Pasantía en medicina y cirugía aplicada en animales silvestres de vida libre y cautiverio en Zoológico Simón Bolívar y cirugía en animales de compañía en prácticas privadas.
Campos Picado, Diego
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Se realizó una pasantía bajo la tutoría del Dr. Randall Arguedas Porras, la cual se
desarrolló principalmente en el Zoológico Nacional Simón Bolivar y en diversos centros de
rescate, colecciones de fauna y clínicas privadas del gran área metropolitana.
Dicha pasantía se realizó en el periodo comprendido entre el 24 de noviembre del
2016 y 14 de enero del 2017, con una duración total de 384 horas, tiempo en el cual se
atendieron un total de 133 animales silvestres y 14 animales de compañía; realizándose
procedimientos médicos y quirúrgicos en animales silvestres y cirugías especies de
compañía, previamente programadas en clínicas privadas.
Se profundizó en el caso clínico de un primate geriátrico de la colección del ZNSB,
el cual presentó lesiones cutáneas de aparición repentina y desarrollo agresivo,
diagnosticadas como un linfoma epiteliotrópico, que fue tratado de forma paliativa con
esteroides y remoción quirúrgica de las masas más grandes y que más incomodaban al
animal; sin embargo, la enfermedad progresó de forma rápida y se optó por la eutanasia para
posteriormente enviar el cuerpo del animal a necropsia.
Se desarrolló además el caso quirúrgico de un paciente canino, atendido en la clínica
privada “Martínez y Cruz”, el cual fue diagnosticado por el Dr. Martínez con un tumor
odontogénico (ameloblastoma acantomatoso) adherido a la rama mandibular y después de
suministrar la historia clínica completa y pruebas complementarias al Dr. Arguedas, se
decidió realizar una hemimandibulectomía total como tratamiento curativo para el tumor.
An internship was conducted under the supervision of Dr. Randall Arguedas Porras. It was developed mainly in the Simón Bolívar National Zoo, and in different rescue centers, wildlife collections, and private clinics of the large metropolitan area. The internship was developed from November 24, 2016 to January 14, 2017. It lasted 384 hours in total; 133 wild animals and 14 companion animals were attended during this time. Medical and surgical procedures were performed in wild animals, and surgeries, previously scheduled on private clinics, were performed on companion animals. The work focused on the clinical case of a geriatric primate from the ZNSB collection, which presented sudden onset skin lesions and aggressive development, diagnosed as an epitheliotropic lymphoma. It was treated palliatively with steroids, and surgical removal of the masses that were larger and more discomforting to the animal; however, the disease progressed rapidly and euthanasia was chosen, to subsequently send the animal’s body to a necropsy. Moreover, the surgical case of a canine patient was developed. The patient was attended at the private clinic “Martinez y Cruz”, and was diagnosed by Dr. Martinez as having an odontogenic tumor (acanthomatous ameloblanstoma) adhered to the mandibular branch. After providing the entire clinical history and complementary tests to Dr. Arguedas, it was decided to perform a total hemimandibulectomy, as a curative treatment for the tumor.
An internship was conducted under the supervision of Dr. Randall Arguedas Porras. It was developed mainly in the Simón Bolívar National Zoo, and in different rescue centers, wildlife collections, and private clinics of the large metropolitan area. The internship was developed from November 24, 2016 to January 14, 2017. It lasted 384 hours in total; 133 wild animals and 14 companion animals were attended during this time. Medical and surgical procedures were performed in wild animals, and surgeries, previously scheduled on private clinics, were performed on companion animals. The work focused on the clinical case of a geriatric primate from the ZNSB collection, which presented sudden onset skin lesions and aggressive development, diagnosed as an epitheliotropic lymphoma. It was treated palliatively with steroids, and surgical removal of the masses that were larger and more discomforting to the animal; however, the disease progressed rapidly and euthanasia was chosen, to subsequently send the animal’s body to a necropsy. Moreover, the surgical case of a canine patient was developed. The patient was attended at the private clinic “Martinez y Cruz”, and was diagnosed by Dr. Martinez as having an odontogenic tumor (acanthomatous ameloblanstoma) adhered to the mandibular branch. After providing the entire clinical history and complementary tests to Dr. Arguedas, it was decided to perform a total hemimandibulectomy, as a curative treatment for the tumor.
Modalidad: Pasantía
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