. Hospital de Especies Menores y Silvestres de la Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria de la Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica y Hospital Clínico Veterinario de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, España.
Maffio Montero, Melissa María
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Este proyecto consistió en una pasantía en el Hospital de Especies Menores y Silvestres
(HEMS) de la Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria de la Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica y el
Hospital Clínico Veterinario de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (HCVUAB), España
con una duración de ocho semanas.
Durante este tiempo, la estudiante realizó rotaciones en los departamentos de
neurología, ortopedia y traumatología de ambos hospitales. Además, se realizaron guardias
nocturnas en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI) del HCVUAB.
En este periodo, se realizó un total de 75 cirugías, de las cuales el 72% fueron abordadas
por los Servicios de Traumatología y Ortopedia, mientras que el 28% por el Servicio de
Neurología. Del total de las cirugías ortopédicas y traumatológicas, el 75.9% fue realizado
en el HEMS y el 24.1% en el HCVUAB, entre las cuales destacan las efectuadas para el
tratamiento de la rotura del ligamento cruzado craneal (RLCC), la displasia o luxación de la
cabeza femoral, luxación de patela y reparación de fracturas. Por su parte, el 100% de las
cirugías neurológicas fueron efectuadas en el HCVUAB entre las cuales se distinguen la
hemilaminectomía, el slot ventral y la craneotomía.
En el presente trabajo final de graduación, se describen a fondo dos casos quirúrgicos,
el primero un canino de 8 años de edad al que se le realiza una hemilaminectomía por una
compresión extradural de médula espinal producto de una hernia discal Hansen tipo I a nivel
torácico y el segundo caso referente a un canino con RLCC al que se le efectúa el
Procedimiento de Maquet Modificado (MMP).
This project consisted of an externship in the Hospital de Especies Menores y Silvestres (HEMS) of the School of Veterinary Medicine of the Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica and the Clinical Veterinary Hospital of the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (HCVUAB), Spain with a duration of eight weeks. During this time, the student performed supervised clinical work at the neurology, orthopedic and traumatology departments of both hospitals. In addition, she performed night shifts in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of HCVUAB. A total of 75 surgeries were performed, 72% were accomplished by the traumatology and orthopedic service, while 28% by the neurology service. From the total of orthopedic and trauma surgeries, 75.9% were performed in the HEMS and 24.1% in the HCVUAB, the most commonly surgeries performed were for treatment of cranial cruciate ligament rupture (RLCC), hip dysplasia or femoral head luxation, patellar luxation and fracture reduction. On the other hand, 100% of neurological surgeries were performed in the HCVUAB, the most commonly surgeries were hemilaminectomy, ventral slot and craniotomy. In the present project, two cases are thoroughly described. The first one is an 8-yearold dog who underwent hemilaminectomy due to extradural spinal cord compression secondary to a Hansen type I herniated disc at the thoracic level and the second case is a dog with RLCC, which underwent the Modified Maquet Procedure (MMP).
This project consisted of an externship in the Hospital de Especies Menores y Silvestres (HEMS) of the School of Veterinary Medicine of the Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica and the Clinical Veterinary Hospital of the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (HCVUAB), Spain with a duration of eight weeks. During this time, the student performed supervised clinical work at the neurology, orthopedic and traumatology departments of both hospitals. In addition, she performed night shifts in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of HCVUAB. A total of 75 surgeries were performed, 72% were accomplished by the traumatology and orthopedic service, while 28% by the neurology service. From the total of orthopedic and trauma surgeries, 75.9% were performed in the HEMS and 24.1% in the HCVUAB, the most commonly surgeries performed were for treatment of cranial cruciate ligament rupture (RLCC), hip dysplasia or femoral head luxation, patellar luxation and fracture reduction. On the other hand, 100% of neurological surgeries were performed in the HCVUAB, the most commonly surgeries were hemilaminectomy, ventral slot and craniotomy. In the present project, two cases are thoroughly described. The first one is an 8-yearold dog who underwent hemilaminectomy due to extradural spinal cord compression secondary to a Hansen type I herniated disc at the thoracic level and the second case is a dog with RLCC, which underwent the Modified Maquet Procedure (MMP).
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